For some reason, Nosdyn smiled to himself.

He wasn't entirely certain why or for what reason. Only that he simply smiled. With William Blake gone, he was free to operate at his own leisure. He took the gold coins and placed them in his rustic old backpack and put it away. He did not know it then, but the enemy was already on the move.

Nosdyn stepped forward towards the campfire. "It will be tonight." Nosdyn said to nobody in particular.

He moved to put out the campfire and prepare for his second meeting with his enemy.

At that point, The Brokenthorn Forest became unusually quiet. Nosdyn did not mind the noise of the forest, but at that point the silence of the wilderness was a heavy weight in the air. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes as he qucikly moved to take the campfire out. It took a short time, and there was smoke swelling off the no longer lit embers of the logs. He moved to undo his tent and hide his supplies. "Time to prepare." Nosdyn said out loud.

As he considered his next move, he decided on something very specific. The first time...Jake caught me off guard and stole something of value. This time...I'm returning the favour. Nosdyn moved into the darker areas of the area around the abandoned camp, and hid behind a nearby tree. He closed his eyes so that the glow of his eyes would not reveal his position too early. Eventually, he knew he had to train some stealth teachings. But for now...this would do.

As he hid there with his eyes closed, his muscles and breathing tensed.

He thought about what he would say to Jake...what he would do. He's probably gotten stronger. And so have I. I have not stopped training... He thought to himself. He unlatched his weapon but did not activate it right at that moment. He merely waited in hiding. He was certain that it would be that night. For the time being, he had to be patient. And wait to set the trap for his enemy.