He's actually gotten weirder. I didn't think that was possible.

While Nosdyn spoke about his myriad of strange fantasies, Jake constantly adjusted his positioning. The level and angle of his blade changed to reflect the demon's slightest movement. He anticipated an attack that never came. Nosdyn seemed content to stand waiting with his weapon at the ready. Jake flowed down out of his high guard and spun his blade through a figure of eight. The crystal edge slashed at the air, so fast it looked like two swords.

"I'm more likely to kill myself in the training yard," he taunted. "You think you have the skill to test me, demon?"

Nosdyn was not much taller than Jake, but much heavier and broader across the shoulders, and much longer of arm. He would have a reach advantage, until Jake pressed to a closer range. The half elf took a swift step like a crane stalking fish. He weaved toward his enemy, feinting and changing direction.

"Do you not know who you are dealing with?" He roared, fanning the air with another figure of eight. "Seven of us sought out Arkboss the Hunted. Seven warriors more able than you. I am the only one to have left that battle with my hide intact." He spread his arms wide, displaying the jacket. "I wear Arkboss' flesh like a badge, but I see you are too stupid to recognize the significance." Another figure of eight, and then another. "It means you should run, Nosdyn."

"It means I am Jake Narmolanya, Hunter of Demons, and my outfit is not yet complete. I will take your hide to the same tanner who worked Arkboss' flesh for me. You may be too chopped up by the time I'm done with you, but I'll try to leave enough at least for a pair of gloves."

The crystal longsword was a whirlwind. The air around it hummed, and the green blade became a blur. Jake took another step toward is enemy, and then another.

"I could have feathered you from a hundred yards with my bow, or roasted you alive as easily as I lit that campfire." He said. "But I wanted to cross blades with you one last time, to watch the light die in your evil eyes before I steal your power and your soul."

His foot lifted for a final step, and his body shifted with a speed not seen before. Jake had been transitioning from a low to high guard, and he suddenly changed direction and brought his blade down, attempting to batter Nosdyn's weapon downward. Almost in the same motion Jake extended his arms and thrust the point of his blade at Nosdyn's heart.

It was a basic two-strike flow that Jake had practiced thousands of times, and he executed it with a precision that lent an alarming amount of power. If either strike landed, the demon would feel the impact as though the blade were clasped by Joshua Cronen himself.