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  1. #1

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    The silence that had been around them in the journey from inn to Guard House was immediately broken as they approached.

    Outside of the large, ram-shackled building that took up a major part of an otherwise unused street, many people milled around. Most had the haunted and dishelleved looks of those who had been through the disaster of that day - now clothed and fed but incredibly done in. They would have a place to stay for the night in the rooms of the Guard House, but then they would be sent back to their homes in the morning, the promise of a new job opportunity occurring some time in the near future.

    As Stare and Nosdyn approached a few of them glanced around and stared at her, looking between the black feathers and his blue skin, caution and respect in their eyes. Though they still talked to one another the volume of it definitely fell as they realised just who was there. Most stayed back, allowing the kenku and demon through, but a rare couple came forwards with open hands. They greeted Stare with a small bow and pleaded for her to take their personal case direct to Vitruvion herself.

    She threw Nosdyn an uneasy look and started faster, apologising as they entered the building. A structure of rooms and halls began, with a few staircases in between, all decorated in little furniture and panelled walls. The people continued inside, and the pleading, but here they were more relaxed, seated, or lounging. Stare felt a strange wave of nausea come over her as she imagined just what a project this would be, trying to please them all, give these people who had lost their dignity and livelihoods back. Despite the fact Vitruvion was a megalomaniac god he had always treated his employees with respect.

    Most of them anyway.

    Grasping Nosdyn's hand tight, her claws likely accidentally nipping at skin, Stare pulled the demon past the people. Their eyes rested on her for full lengths of time and when it came to the guards of the Hollow itself there was some contention. As it stood Stare was the official steward of Vitruvion, and he as the founder and leader of the brothers who ran the Hollow meant that responsibility for the general day to day running of the place fell to her. And those under her. With the Guard House really being the glorified entrance to the Hollow - the wicked catacomb empire as it was - the guards were present. And clearly annoyed that their personal space was being taken up by almost all the workers from the now destroyed mill.

    "Damn sex-dungeon-bloody-project," Stare muttered under her breath as she stared a guard back. And he backed off almost immediately, feeling the anger behind it. She pulled Nosdyn down one, then two flights of stairs, deeper into the Guard House as it was.

    A small hall filled their vision. The end of it ended with a final descending staircase, from which murmurs and faint firelight came. To the right was a single, plain door sent into the wall. Stare took one brief look at Nosdyn before speaking in a quiet voice.

    "This ... through here is my master," she said, "Call him Vitruvion, or any honorific title that you want."

    Then she pushed open the door, taking them inside.

    What lay beyond was a small room, decorated nicer than the rest of the building. Fine paintings took up the walls, and on the opposite wall sat a fireplace, with a cosy white heat emanating from it. It was the only light in the room, but it seemed to be sufficient for the single man who sat there. Regal but relaxed he lounged in the only seat in the room - a red, leather armchair - with legs crossed and an elegant slump to his pose. He wore rich cloth woven into the finest breeches and shirt, with a gentleman's jacket. In his hand, which was angled to his main torso, was situated a cane, and on his face, framed by long locks of white-blonde hair, was a smirk.

    "Well," spoke the man, in a rich, luxurious voice, "How very delightful. Close the door, Stare, and bring your new ... friend to greet me."

    Stare rolled her eyes but did as she was bidden, going behind Nosdyn to close the door. She nodded him to go forth. Lazily Vitruvion stretched out a hand before him, intrigue sparkling in his eyes as he looked the blue-skinned man up and down.

    "You see I have some questions," Vitruvion said, "About you. Firstly, how does a demon come to be contracted to my kenku? What are you doing out of Hadia? And how on earth do you intend to serve her when she already belongs to me?"
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  2. #2

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Nosdyn followed Stare without a single complaint...not even when her claws gently broke skin once in a while.

    He was used to pain...the path of a soldier was full of pain and sacrifice...and loss.

    Nosdyn observed Vitruvion...the man had a ferocity hiding in his eyes...something lurked there. Nosdyn head before that some Thayne liked to take the form of Humes to do their business on Althanas...maybe that was one such case? "Kenku..." Nosdyn repeated the word for a moment as he looked at Stare with a nod. "What I am doing outside of the Tular a complex matter. I initially followed my squadron through a portal that we found some time ago. In my youth. My squad disbanded some time after...but I decided to stay on the surface world and not report back to any of my superiors. I wanted to grow strong and powerful before I became as Overlord Zieg." Nosdyn looked at Vetruvion and nodded. "Stare explained to me the situation at hand. Her master is also MY Master." Nosdyn said calmly and carefully not tripping up over any of his words. He suddenly unlatched the mystical weapon at his side.

    He raised it for a moment and greeted Vetruvion with a strong gesture. He then replaced the weapon back at his side, attaching it back to his belt. "My blade is at your command." Nosdyn understood how The Thayne played their games. He wasn't completely positive that Vetruvion was a Thayne...but he was certain a being of power of SOME sort lurked behind that handsome face. "I'm not certain the details of The Contract itself. Only that I must serve now as is the way of my people." Nosdyn was trying to explain complex matters..but what somehow certain that the being before him would be able to understand everything he spoke about. "I was briefed somewhat on the situation you are currently faced with. You are seeking revenge on someone or something...are you not?" Nosdyn asked.

    "Please tell me I can understand the gravity of the situation." Nosdyn spoke with a surprising amount of articulation. He was clearly a somewhat intelligent Demon not like the brutes of the ancient Demon's War. Some of his kind were clearly capable of vast intellectual deduction. Though admittedly, Nosdyn was still young and was still learning how to control his own powers...he had some way to go still.

  3. #3

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    As Nosdyn raised his sheathed sword to the seated man, Stare saw Vitruvion tense slightly. His crossed leg slipped a little, and his hand grew tighter on his cane. Back straightening he very so minorly flinched, and she was intrigued for a moment. Just what did Vitruvion think Nosdyn could do? What is the fact he was a demon that concern him? Or was the simple act of the weapon being raised? Did he forget, that in that moment he was, apart from some small details, a god, and that, as soon as Nosdyn made to attack that Stare would come running, ready to defend Vitruvion to the last.

    But then the demon, for clearly Stare was right in her suspicions, after Vitruvion's mention of Hadia, has proffered the blade and spoken the words of essential fealty. The same words Stare had been practically forced to utter those few months ago. Calling himself under Vitruivion also, seeing as Stare was her master. She was 'his'. In many ways more than one.

    And then the admittance that Nosdyn did not know the full terms of the contract, and a question of their purpose. "You are seeking revenge on someone or something...are you not?"

    A small glance over to her, those blue eyes of celestial intensity catching hers. Into her mind Vitruvion delved, searching through the silver ring to her cuff, seeking answers to what else she had learnt, what else had been revealed. After a short couple of seconds he grunted and lifted up his caneless hand, opening out the palm flat, clearly inviting something to be placed there.

    No words were needed for her to know what it was he required, seeing as an image of it had just flashed up in her memory. With a small glance to Nosdyn, Stare crossed the room, an apology in her eyes, before she took the small hand-bound book from her tunic and pushed it into Vitruvions waiting palm. The room fell silent for several long minutes as the god flipped it onto his lap and started gently peeling through the pages, his eyes rapidly working over the spindley words and foreign language. Looking back to the demon, the kenku blinked slowly, trying to communicate to him the need to simply be patient in this time.

    The silence went on. She started thumbing the mythril knife at her belt.

    Eventually - "You saw the people outside and inside this building, demon," came the rich, handsome voice again. All eyes turned to the man there. "They are employees of man ... were. The warehouse and mill they worked in, that I own as well as other places, has been destroyed. By a man I have been at war with for some months now, which started over the simple fact he cheated me out of money for a perfectly good product-"

    "And then you had me scare the living daylights from him," Stare muttered.

    Vitruvion waved a hand, but did not look at her. "This has accelerated over time, and this morning ended in his taking hostage of my building and employees, raping some of them and then burning the place alight with a small explosive device. Which I deem to be entirely unforgiveable. I have tried to reason with him, even resorting to kidnapping his daughter, but this has gone too far now. I want him ruined. His title, business, worth, reputation ... gone. I want him gone. If it ends in his death," he shrugged, "It was not my order, alright? If I sent one of my people to do it, the authorities and the public would know far too easily, hence I need one such as you."

    He closed the book slightly, his finger still within, "Do you reckon you can commit to such a task? I presume you may have had history in similar projects?"
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  4. #4

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Nosdyn listened to the information that he'd just acquired.

    This man...Vitruvion...was asking for the destruction of a rival enemy.

    Nosdyn listened very carefully to everything he had just learned. Absorbing every single word...image. Demon politics were similar to the politics this man was proposing...stabbing folks in the back...destroying entire households and clans. Nosdyn pondered the situation at hand. "You needed an outside hand." Nosdyn said carefully. He pondered for a moment or two exactly what was being asked. Nosdyn considered the situation very carefully. He would need information, statistical data, power and knew he would not have that at the same time.

    He was a soldier acting it was always meant to be.

    What would Overlord Zieg do? Nosdyn thought to himself as he considered. He was certain that Vitruvion would provide all the needed information. "In The Tular Plains...we have a military mentality." Nosdyn explained. "We're taught to follow the Squad Leader's command to our very lives." Nosdyn said with a certain sense of pride. "If this is your wish I will see it done. I will bring destruction to the enemy." Nosdyn said matter-of-factly.

    "But yes...I have handled similar projects. I will destroy all of his followers." Nosdyn said with a finality. He figured that Vitruvion meant to utterly destroy his opposition. What that reminded Nosdyn of was the way The Boss in Alerar operated. Nosdyn's mind flashed quickly of The Boss of Alerar..but he knew at that point he was no longer one of The Boss's employees. He was a Demon tied to Vitruvion and Stare...and their particular methods of doing things. He would commit the act to the exact working of Vitruvion.

  5. #5

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    The smile that spread over Vitruvion's face was utterly glorious. Like a sun appearing over the horizon it transformed his features from irritated and conventional, to utterly satisfied. His eyes, all natural azure as a summer, cloudless sky, glistened with an unearthly light. For a moment they seemed to actually glow - as if some otherworldly essence was gleaming through him, and then it faded, softly going back to a normal brightness. It was not distinct, and could easily have been mistaken for a trick of the light or simply amusement on his part, but Stare saw and knew it as the godly power within him thoroughly awakening, called to engage as he learnt more of this demon's particular powers and the idea of taking that one single step closer to defeating Thesus Heysan became possible.

    "I do need him thoroughly taken care of. Either death or complete humilation so that none will ever do business with him would be satisfactory," the celestial being said, leaning back once more in his throne-like chair. "If you are able, then I will employ you. You will be given compensation for your time, of course."

    Looking over to Stare he focused in and addressed her directly. "As for you, my kenku, you will stay with ... Nosdyn, his name was, yes?"

    Stare grunted a cawing reply, a little tired of Vitruvion always trying to seem so impressive, but interested in seeing the project all the way through.

    "Right," Vitruvion picked up and waved the book on his lap. "This, I think I may be able to translate some of."

    That made her blink. And she looked between Nosdyn and the god, suddenly very surprised, and taken aback. She tried to gauge the reaction of the demon but he did not seem to be giving away much "You ... understand it? But that language is ..."

    "Likely demonic, yes," Vitruvion, "And I am a scholar, a man who is very well old enough to have studied most of the languages, or at least have books on them, that you should know well enough, Stare."

    He scolded her with a slightly harsh tone. It made her grumble slightly with a undertone, and if Nosdyn had been watching carefully he may have seen her twinge as a quick jab of pain touched her mind, fresh from the connection between her and Vitruvion. But it was quick, and it was a warning, not the worst he could do and not the worst that had been. She tightened the fold of her arms and just stared, but not reacting further.

    "As I said. I will translate this as best as I can to give you more of an idea of what you can achieve here. Likely only a few portions here and there but it will provide a start. As for you and ... him," he looked back to Nosdyn and addressed him. "Go with Stare and rest for a while ... eat. Plan. She will show you a map of the city and where you might find my enemy. You can come up with some form of strategy. Yes?"

    Stare kicked off from the wall and without another word looked around at Nosdyn, waiting for him to look back at her, and follow her out.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  6. #6

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Bowing his head gently Nosdyn walked out of the room when his order was given.

    He followed Stare out of the chamber stepped into the hallway of the mansion. His eyes were deep in thought as he considered the situation at hand. Many will will be a bloody mess. Just like old times. Nosdyn thought to himself. As he considered everything he'd just learned, he realized that one of his initial thoughts were correct. This man...Vitruvion...he hides power. He will be a useful ally when the time comes. I will follow Stare and Vitruvion to the ends of time if need be. Nosdyn considered the situation carefully. I will have to sever ties with The Boss...but that is something I can take care of later on...I figure that these two are my new Masters now. Nosdyn nodded. It's not such a bad arrangement.

    Nosdyn looked at Stare at that point. "Let's go plan...prepare. I need to know what we are up against. A lot of people are going to die." Nosdyn promised. He'd paid attention to everything Vitruvion was saying. It's not that he wants his enemy defeated...he wants the man utterly destroyed...this could be a new line of business for me. Nosdyn did not feel any sympathy towards the lives that were ruined by the enemy. However, he understood the casualties of war. And they were at war. Fighting against an enemy full of hatred and wished horrible fates on them all. A business dispute likely is what this all is...not very dissimilar from the clan disputes back home. The Tular Plains. Nosdyn thought as he rubbed his chin. Nosdyn needed to study the maps, layouts of the structure they were going to invade. He needed to know exactly what he was going to destroy.

    Nosdyn walked with Stare towards their destination so he could think...ponder...plan.

    The downfall of an entire Clan.

  7. #7

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    She led him away from the stairs that had noise and laughter coming from it. Bringing Nosdyn anywhere near the mass of guards, she was sure, would bring questions, confusion and possibly chaos. Even if he was with her. Even if she did say, "Vitruvion." Demons were not common in this city that was mostly elves, some humans and a smattering of other nations. As the only kenku (that she knew of) in the city, even she stood out like a jester in a royal celebration. Adding a demon into that mix, and introducing him to the toughest active army this side of Raiaera ... it was a bad idea.

    It was why she turned and gestured at Nosdyn's mask.

    "It is alright here, amongst these people who trust me and my 'master'," she drawled the word, "But when we get out to the city proper I suggest you where that thing. I still get more trouble than it is worth, and I am known to be a noble's steward."

    She passed by a window and paused for a bit as she watched the last rays of the sun scattering magenta, orange and scarlet across an otherwise deep blue sky. Her single heavy brow furrowed for a moment before she decided.

    We will be at the mansion, she told the emptiness of her mind.

    Then she did not wait to hear a reply from Vitruvion and turned to Nosdyn. "When was the last time you were in a noble's manor?"

    Not waiting for him to reply she reached out and grabbed his hand - or rather had been aiming for his wrist. Unceremoniously she began to pull him again back through the wood-lined corridors and halls of the Guard House, out past the people who had lost their homes. She promised that their plights would be seen to soon, but advised that really tomorrow they should head back home. Vitrivuion would provide other means of work soon. Then she eased the demon out the front door, by the front of the building and then around to the back by a wide, dark passageway where a quiet and fine stables was kept.

    Fit for any noble. She gestured to his mask again, then a horse.

    "You can ride, yeah?"
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  8. #8

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    The first moment that Nosdyn heard her speak of the mask, he immediately replaced it atop his head, hiding away his exotic features for the time being.

    It will be time soon. Nosdyn thought to himself. When Stare pointed at the horse, Nosdyn nodded. "Not skilled but I can ride...yes." Nosdyn said carefully. Nosdyn assumed the horse she was pointing towards was his. After another nod, he proceeded to mount up on the horse with some degree of skill. Surprisingly, the great beast was able to manage Nosdyn's great weight. At that point, Nosdyn waited for Stare. Whenever he wore his mask, he felt bolder than normal. Probably a side effect of the mask's simple enchantment. He drew the hood of his cape up as he waited for Stare. At that point, he ran a hand across the length of his arcane weapon.

    It was silent now, but soon it would feed.

    Nosdyn planned to quench the weapon's great thirst. The weapon of his people...and those who were dark like he was. Nosdyn was a Demon from The Tular Plains and was trying to write his own destiny. Much like Overlord Zieg once had. For some reason as he sat on the simple leather seat strapped to the horse, Nosdyn looked at Stare. "Will you be joining me on this..? Or am I expected to operate alone?" Nosdyn had to know some of what she was thinking. Nosdyn's people were a people that were bound by contract law. He would carry on the mission to the best of his capacity. For some reason he found himself thinking of that disgusting Elf...his enemy...Jake Narmonalya. Jake stole from day I shall repay the favour. Nosdyn needed to round up every amount of resolve he could. As he waited he considered. Planned, and thought carefully about what must be done.

    Thinking back on his hated enemy, Jake, he considered what he would do if he ever came across The Thief's scrawny little hide again. I am going to kill you Jake. I swear by the bastard Thayne that I am going to kill you someday. That made his stomach swell up in a rage and the rage shot up his spine, he was mentally preparing himself for the task at hand. Vitruvion stated it plain as day. They could not be tied to the downfall of the enemy. Though having Stare along for the ride would be quite interesting. He seldom had the chance to work with an audience.

    As he stood there he waited for the order from her...

  9. #9

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    "I will be joining you," Stare nodded, kicking her horse's sides. Slowly the chestnut mare snorted a little before setting off a lumbering trot. A second later and the mellow clop-clop of a secondary pair of hooves told her Nosdyn's steed was not far behind also.

    "But first we will head over to the mansion. A place where you can rest briefly, if you wish, and eat. And then we can plan and either later today or tomorrow head to war."

    She said 'war' as if it was the most casual thing in the world. A simple word to bandy about, throw into the vocabulary of the air and consider it canon. Rolling her shoulders back the kenky gently urged her horse into a quick canter. Muscles flexed and tensed, huffed steam billowed from round nostrils as the mare sped into the streets of Beinost. Faster still they went, allowing the cobbled streets to disappear beneath their hooves as if they were no more than mere dust, and the very dust itself was left in the memories of yesterday. This duller side of the city soon became a long stretch of silence as they came into the empty part of the district - that space between the Guard House, the once mill and Vitruvion's mansion, where the lack of population had brought just wilderness.

    White buildings and grey passed them by but still onwards Stare pushed the horse. Twisting around in her proud seat of the saddle she watched Nosdyn apparently riding with ease. Through his mask, however, she could not tell if he watched her and so she went on, no words or direction. Simply the rhythm of the street beneath them. Steadily the houses became larger, grander, filling with huge bricks and the beginnings of ornamental gardens. Planes of glass that could be afforded to stretch over a metre wide came into view, the very structure of the buildings now woven with magic. What were simple terraced homes became lone mansions, and untended patches of grass became vast public gardens. Small back alley stores became official specialised small-holdings and where there was no one to walk amongst the streets soon there were stall-holders in the common markets with a lively, bustling crowd.

    Stare pulled her mount back to a trot and threw a nod over to a large crossroad. Leading Nosdyn away from the crowds she angled them back into a dwelling area, to a place where hedges grew tall and the areas between each land area was beyond reason. Quietly and still not speaking Stare led him into a more silent part of the town, where only gardeners sang and birds chirruped. They passed by one, two, three large gates before coming to rest before a fourth pair of ornate ones. Large, made of a dark iron and firly locked they needed Stare to get off her horse and reveal a key from her tunic in order to push them open.

    And behind them a cream house appeared, as vast as a small palace and as elaborate as a revolution painting. Stare nodded to Nosdyn and gestured in as she started towards it, saying, "So, this is where I live."
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  10. #10

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Nosdyn allowed himself a small amount of comfort.

    He steered the horse as a beginner might, but he grew gradually more comfortable at the skill set. When Stare spoke, he listened to her and nodded with approval. "It's quite a nice place." Nosdyn was socially inadequate...but he was trying to keep the tension he felt as controlled as possible. He never knew what words to say to allies or friends. He looked around as they entered the decently sized structure. She...must have quite a bit of resources at her disposal. Nosdyn liked the idea of working with folks like Stare and Vitruvion.

    In Alerar, Nosdyn worked for an enigmatic individual who was a called only "The Boss". By enemy and associate alike. He was a part of the "criminal" element of Alerar and Ettermire herself. That contract is what lead Nosdyn to his hated the first place. It was during one such raid working for The Boss...that Jake had stolen from Nosdyn. An artifact that rightfully belonged to his employer. Nosdyn had ruined many lives to try to obtain that artifact and Jake took it from him before he could claim it. A battle occurred, and Nosdyn fled from the site when far too many mercenaries and Ettermire police force showed up. Jake had won that round.

    Never again.

    "NEVER AGAIN!" Nosdyn suddenly yelled. Nosdyn looked at Stare for a moment after that short outburst. "When your enemy is adequately destroyed, I have a favour I will need to ask of you." Nosdyn said calmly as they approached the stables where the two horses would be placed for rest, and food. "I have an enemy as well. Perhaps you can help me track him down when we are done with the current job. My enemy is an Elf named Jake Narmonalya." The face of his enemy flashed before his eye. He swore he would kill that teleporting bastard Elf some day. Nosdyn frowned behind the mask, deep in thought. He wondered if Stare even knew Jake...or if she did, would she help Nosdyn to track The Elf down. He wondered. He shook his head. "I apologize, Stare. My problems are not your burden. Jake stole something from me of great importance. I intend to take it back from him and someday kill him." At that point, they arrived at the stables.

    Nosdyn dismounted with some degree of skill and lead his horse towards the stable hands. His eye twitched for a moment but he held a surprising degree of self composure. Nosdyn looked at Stare and waited for what they would do next.

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