As Nosdyn raised his sheathed sword to the seated man, Stare saw Vitruvion tense slightly. His crossed leg slipped a little, and his hand grew tighter on his cane. Back straightening he very so minorly flinched, and she was intrigued for a moment. Just what did Vitruvion think Nosdyn could do? What is the fact he was a demon that concern him? Or was the simple act of the weapon being raised? Did he forget, that in that moment he was, apart from some small details, a god, and that, as soon as Nosdyn made to attack that Stare would come running, ready to defend Vitruvion to the last.

But then the demon, for clearly Stare was right in her suspicions, after Vitruvion's mention of Hadia, has proffered the blade and spoken the words of essential fealty. The same words Stare had been practically forced to utter those few months ago. Calling himself under Vitruivion also, seeing as Stare was her master. She was 'his'. In many ways more than one.

And then the admittance that Nosdyn did not know the full terms of the contract, and a question of their purpose. "You are seeking revenge on someone or something...are you not?"

A small glance over to her, those blue eyes of celestial intensity catching hers. Into her mind Vitruvion delved, searching through the silver ring to her cuff, seeking answers to what else she had learnt, what else had been revealed. After a short couple of seconds he grunted and lifted up his caneless hand, opening out the palm flat, clearly inviting something to be placed there.

No words were needed for her to know what it was he required, seeing as an image of it had just flashed up in her memory. With a small glance to Nosdyn, Stare crossed the room, an apology in her eyes, before she took the small hand-bound book from her tunic and pushed it into Vitruvions waiting palm. The room fell silent for several long minutes as the god flipped it onto his lap and started gently peeling through the pages, his eyes rapidly working over the spindley words and foreign language. Looking back to the demon, the kenku blinked slowly, trying to communicate to him the need to simply be patient in this time.

The silence went on. She started thumbing the mythril knife at her belt.

Eventually - "You saw the people outside and inside this building, demon," came the rich, handsome voice again. All eyes turned to the man there. "They are employees of man ... were. The warehouse and mill they worked in, that I own as well as other places, has been destroyed. By a man I have been at war with for some months now, which started over the simple fact he cheated me out of money for a perfectly good product-"

"And then you had me scare the living daylights from him," Stare muttered.

Vitruvion waved a hand, but did not look at her. "This has accelerated over time, and this morning ended in his taking hostage of my building and employees, raping some of them and then burning the place alight with a small explosive device. Which I deem to be entirely unforgiveable. I have tried to reason with him, even resorting to kidnapping his daughter, but this has gone too far now. I want him ruined. His title, business, worth, reputation ... gone. I want him gone. If it ends in his death," he shrugged, "It was not my order, alright? If I sent one of my people to do it, the authorities and the public would know far too easily, hence I need one such as you."

He closed the book slightly, his finger still within, "Do you reckon you can commit to such a task? I presume you may have had history in similar projects?"