The first moment that Nosdyn heard her speak of the mask, he immediately replaced it atop his head, hiding away his exotic features for the time being.

It will be time soon. Nosdyn thought to himself. When Stare pointed at the horse, Nosdyn nodded. "Not skilled but I can ride...yes." Nosdyn said carefully. Nosdyn assumed the horse she was pointing towards was his. After another nod, he proceeded to mount up on the horse with some degree of skill. Surprisingly, the great beast was able to manage Nosdyn's great weight. At that point, Nosdyn waited for Stare. Whenever he wore his mask, he felt bolder than normal. Probably a side effect of the mask's simple enchantment. He drew the hood of his cape up as he waited for Stare. At that point, he ran a hand across the length of his arcane weapon.

It was silent now, but soon it would feed.

Nosdyn planned to quench the weapon's great thirst. The weapon of his people...and those who were dark like he was. Nosdyn was a Demon from The Tular Plains and was trying to write his own destiny. Much like Overlord Zieg once had. For some reason as he sat on the simple leather seat strapped to the horse, Nosdyn looked at Stare. "Will you be joining me on this..? Or am I expected to operate alone?" Nosdyn had to know some of what she was thinking. Nosdyn's people were a people that were bound by contract law. He would carry on the mission to the best of his capacity. For some reason he found himself thinking of that disgusting Elf...his enemy...Jake Narmonalya. Jake stole from day I shall repay the favour. Nosdyn needed to round up every amount of resolve he could. As he waited he considered. Planned, and thought carefully about what must be done.

Thinking back on his hated enemy, Jake, he considered what he would do if he ever came across The Thief's scrawny little hide again. I am going to kill you Jake. I swear by the bastard Thayne that I am going to kill you someday. That made his stomach swell up in a rage and the rage shot up his spine, he was mentally preparing himself for the task at hand. Vitruvion stated it plain as day. They could not be tied to the downfall of the enemy. Though having Stare along for the ride would be quite interesting. He seldom had the chance to work with an audience.

As he stood there he waited for the order from her...