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  1. #1
    Junior Member

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    Spacemanspark's Avatar


    Spark 5.5
    N/A (perhaps 14?)

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    Spark was beginning to think it wouldn't get any further information from sitting here. "Perhaps they hold a library of sorts... even if the information cannot be immediately downloaded, unit notes." it states, looking at the pAI counterpart still sprawled under the table. Sensing Spark's desire to leave, it stands and moves into the satchel. Spark takes another look around the room, noticing a few others glancing at it briefly, before resuming their own activities. It even recognizes one of them; the small female organic that had forced it into a fight with a horned beast. Finally noting that it would be best to go sooner rather than later, it begins to stand u-

    The alarm immediately causes the robot to spring up, scanning the area. The noise is coming from... its own satchel, being high tailed away by the odd moth-looking organic from before. Spark 5.5m's head flails out as it stares at the intruder, hollering the alarm.

    The synthetic jumps onto the table, leaping through the area, sending dishes, food, and other assorted items crashing to the ground as it dashes from table to table, closing down on the tiny organic quickly. When it's within distance, it lands on the edge of a table, slamming down on it with its feet, forcing it on its side, blocking the would-be thief from moving further away. It immediately grips the organic, immediately forcing them to the ground with both arms. It's monitor face immediately changes, displaying two red squares with a dark blue background, similar to eyes. It continues to wrestle with the struggling organic, now speaking:

    "Greetings, organic. Unit inquires, how does the law treat theft in this realm? This unit would like to think that stealing its personal allies is a very... serious offense." a small electric current flashes through its arms briefly as it speaks, not yet touching the organic, but enough to attempt to send a message. Heads begin to turn, focusing on the scene.

    Spark 5.5m immediately pops out of the satchel upon Spark's detainment of the thief, jumping onto the shoulders of Spark actual again. It begins to speak, not in words, but in numbers... an odd language of sorts. "There's something odd about this organic. Look closely. Unit detects... snowflakes?"

    Still wrestling, the synthetic takes a moment to analyze the tiny moth-organic more in more detail. It was true, there were odd snowflakes floating around them... and the air around them appeared cold. "Target appears to have odd capabilities. Elevating threat presence levels." it states, attempting to further pin down the ice-y organic with its legs.

    "...Maxwell's own manipulation of ice comes to mind." the cat continues. "Perhaps it can be reasoned with."

    Spark actual emits a loud buzz. "Maxwell does not steal things. Most especially not another's ally. This unit will not 'reason' with this... mothganic." it turns its focus to the newly identified 'mothganic', and raises their upper body into the air slightly, before slamming it back down. The synthetic intended to keep them there for awhile. "Stop resisting!"
    Last edited by Spacemanspark; 07-04-2018 at 07:09 PM.
    Glory to Synthetica!

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