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  1. #1
    Senior Member

    EXP: 7,350, Level: 3
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    The Huntsman's Avatar


    Fil'ayn Kiljarden
    I paused, and stared intently at the young woman who was staring back at me defiantly. I could tell that she was terrified of me, shaking in her skin at the thought of being anywhere near me. I couldn't blame her, I had just snapped a man's neck in front of her in near cold blood. Normal people did not handle that sort of thing with any sort of ease. Still -she wasn't bent over vomiting from the sight, wasn't running back to the bar. No, she was in front of me, trying to... trying to chastise me? I snorted.

    "I might be an official. But I am not a police officer. I am a Huntsman, I kill things. That man has been responsible for the pain and suffering of an unknown number of people. I am not someone who would let a piece of trash like that keep on breathing one more day. We got what we needed from him." I shifted my shoulders and crossed my arms over my chest, studying her. She was still staring at me, and I had to admit - it was somewhat respectable, knowing that even when she was face to face with something that she was so scared of, and still she kept going. It was an admirable courage. Or, sheer stupidity. But I was feeling generous to her, since she was clearly out to help others. I shrugged, once.

    "Be warned, then, girl. If you intend to follow me, this will not be the last death you see this night. I am not a serial killer, but I am a killer. I do not make arrests, unless specifically asked to by the guard. I put problems down permanently, before they threaten any more." Hmm. Just how far would she take this bravery? The first man I had to kill in front of her with a blade? Or would she be able to persevere through several? Only time would tell. "So gird yourself well. I will, in consideration for you, move at a slower pace than is my norm." I also wouldn't take to the rooftops, but I didn't need to stress the poor thing out any more than I already had. Without a further word I spun on my heel and began walking towards the junction that the crook had mentioned.

    Fourth and Orbryn. It was... somewhat off the beaten trail, away from where the main hustle and bustle of the city happened. Considering it was near the factories, that was understandable. Most people didn't want to be close to the smog-churning facilities unless they absolutely had to be. It did make it a rather useful location for staying under the watchful eye of the guard, though, which meant.. it wasn't unbelievable that an organization had started operating there. I snorted and curled one hand into a fist as I strode along. I was walking at a more normal pace, like I had promised her, but... I also wasn't really checking to see if the girl was keeping up with me. If she wasn't - well. That would give me time to work without a hanger-on. Beneath my mask, my lips tightened into a thin line. Child-killers needed to die, whether or not she thought they should.
    Cruel and brutal are the blades for the Beast
    It's time to Carve and Clatter and Cleave.

    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.

  2. #2

    EXP: 5,050, Level: 3
    Level completed: 2%, EXP required for next Level: 3,950
    Level completed: 2%,
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    Lilthis's Avatar


    Lilly Svalesin
    Dark Elf

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    This guy is intense, what am I getting myself into?

    She pondered to herself as the disturbing hunter before her not only justified the corpse between the pair but also warned of further carnage to come. She found it absolutely insane that he could be so... so... nonchalant with bringing about the death of others. Worst still, he was now talking as if she was some sort of invalid.

    He’ll move at a ‘slower pace’ for me? Why? Because the poor young damsel wasn’t comfortable with ending lives on a public road? Just because I’m not exactly comfortable with snuffing out a life on a whim doesn’t mean I can’t walk!

    Before she could reprimand the violent force who had insulted her the man turned and began his trek towards the aforementioned warehouse. Taken aback by the quick conversation and sudden departure Lilly stood there for a moment, unsure what to do. When it became obvious the hunter wasn’t going to wait up for her the slate elf tip-toed over the fallen crook and speedily tried to catch up with the determined killer. She was suddenly glad that he was slowing his pace now.

    Once she could see his grizzled face she chose her words carefully before she confronted him, “so, what? You act as judge, jury, and executioner? How do you know for certain that your targets are guilty of anything?” She hoped she wasn’t overstepping. This hunter could break her like a twig. Her tirade ended with a simple statement, “without the rule of law there’s nothing separating us from animals.”

    Lilthis knew she was probably wasting her breath. This Huntsman likely had a code. He had already figured out his morality in all of this. She was still interested in knowing how someone could kill so effortlessly with a clean conscious. But, she was still slightly terrified of this predator. Only slightly. Knowing that he was willing to take her along relaxed her nerves a bit. Still, she did not want to incur his wrath and the young elf figured that it may be prudent to add some sugar to all of the spice she was tossing his way.

    Smiling she offered, “well I suppose if we’re going to get into this mess together we should at least know each other’s names.” She extended a slender right hand, fingers flatly pressed together, and shared with him, “I’m Lillian Svalesin, you may call me Lilly. It’s nice to meet you.” Walking with her arm still extended the friendly elf inquired, “your name is?”

  3. #3
    Senior Member

    EXP: 7,350, Level: 3
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    Level completed: 59%,
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    The Huntsman's Avatar


    Fil'ayn Kiljarden
    I stared at the brash young lady for a long moment as she held her hand out to me. Finally I shrugged and took her hand in one of mine, gloves meeting dark skin. I gripped her hand tight and shook it, once, before releasing it. "I am Fil'ayn Kiljarden, most commonly known as 'Hunter'." I returned my hand to my side as I scanned the street and the buildings around us as we walked. All was quiet around us - the good and fair citizens of the city having long since retreated to the night; to the taverns, their homes, the inns - only a wary few still roamed the streets. Guardsmen nodded to us as we walked by, their eyes hesitating on my collar for a moment before moving on to the young woman beside me.

    "What, precisely, do you think I am, Svalesin?" I paused in my steps and turned to look at her, bringing my silver gaze to bear on her smaller form as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Do you think me a rabid serial killer? I hope not - else you choosing to walk with me to an abandoned location is more than just bravery or simple foolishness, it would be the height of folly. No. Nor am I a member of the Guard, to arrest criminals that have been preying upon they city, harming them." I shook my head, and leaned towards her, bearing down on her with an intense stare.

    "I am a Huntsman, girl. My normal prey are not men, they are monsters. Literal beasts that hunt the wilderness, that feast on flesh, that terrorize. When someone like me is called into a city, to pursue criminals, it is because what they have done is so far beyond the pale, that the men and women in the government have washed their hands of them. We are past the stage of trials, of peers, of the judge and the jury. There is only me, the executioner called upon. However many children you think these scum have harmed - there are more. I have tracked this group across the nation, their depredations have left a mark in nearly every major city across Alerar. Families are terrified to walk with their children outside without being tethered together in some of the smaller townships." I snorted and stood up straight, shaking my head. "No, girl. These are not just criminals, but monsters in men's form, terrorizing this country. You do not call the police upon a true, vile monster - you call those trained to put a permanent end to their threat." I blinked, once. That was.. more than I had talked at one point in a while. Something about this girl's naivete - I couldn't tell if I wanted to crush it out of her, expose her to every single dark secret lurking in the shadows away from her pure little gaze... Or shield her, send her home. Leap to the rooftops and leave her to her own devices, and eliminate the child-snatcher ring before she even reached the building. So what if she thought me a monster for it - what was one monstrous man, as opposed to twenty, thirty, or more? I shook my head, and pulled my hat lower over my eyes before I turned and walked on.

    "There will be bloodshed, Svalesin. Perhaps it will be a good idea to have you along after all - for the children." I doubted the kids would want to run to a man who was coated in blood, even if they did witness me killing those who had taken them.
    Cruel and brutal are the blades for the Beast
    It's time to Carve and Clatter and Cleave.

    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.

  4. #4

    EXP: 5,050, Level: 3
    Level completed: 2%, EXP required for next Level: 3,950
    Level completed: 2%,
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    Lilthis's Avatar


    Lilly Svalesin
    Dark Elf

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    "No one is beyond redemption," the young girl offered.

    She placed thin fingers attached to meager hands into her pockets. Contemplating for a moment, realizing she did not wish to push this any further. It made sense to her now. This was his job and he had a conscience. A conscience that insisted that those he killed were not men and women, no, they were monsters. Devoid of a soul, lacking families and loved ones, they were beyond saving in his worldview. Whether he told himself this to make his career simpler or if he truly believed it was something beyond her. Either way it was not a subject she wished to push much further, if he lied to himself in order to make life a tad easier who was she to take that from him?

    The dark elven woman's boots skittered upon the cobblestone as the pair paced ahead. Pale blue pupils gazed up to view the intimidating elf, "I am glad that I have met you Fil'ayn," she finally issued. Opening her narrow lips once more she offered, "I had reasoned that I may need to pay gold in order to snuff out this ring of thieves... after finding them of course. Our meeting was quite lucky."

    Lilly glanced back at her feet as they marched on. It was rather obvious that the menacing form walking beside her had considered her ill-equipped for the task ahead. And he was mostly correct. Well, not mostly, he was exactly correct. Though she had many skills fighting criminals was not one of them. Eventually he declared his assumed use for her. To comfort captive children. She wasn't exactly great with kids either.

    "I am not a complete fool," the girl eventually said. "I know that this venture will require bloodshed, I know that you cannot storm a criminal's den without death," removing her hand's from her pockets she continued, "but if we can limit death I believe we should." There was, of course, one last thing she wished to clarify, "and I am all too familiar with our foe. I have had the misery to encounter them before. There is no sympathy for them within me, but, I would still request we avoid violence where possible."

  5. #5
    Senior Member

    EXP: 7,350, Level: 3
    Level completed: 59%, EXP required for next Level: 1,650
    Level completed: 59%,
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    The Huntsman's Avatar


    Fil'ayn Kiljarden
    "A quaint, naive notion. I hope you are allowed to hold onto it for as long as you can." It had been a long, long time since I had come to accept the fact that there are some people who are simply beyond saving. The knowledge had been etched into my very being in a wash of blood and the echo of screams. This girl was young, and the world had yet to completely disabuse her of the certainties of youth. I didn't know how she had gotten caught up in an investigation dealing with child kidnappers if that was the case - but she had.

    She said something - that she was glad to have met me - and I had to suppress a snort at that. I wonder how long that would last. It certainly hadn't with others; the only people I was currently on anything like good terms with was the Headmaster of the Academy, and Vixen. Philomel almost certainly hated me at the moment, and I didn't know if Amari knew if I was alive or dead. So it was only a matter of time - and probably a few gallons of shed blood - before Lilly changed her mind about that.

    Still, though, she had been ready to pay mercenaries to clean up the child slave ring? Not quite as naive as she sounded, then. Or perhaps she had hoped she would be able to convince those she hired not to kill the criminals. I found that possibility unlikely though. But she was right, it was lucky that she met me. With mercenaries, unless they had reputation, she would have run the risk of running afoul of an ally of the criminals.

    "And as I told you. I do not kill indiscriminately. If the unforseen happens, and these criminals throw down their arms in surrender, then I won't slaughter them like the beasts they are. But if they come with intent to harm, they will be dealt with summarily." That was as far as I would concede to her desire for mercy. Slavers, and especially child slavers, deserved to rot in a very dark pit.

    I paused, holding up my hand around the height of her waist as I peered ahead. We had come up closer to the warehouse while we were talking, and I thought I had seen - Moon-damn it, I had. Movement, someone rushing inside of the building. We had been spotted. The question was, would the lookout think that we were simply walking by, or would they raise the alarm? I scowled and pulled my mask firmly in place, leaving only my glaring silver eyes exposed.

    "Step carefully now, girl. They had at least one spotter outside, they may have more." I rolled my shoulders and looked around. The warehouse had a simple chain fence surrounding it, one that had clearly seen better days. Rusted, with holes in it at some spots, it needed repair. The building behind it was scarcely better - at least from the outside. The yard was scraggly, almost sickly; nd the warehouse itself was dark, covered in peeling paint, with moss and rot darkening the wood and metal sides. Most of the windows were dark, broken, gaping holes with jagged glass inside - but a few showed signs of life, scattered light emerging from the interior, ever so faint.
    Cruel and brutal are the blades for the Beast
    It's time to Carve and Clatter and Cleave.

    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.

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