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    EXP: 5,050, Level: 3
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    Lilly Svalesin
    Dark Elf

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    Hearing the sound of a scuffle Lilly tried to raise herself up. The physical damage she suffered was minor, skinned knees underneath her darkly colored trousers and a minor scrape on her right wrist. However, her pride hurt a hell of a lot more.

    As the youthful elf finally arose the hood draped over her head fell back, revealing long alabaster hair still neatly tucked behind pointed ears. Brushing off her knees she peered several paces forward where the girl could make out the spectre of a menacing hunter stood above his downed mark. A lump formed in Lilly’s throat as the inquisitive elf noticed that the hulking figure was glaring at her and reaching what she could only assume was a weapon. She gulped, and tried to contemplate her options as she stood under the luminescence of a crescent moon.

    Should I turn around and run? Not sure that I can outrun this guy, he seems pretty athletic. Maybe I can head back into the bar, pretend I saw nothing. Though if I do that he could come back for me, right? Ugh, no, I’ve wasted enough time today. If he’s a man of the law he may listen if I am up front. Honesty could prove to get me what I want and gain his trust. Let’s just hope these ‘Huntsmen’ have some kind of moral compass.

    “Uhh, good evening, sorry that I startled you,” the raven skinned elf called out as her small hand caressed the back of her neck, “see I guess I can be a bit clumsy and so um.” Nervous laughter followed as her hand dropped from her neck and began playing with a gear on her gauntlet.

    Just blurt it out Lil, you’re acting stupid.

    “I’m tracking a group of deviants that I believe are trafficking children, possibly as labor and I really want to question that guy you just dropped because I think he may have information pertaining to it, see, I have been traveling for a bit and this is about the closest I’ve come to finding their hideout so it would really be helpful... if you don’t mind... I mean, I understand if you do so you can just tell me if,” she froze mid run-on sentence and buried her face into both hands briefly before looking back up at the intimidating figure before her.

    Too much blurting. Should really read a book on subtlety sometime.

    Out the corner of her eye amidst moaning she could see the crumpled victim’s face go blue. It was obvious from his reaction that he knew something. After her embarrassing outburst the would-be detective just had to hope the powerful man before her would be willing to give her a few minutes to ask some questions of his prey. Or at the very least Lilly wished that this indomitable force before her wouldn’t try to harm her for disturbing his business.
    Last edited by Lilthis; 06-19-2018 at 09:19 PM.

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