He started small at first only trying to stand on his own two legs for a few moments. Then he went on to walking to the door of his room and back. But bit by bit Hayate proceeded to get stronger. He hadn’t a choice in the matter. Lord Osiris had already been waiting on him for this long and Hayate couldn’t wait to see how his family and friends faired on their trip. He had to get going soon.

Why, where have you gone? Hayate thought to himself hoping Yamato would answer him. But to his dissatisfaction he heard nothing in response. What do I need to do?

For the longest time Hayate relied heavily on heavily on his partner and even now he struggled without him. Thinking back to what his father and grandfather said to him many years ago Hayate remembered that Yamato felt the same pain that he did. Maybe he was just inert and recovering just like the former master of Yukon. Or maybe it was
something much worse, something that couldn’t be help. The very though made his skin crawl and want to hop off his flesh.

His recovery had been going as well as it could be expected and Hayate was almost ready to leave. But despite his protest the Lolitches still insisted he wait until the end of the
week. They had arranged passage for the young swordsman back to Radasanth on a local trader’s caravan leaving out in a few days. Hayate was in no shape to try and attempt the trip alone and accepted under the condition that they allowed him to return in a few months’ time to repay his debt.

It had officially been three weeks since the Lolitches had taken Hayate in and today he was finally strong enough to leave. He had been walking for a few days and found the strength needed to make it back to Radasanth, which was only two days’ worth of a ride from here. So with all the hospitality in the world Hayate waved goodbye to the family that had cared for him vowing to return the favor in the future. The young swordsman did leave behind a number of jewels he had managed to save from his estate as payment for the time being.

He hoped that whatever was stopping him from reaching his partner would soon come to an end. Or at very least he hoped that when he met back up with Shinsou that he could help him out in some way or fashion. In his heart he knew that Yamato was still there, he just couldn’t see him.