The morning sky was purple.

Unable to sleep, even after the shaky recovery after so many hours, Felicity leaned against the ship, railing as she looked ahead. Folded arms propped her chin up as she gazed upon the aquamarine waters. She was completely exhausted. Peaceful sleep was a rare thing, unless she took knockout drugs. Well, she had run out of those yesterday. She would need to make more once she made it to Nevin's. The blood mage's house was still eons apart, however. The waves stretched on forever.

She sighed deeply, tears forming. She needed him. She needed him to calm her down again, soothe her, remind her she would be okay. Her older brother figure was so important to her. She needed his hand on her shoulder, his awkward but amusing smile.

Better to reflect on fond memories than bad ones, even if the bad ones were often involuntary.

She continued to look out in sorrow.

The sound of a door opening caused her to jump. Green eyes dilated as she hoisted herself up. She looked towards the entrance to below deck. A blond man, built and trim, stepped onto the dock wearing a white shirt and brown trousers. He stepped up to the edge of the boat. He took in a breath of fresh, salty sea air. As mist from the water sprayed them both, he smiled joyfully. “Am'aleh has blessed us again.”

A Thayne follower. Felicity shrugged him off, too foul of a mood to speak to anyone. Yet, he spoke to her. As she gazed upon the ocean, he chirped, “What takes you to Corone?”

She glanced briefly at the fellow passenger, only with her eyes. Without turning her head, she meagerly blinked and watched the sea again, “I have a brother in Radansanth.”

“Family reunion?” He placed his hands behind his back. Brown eyes also surveyed the waters.

“I’m moving in with him.” She shrugged, before turning her head. She inquired, “Why are you going to Corone?”

He took a moment to rub his eyes, still waking up, as he spoke with pride and duty. “Faith United is recruiting.”

Some form of odd curiosity poked at her mind. Willing to get into conversation to escape her thoughts, she stood straighter. Inquisitive pondering sparkled in her eyes as she innocently asked, “Faith United?”