“This seems like a pretty easy mission don’t you think” Beth said as the two of them walked out the front of the barracks. “I mean the worst part is going to be not causing too much of a stir while we are there.”

Is she always like this? Yamato chimed in buzzing in Hayate’s ear.

It’s nice to have someone in such a good mood around. Leave her alone. Hayate telepathically answered his sword spirit. Hayate could use some cheerfulness in his life right now and wouldn’t let Mr. Pessimistic ruin this for him.

“Between that and actually locating the ring leader, I wouldn’t call this a walk in the park.” Hayate said as the two of the neared the Immortal’s compound in the outskirts of the city. The front of the compound was painted White and had no windows or other entrances besides the front door, which was heavily guarded at all time. The two men clad in full suits of heavy armor let Hayate and Beth pass with no resistance, after all Hayate had become their direct supervisor so they didn’t bat an eye as per his previous requests.

“What do you think we will need?” she asked Hayate. “I’m thinking less is more in this instance. Don’t want to draw too much attention to ourselves riding in with a ton of men and armored to the teeth.” She was right, but Hayate was miles ahead of her.

“It’s just going to be me and you. We will ride through the night and reach Stonevale by the morning, set up shop in the local tavern and hope to have some kind of contact waiting on us there.” Hayate said as he directed Beth to her quarters to gather what she would need. He agreed less is more and instructed her to only bring what was absolutely necessary. After a while Beth returned to the front entrance and found Hayate patiently waiting.

The sun had now eclipsed over the mountains bathing the land in darkness. While Hayate waited he arranged that two black stallions be tacked up and tied outside for them to depart on. It would be a rough ride but Hayate had a lot of experience on horseback and assumed Beth did to. That seemed like a prerequisite for the Immortals anyway.

“Ready to go Hayate?”

“Let’s ride,” He said using his good arm to hoist himself up on the massive steed. That was something new and with one hand he struggled a moment before fully getting on top of the horse. “The quicker we get there the less time we will have to waist looking for leads.”