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  1. #1

    EXP: 9,940, Level: 4
    Level completed: 19%, EXP required for next Level: 4,060
    Level completed: 19%,
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    Hayate_Amatsukami's Avatar


    Hayate Amatsukami
    The sun had just crested over the coniferous horizon waking up the local song birds ushering in the new day. Hayate Amatsukami, last of his line and leader of the Immortals, had been backing his rucksack and other miscellanies supplies for a while now in preparation for the day to come. He had received Shinsou’s raven the night prior interrupting his peaceful stroll thought the new Amatsukami estate. He was both stricken by a wave of excitement and grief knowing that he had been called to action. A lot had happened since he was first inducted into Lord Osiris’ Brotherhood and he wasn’t the same man he was before, but regardless he swore an oath.

    As he listened to the gentle birds singing their songs and watched the morning dew drip softly off the cherry blossoms the young man wondered If this would be anything like last time. He paused for a moment before continuing to haul his preparations to the horse stall out back. Even though there had been many offers Hayate hadn’t found the time to hire help and did everything around the estate by himself. It wasn’t easy work but it kept him calm and out of trouble most of the time, better than letting his sorrows get the best of him.

    Are you really going to do this? the disembodied voice of Yamato, his most trusted partner, echoed though his mind as Hayate drooped his stuff at feet of his Hallowmane. Yamato meant well but never knew what to say when.

    I don’t really have a choice. Hayate answered as lifted his bag with his good arm and tried to toss it over his horses back.

    You always have a choice, cut your losses and let’s get out of here. his spirit partner quickly lashed back. We may not be able to go back home, but we could stay out of this man’s war.

    And do what? Have another reason to look over my shoulder at night? I need his help and if this is how he wishes to use me then so be it. Hayate wasn’t sure about any of this but he knew that the best way to find out what happened to his clan was to get and keep Shinsou and his Brotherhood on his good side. I’m not afraid anymore, I know it sounds crazy but not having the lives of my family dangling in the balance, or at least not in front of my face, I can… I can finally be free.

    Yamato didn’t respond. How could he?

    As the young man finished securing his belongings he leapt onto his mighty steed and began to ride. First through the Yandel forest, then Underwood, and finally he would meet the main force outside the capital. It wasn’t too rough of a ride, might have been nicer if he left with the main army but that was neither here nor there. Hayate, a newly established general, was greeted with open arms and escorted directly to the front lines. Upon arrival he met with Shinsou as his other subordinates gave him the green light to press forward.

    Besides Shinsou rode another man, someone Hayate hadn't ever met. He spoke to the young swordsman with a calm consideration.

    “Shit show or not I’m here,” Hayate answered Storm, his newest boss it would seem. “let me handle the heavy lifting.” He said waiving his left nub in the air making his long sleeve flap in thewind. He wasn’t sure how much Shinsou had told this Storm about his powers but he though it fitting to poke fun at himself and lighten the mood.

    Then his attention shifted back to Shinsou, the man who started him down this road, and began searching in the folds of his coat. As his fingers located what they were searching for Hayate pulled out his mask. The same mask he wore the first time he ever left Akashima, the same one he wore when he met Lord Osiris. He held it tightly for a second before tossing it to his mentor.

    “Don’t think I need this anymore.” the young Amatsukami said as a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders. “Who am I trying to protect now?”
    Last edited by Hayate_Amatsukami; 07-19-2018 at 03:55 PM.
    "Just shut up for once! What the hell do you know about it?! It's not like you ever had a family in the first place! You were on your own right from the beginning, what makes you think you know anything about it?! Huh?! I'm suffering now because I had those ties, how on earth could you possibly understand, what it feels like to lose all that!" -Sasuke Uchiha

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