"Follow me Rianna Mizami! "Ayami chirped again, as the pink haired rabbit spirit begin to drift forward. The sounds of running water was getting louder as the red haired beauty took a step forward.

She still couldn't believe she was following a rose haired spirit of a bunny girl right into a cavern, a cavern now that her luminous blue eyes had adjusted to the dim light around her, looked to be beautiful and mysterious. She could see bright green jade, natural zigzagging like a winking eye through the pure limestone base. Gold that was man made was shining like a shiny beacon before the greedy vixen's eyes. Licking her lips, Rianna moved forward, looking at the dazzling treasure, her voice was soft as she whispered "So pretty....is this the treasure you spoke of Ayami?"

The little bunny's tail twitched as she glided back to her charge, her nose wrinkled as she tsked "Greedy Rianna! No what we seek is worth more then this artifical yellow stuff! Don't get caught off guard! Be wary of what lurks in the Caverns of Luck!" turning as she noticed the red haired vixen's orbs were not leaving the gold.

"But! Its so beautiful!" Rianna gushed over the gold, as she was drawn to it and begin to caress it like it was the most precious thing in the world to her.

Groaning the hyper active rabbit spirit glided forward, placing her small child like hands on the red haired vampiress shoulders, she gave Rianna a little push, whispering softly "Listen to me! Me not gold! I'm your guide!"

"Huh?" Coming out of her trance, Rianna fell forward. The rushing sounds of water the perky assassin had heard ended up being a pool of dark green water. The drip coming from a small waterfall gushing into the pool Rianna found herself pushed into. Growling as she begin treading water, her tight leather halter top was now soaked. Swimming to the edge of the little pool, the night vixen used her arm muscles to push herself out of the cold water.

Shaking her bright red hair, droplets of water fell like crystals from her locks, as her blue eyes flashed and she angrily hissed "What was that for Ayami?" Still wet and dripping, the younger Mizami sister moved quickly towards her bunny girl spirit guide as her hands reached to throttle the rabbit as she growled "Don't push me in! You said you'd help me find treasure! Not drench me in water!"

The little bunny ghost girl's dark blue eyes flashed angrily, pink flames appearing in them, as quick as a wink she disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. Out of reach of Rianna now she chirped softly "Listen miss vampire. I will only be nice if we work together! Act like a brat, want your way and you'll be left here lost FOREVER!" the cute hyper active bunny girl spirit enunciated the forever part of her warning. She may have been given instructions to help the younger Mizami sister. But she wasn't going to put up with her bratty princess-like behavior while doing so.

"BUT!" the vixen's lower lip trembled at the adorable bunny spirit's harsh warning, she had not expected something this cute to act this way. Her parents had told her to follow Ayami, but she was sure even they did not know what the bunny girl spirit was. Crossing her arms over her wet leather bound breasts, Rianna could feel her pout deepening as she whined "Your suppose to help me!"

Ayami's dark navy eyes flashed again with light as she softly chirped "Only if your not a brat and you learn to compromise! Then luck will always find you! Pampered children never get what they want!"

Rianna's shiny azure orbs widened as she asked "Is this a lesson and a treasure hunt Ayami?"

Wriggling her bunny tail, the cute rose haired girl's orbs lightened as she parroted "Maybe! Come now, we work together and you'll see!"

Grinding her fangs in annoyance, the crimson assassin begin to follow her bunny guide, her mind was screaming though She's a weird bunny spirit! Watch her! There might be something more to her then meets the eyes. as the sounds of her foot steps echoed against the limestone the cavern was made of. She couldn't help but wonder who Ayami was.

What had caused the pink haired rabbit spirit to come help her. Or more likely who? as the pert beauty begin to walk deeper, her hands resting against the cold rock, as she moved deeper into the cavern, she couldn't help but still feel intrigued. Her heart an mind were wondering what prizes could be found in The Caverns of Luck. How they could help her to stop being unlucky.

As the vast emptiness surround her slim figure, as she continued to walk deeper into the earth's womb, one thought crossed her mind Could someone be looking for the same treasure I am?

Ayami's little form was bouncing in front of her eyes, as now the happy bunny spirit was pleased Rianna was moving, a smile graced her small mouth as she exclaimed "I'm happy your working with me Rianna! Now this way!" she darted forward, grabbing the lithe's vampiress arm as she pulled her forward parroting "Come on!"