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  1. #1

    EXP: 38,578, Level: 8
    Level completed: 40%, EXP required for next Level: 5,422
    Level completed: 40%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,422

    Gavner_Nahs's Avatar


    Gavner looked out from the trees upon the towering castle, in awe of its beauty. He felt a pang of nostalgia deep within his chest as he remembered the hayday of the Knights, and their former glory. The Ixian Castle, a fortress once teeming with life now towered gloomily in despair, with no faction to house and no cause to protect.

    “You need to move on.”

    The figure of a man was emerging from the ground at the foot of the stairs that led to the main hall. His long hair emerged from his scalp, as his face elongated and his figure grew from the ground.

    “Fang,” Gavner said to the shapeshifter who was now walking towards the creature of the night. He began to step forth out of the forest and into a clearing; however, he was quickly restricted by the sun’s rays. “I thought you left the Ixians many years ago.”

    “Everybody left, vampire!” Fang shouted back. “Don’t you get it? There are no Ixians any more! You’re stuck in an era that has long since passed. You keep returning, hoping that maybe Jensen will be here to give you another mission. Maybe if you just stick it out for another year, Sei will come waltzing back and give a call to all the Knights to rejoin the cause, but your hopes are in vain.”

    “Sei always took care of us!” Gavner hissed back.

    “Sei never cared about anybody but himself!”

    “You are wrong,” Gavner said with bitter resentment on his tongue. This was his home. This was all he knew.

    “Those times are over,” The shapeshifter scoffed. “I left before they disbanded because I saw the direction they were going in, and I knew it wasn’t going to last.”

    “We were still doing well when you left,” Gavner replied. “It is because of the lack of faith, and people like you that we were donefor.”

    Fang narrowed his eyes and looked on Gavner indignantly. “Yes, we did pull off some pretty crazy shit in the wetworks department, but several victories do not save a dying organization. I hate to break it to you kid, but they’re never coming back. You need to find another cause to serve, because this one is dead.”

    Gavner bared his black ebony teeth and began to run towards fang with deadly speed and rage. “You will die for that you shapeshifting ba-”

    The vampire was cut off an ear splitting explosion, as he was thrown off his feet and deep into the woods. Lifting his heavy head, the world came to his vision in a blur, as his sensitive ears were ringing angrily, and the world was muffled. Pushing himself off the ground, the vampire groaned as his back gave a sharp pain from where he was bashed into a tree by the explosion, and his head began to throb in a splitting migraine.

    “What the hell was that?”
    Last edited by Gavner_Nahs; 11-29-2018 at 07:47 PM.

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