People joined the fray at that point.

There was another girl that joined near the red-headed one and that was all right with Elthas.

Elthas saw Kirn run back towards the village. The kid is very brave. He thought to himself as the fellow dashed off. He assumed that the red headed kid and the newcomers would follow. "Come with me if you folks want to live." Ethas explained to Reina and Felicity.

At that point Elthas also dashed towards the village towards his people, towards Kirin.

What he saw when he got back was a disaster.

A small group of bandits with a very loudly dressed fellow was attacking any who stood in their way. Bandits...but not ordinary ones. The symbols they have on their gear has a familiar aspect. Strange... Elthas pushed forward, drawing his majestic daggers. "Get away from my people!" Elthas yelled at the bandits. He knew that there were a lot of people who were racist towards Elf kind but he had a gut feeling the attack was motivated by some far more sinister goal.

The loudly dressed leader of the group noticed Elthas right away. "Ah. House Belthasar." He said with a slightly amused tone of voice. "How is Halm these days?" The fellow asked. "Was hoping to cross blades with him once more."

Clues...hints. Something far darker is happening. He knows Father...he knows things most folks don't know. Elthas only knew the bandits were harming his people, that's all that mattered. "You there, stand down. I aim to defend my people." Elthas yelled at the loudly dressed one.

"We're a step ahead of you son of House Belthasar." The loud one said carefully. He hand-signaled towards the remaining bandits that were standing. The ones that were not brutalized by Kirin. "Only the target matters, ignore the riff-raff. I'll take care of this would-be Hero myself." The leader said. "Your Father, when last we met gave me a gift. A reminder of our meeting. I was hoping to avenge myself of that meeting today. But oh well, you are one of his sons. You will do."

Elthas prepared himself. "People are hurt, injured. Why are you doing this?"

"Your people have something that does not belong to them. I'm taking it back. It's that simple, civilians don't matter only the target does." The leader said carefully. He readied his sword.

Elthas noticed the weapon that the man used was a elegant curved bladed from a distant land...a sort of blacksmithing that was not native to Corone proper. Fallien was likely the origin source of that craft. Elthas looked at the leader with a harsh stare. "You mean to take things, I mean to stop you. It's as simple as that." The markings that the bandits wore really bothered Elthas, but there would be time to examine their apparel later on after the battle was over.

Elthas started to dash towards the leader, daggers at the ready.

"You really don't get this." The leader said and raised his hand. "Anak-ANDHOR!" And he released a surge of energy from his free hand.

Elthas was knocked back several paces with a tremendous amount of force from the sorcery of the leader. "Sorcery is it...?" The man's mannerisms, markings and other red flags were triggering Elthas. But it was all happening too quickly for him to gather himself. Elthas turned his attention towards Kirin. "Get to the survivors, make sure people get out alive." Elthas turned his attention back to the leader. Elthas' own chest was scorched from whatever spell that the leader had released. "You know my Father. Then you know what type of fighters we are." Elthas couldn't shake the feeling that this exact thing had happened to him before.

A distinct feeling of dejavu struck him at that point.

What is this...why do I feel this way...? Elthas considered that it could have been a Boon from The Great Tree. Though The Great Tree was a burnt husk on the outside, the roots grew strong beneath them, and the magics they radiated were still powerful. Suddenly, Elthas saw in the way the old ones of his kind see. Reality shifted for a moment and he saw himself fighting the leader, in a moment the leader had bested Elthas and killed him...a would-be tragedy. The vision was quick, decisive. I must live...but I must defeat this man quickly The vision subsided quickly and the world returned to normal.

Elthas found himself staring at the leader. His mind was acting quickly, thinking. Apprehend him... As reality returned to normal Elthas looked up towards the leader. The man has a plan, if I act now it will be over too quickly for us...too many lives are on the line.

"You must surely know you cannot win." The leader said carefully.

"Perhaps...but there is something you do not know." Elthas started to move slowly around the leader. His eyes were sharp, calculating considering possibilities. He'd seen his own demise so he could buy himself some time. He could buy Kirin some time and the other survivors.

"I do not have time for games." The leader said carefully. "Send your Father my regards, IN HELL." It started at that point, where the leader raised his hand once more in an attempt to smite Elthas where he stood. "Anak...WHAT???" The leader suddenly yelled. He'd taken his eyes off Elthas for a moment, that was all that Elthas needed.

Their lives are more important than my own...I can be as reckless as needed... He held the leader in his arms at that point, at blade-point. The side of his dagger a few centimeters away from the leader's neck. "Call off your men and I might consider sparing you." Elthas threatened.

"How did you do that...?" The leader asked. "Not even your Father moved that fast."