Lorenor listened to the good kid speaking for a bit.

His own mind was struggling with the weight of the disaster. Lots people all around the world needed help right then. But the Gods saw fit to place Kirin in Lorenor's path. [i]One last good deed to be proud of. Maybe...? No that's not it.[i] Lorenor tried to understand why he'd saved Kirin when he had. Things inherently have meaning don't they...? When Kirin was done talking, Lorenor looked at the boy for a long moment.

He needs answers...what do I tell him here...what would Sei do? Loenror listened to the sound of the ash-fall outside the fortress for a long moment. Then he spoke again. "I don't know, kid. Before Lornius erupted there was a man I knew. A prophet of sorts...not very different from Sei. That prophet said this disaster would occur. We're meant to just survive and keep going. That much I do know." Lorenor wished he had more answers.

He stood up from the floor at that point and nodded at Kirin. "How long will it last...? Difficult to say. Hours, days, years...centuries...? I have no idea. All I know is that we must survive." Lorenor pulled out some manuscripts from his packs. Nenkulor Shima, the prophet, made Lorenor write down the last of his teachings. He wrote it down word for word, in perfect penmanship.

There were five tomes written all together with Nenkulor's teachings. He opened the first tome and began to read to Kirin. It seemed somehow natural, appropriate to continue the memory of Nenkulor the prophet. "The first sign, will come in the canopy of the sky. Then to the land of Lornius, there a great disaster shall befall. Life on Althanas..." And so Lorenor proceeded to instruct Kirin in the ways of the old prophets.