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  1. #7

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    Around them, the forest that surrounded the magus tower came alive.

    Predatory creatures danced their eternal waltz of doom.

    Nosdyn looked at Elite. Not one for small talk I take it... Nosdyn thought to himself with grim satisfaction. Nodyn had fought other exotic opponents in The Citadel's halls before, including John Cromwell and many others. Long ago in his earlier youth...Nosdyn gritted his teeth. The energy blades were intercepted by his foe's relic-like sword.

    That's different. I don't recognize the blacksmith style of that weapon... Nosdyn was attempting to analyze his opponent, as was his nature to do. Nosdyn was a tactical minded individual. He knew his limitations...Nosdyn would never be fast. But he had other equally impressive gifts. Nosdyn held his weapon aloft with the purple blade glowing fiercely, hungry to shed blood. Elite attacked with his relic-like weapon and Nosdyn felt his adrenal glands begin to flare...

    The heat of battle took over at that point. There would be no room for mistakes. He is strong...but I have been through worse. Jake Narmonalya was an equally fierce opponent who also liked to dance around the field of battle. I wonder if he's fast... Nosdyn saw the top soil of the ground beneath them being torn apart by the sword Elite used. Nosdyn's muscles tensed. He was never meant to be fast...but strong in far more primitive ways. Nosdyn was counting off the seconds before Elite's weapon would come within slashing distance of his own body. With his muscles tensed up and bulging Nosdyn held his weapon at the ready. I have to time this just right... Nosdyn felt the flow of time as it seem to slow down and become heavy around him. An interesting effect of the battle at hand.

    Perhaps it was the oppressive nature of the chosen battlefield.

    At the last possible moment, there could be no mistakes, Nosdyn put technique and martial tactics to practice. His energy blade was always at the ready. Once Elite was close enough in slashing distance with his weapon, Nosdyn prepared to act. Damn those speedsters... Once again, Nosdyn thought of his old enemy and rival, Jake. The Demon felt as if an eternity had passed in his head. But that was all in his head. He was counting down precious moments until Elite's heavy sword was right upon him.

    And he acted.

    Releasing the tension in his muscles, the Demon showed off his own impressive and practice swordplay. The hum of his energy tainted the very air around it as it slashed through the air. He moved to intercept the relic-like sword his foe used. Nosdyn slashed in a powerful arc with his own weapon downward upon the top portion of Elite's weapon as it slashed towards Nosdyn. The maneuver was meant to be a sort of interception maneuver with his own weapon. If his energy sword connected with Elite's weapon, Nosdyn would attempt to hold him locked in battle. The energy blade's strength was equivalent to a certain high-level material after he'd purchased an upgrade for himself. Energy cascaded into the very air itself. If Nosdyn was successful in intercepting the massive attack, the next part of the battle...from Nosdyn's point of view would begin.

    He had no idea what metal Elite's weapon was comprised of...but that detail mattered very little. Nosdyn noticed that the blade had a certain level of rust but he figured that the rust could have mainly been there for show...Nosdyn never did like to assume anything about Citadel foes. You ever really only knew someone when you fought them...

    Philomel: closed as per request
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 06-02-2019 at 08:35 PM.

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