Koreena let her shoulders fall with defeat. Disgust washed over her as she had been trying to get better at reining in her temper. She had a quick thought to charge into the council room but she knew that would only make matters worse for Charon. She wasn’t even sure if he would speak to her now after the mess she had just caused.

“Damn it!” She growled. “I would have danced his enemies into seduction, drowned them with my infinity for water if he had taken my offer to punish me instead.”

Across the room, still paused by the dais, Selena anxiously watched her. She opened her mouth as if to reply, but it was the other female who spoke first. Dark and glorious the primordial Nyx strode from where the two men had gone, her tone disapproving.

“You could have stopped a long time ago, speaking as you did. But you kept going. That's not anybody's fault but yours.”

Kora’s gaze narrowed as she grunted at her. “Did I place blame on anyone else but myself? No I didn’t thank you. I know I could have stopped, my temper is one of my bigger faults as your brother pointed out!” She hissed, her fist clenched, knuckles white with tension.

She walked over towards the door, her hand resting on the cold wood. She sighed as she paced around the grand room. Her heart felt as if it was hammering against her breast plate. She chewed on the inside of her cheek. What is he doing to him in there? Is he okay? Would he ever forgive me…

The stinging of tears threatened her as she blinked rapidly. She tried to breathe in and out slowly. She looked at the wet floor before walking over to it. She lowered herself to the ground, sitting on her calves. She closed her eyes as she concentrated on the water, how it called out to her. She let the cooling sensation of the water wash over her, cleanse the darkness that had claimed her.

“You bathe us daily, cleansing us from the dirt and filth of this world. Come to me water, wash me- this anger away.” She mumbled softly to herself.

A small sphere of water started to cocoon around her. She could feel the peacefulness washing over her. She wanted to get this anger, this filth that was weighing on her to be washed away. In this place of serenity she would not think of the outside world. In this sphere of water she would concentrate on the good she knew she could be.

Her long rich, multi colored locks flared out around her like a halo. Her once dark orbs were now a lucious, crystal blue. Her tea colored complexion shined like the rays bouncing off of the water. The divine blood that coursed through her veins was starting to show. The sphere expanded giving herself room to stand. She listened to the way the water lapped against itself.

Slowly - slowly she started to dance.

There was an impressed noise from behind her as Nyx emerged out from before her. The black haired beauty, personification of the night stepped around Koreena, lips pursed and eyes focused. Circling her she slowly began to ascend the dais until she was at the throne, then she leant against one of the arms. Kora continued to dance, a swirl of motion and rhythm, her body moving perfectly in time with whatever beat lay in her head. All the while, as she got comfortable, Nyx watched, eyes intently on the demi-succubus, lost in a trance.

Selena was still in the same corner, but leaning against the wall and silent. Her arms folded against her she seemed less enchanted by the whirl and beauty that Kora was creating. Less entranced was she than Nyx, yet she could not deny that she was impressed. Kora spun and extended her limbs, the water swirling alongside her movements, small beads of it dancing like secondary artists alongside. Her hips swayed, her hair swam, her arms were as elegantly poised as a queen as she brought the room to silence. Even courtiers as they stopped what they were doing, as they wandered through the halls, stared to see the new attraction at the new centre of their world.

Kora went on, enthralling the crowd. Her water was as much part of the dance as she was, shaping the performance and repeating the rhythm again and again. She showed them the outside world, brought the mortal realm to their small existence out of time here.

Gradually the tempo lowered. The silence still existed, however, as breath was held, tension of pleasure was kept in the hearts of those who watched. Ten people stood around her as she pulled a final movement - an extension of her left arm - all utterly charmed. As she ceased to move and the water surrounding her returned to its natural state they remained where they were, except one. Slowly Morningstar stepped from the shadows beside the pillars.

His eyes were on Nyx. “If you could join us, please, sister,” he said.

Koreena was breathing slightly heavily as she looked from the long haired beauty to Morningstar. “Charon?”

Morningstar looked at her with a raised eyebrow. He said nothing to her then gestured, stepping back. “Nyx?”

Nyx paused, lips pursed before stepping away from the throne. Picking up her long dark grey skirts gently she began to head towards him, focus on where she was headed - a slightly open door from which Morningstar had first taken Charon.

KC bit down on her lower lip as she took a step towards the door. “Nyx,” she called after the dark beauty. “Will you please tend to him if-“ she couldn’t finish what she wanted to say. Her eyes pleading desperately to her.

Nyx looked back at her slightly, pausing before she smiled. Neither did she nod or shake her head, but the smile was genuine enough. Morningstar let out a light laugh as he placed a hand around his sister's shoulders and guided her into the room.