Jagged GATE

Corone GATE called Jagged Gate. Situated to the NorthEast opposite the tail end of the Jagged Mountains and Comb Mountains. Two valleys through the lower peaks of both ridges connect them to the Radasanthian Plains and northern settlements of Akashima. To their west is beach and harbors that hold their impressive Naval forces. They also boast Scale Riders from Akashima, large reptilian mounted units which are known for their nimble movement on land and sky. Largest Military force. Largest Support Force. Second smallest research department.

Dhethain GATE aka Luthmor Gate is built on the central isle within the Maw Cape. Newest of all four GATEs and more akin to an encampment than a fortress. Smallest overall GATE in all departments but most open for improvement. Research focuses on new fauna, flora, and archeological discoveries of the Fae and Draconian people. Military is unique and unorthodox, but most diverse of all four. Even consists of Fallien militia that have been exiled or interested in seeing the world outside their Xenophobic borders. Their support group is mainly focused on survival squads and dispatched in hazardous areas where only certain racial traits become of assistance. They prove effective in guerrilla warfare and fallout scenarios where more modern niceties are not available.