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  1. #1
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 52

    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    The suggestion to go to Hayate's office was well taken. Felicity had felt awkward talking out in the hall. Thus, the two exited the building. Hayate led the way to his office.

    Hayate got an office? When do I get one?

    The dirt streets of Whitevale were tight and worn out. The thatch roof cottages were humble and boarded up with extra materials to insulate heat. Indeed, it felt like winter was upon Althanas. The ash clouds from Lornius prevented much sunlight from reaching the earth. Plant life was steadily dying, including many herbs Felicity had learned to use as a botanist. The alchemist shook her head as she passed the corpses of two lilies at the roadside. She was afraid she would never be able to see or apply some of the plants she had grown used to using again. The ash itself continued to fall steadily. Too often would the pair pass someone who broke out in coughing fits over some ash in the lungs. Felicity had been here for a couple days yet. Enough time to help some people board up homes and gather feeble supplies. Yet, none of it seemed to work. The burning Felicity felt inside for the state of the world was unyielding. Her fists tightened as Hayate led her down the main road. Felicity had to lift her fingers to relieve her sinuses from her own anger induced troubles.

    Eventually they made it to the two story building she had found her teacher in from time to time. As they entered the floor boarded building, Felicity shook her head and huffed at the collecting dust and ash on the floors. A scrawny maid was desperately wiping an odd stain on the wall. The filth of her clothes and the circles beneath her eyes portrayed that she was still putting in her best effort. Was the effort wasted on this bitter world? Hayate started up the dark oak stairs, which moaned under his feet. Felicity smiled and nodded at the maid and dashed after Hayate.

    The hallway was cleaner, but still had some odds and ends. There were several doors on all the walls, including the one at the end of the hall. The wallpaper was a simplistic blue with yellow birds on it. The bizarre choices of colors made Felicity's stomach protest with a small amount of bile. She swallowed it and started to walk - then stopped again. A picture portraying children playing at a fountain had an annoying smudge on it. Unable to take it, Felicity pulled a cloth from her pocket and started rubbing at it. She gritted her teeth as the smudge kept growing.

    "Are you coming?" Hayate called.

    Felicity turned to see Hayate cracking open the last door. to the left The oak door moaned as she swung it open, looking expectantly at her. Felicity slowly lowered the cloth then stuffed it back in her pocket. She nodded and started towards the door again. The door was swung towards her, so Felicity saw the crooked name plate hanging on. She reached up and tilted it back, annoyance growing for this place's disrepair. Then, she read it.

    Hayate Amatsukami.
    General of the Brotherhood.
    Second in Command to Shinsou Vaan Osiris.

    Felicity gasped, letting go and accidentally dropped it. As the metal plate thudded against the hard floor, Felicity's cheeks flushed. She turned to Hayate with a shocked look. "I am so sorry I didn't know your rank, Haya- uh - Mr. Amatsukami? - Uh..." She bent down and scooped up the plate, hanging it back on the door. It was crooked again. Felicity planted her hand into her forehead.

    "Can we just go in now?" She groaned as she stalked into the room.
    Last edited by Flamebird; 10-09-2019 at 02:52 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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