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  1. #1

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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    That night...

    They shared the same bed at that point...there would be no more secrets between the two of them. He preferred it that have his companion by his side anyway.

    Thoughts swelled in his mind as he held her in his arms. There was a matter that he'd been considering for a time, as his hand twirled her long, blonde hair gently. The room smelled of her lilac perfume and their physical union.

    Somehow, Illsandra knew something troubled him. She looked at him carefully. "What is it my lord?" She asked.

    Nosdyn nodded. "I been thinking on this for a long time now. I just...wanted to make sure of it. But there is a question I had for you. How do your people...union...I mean marry is that not the Human word for it? Somehow, my people's ways seem not proper for what I want." Nosdyn said, he was trying to be as honest as he knew how to.

    She smiled softly at what she was hearing. "My...our people...we stand before a Patron Deity in a temple. A High Priest will tie the ribbon around our hands in union. We recite some words, vows I think Humans call them. Not terribly complex a ritual my lord. Why do you ask?" She wondered out loud.

    "Illsandra..." It was difficult for him to express how he truly felt for her. "I wish to marry you." He said it as plainly as he could...not wanting to botch up that one small moment, that one small...union he wanted for himself.

    It was right then, and only then that Illsandra truly understood what their union would mean for both of their people. There in her arms, lay her Demon, her exiled son of the Tular Plains. He belonged to her, and her to him. She remembered another night, another lesson when he was trying to instruct her of his peoples ways. He remembered the name of his Father. "Nosdyn Krotar." She began. "Son of Tharak." She was trying to remember everything he had taught her. "I accept your proposal." She said calmly and kissed him quite deeply.

    They would both sleep soundly that night.


    The next day...

    Morning came. They both roused at the other presence in the room. One of The Undead acolytes was observing them sleep for a bit before bothering them with the message that he had.

    Nosdyn awoke first, he saw the fellow before them, standing by the door. "What is it?" Nosdyn asked.

    "My lord." The acolyte said calmly. "There is a Messenger here to speak to you. They are waiting for you in your office."

    Nosdyn immediately slid out of bed, and woke up Illsandra in the process.

    No secrets between them...ever.

    A short while later, the two entered Nosdyn's office. The Messenger was indeed there dressed in fancy aristocrat's attire. Nosdyn knew the fellow was a Dark Elf by the man's dark blue skin alone. The Messenger, was surprisingly polite as he saw Nosdyn and his mate arrive.

    "Ah, Lord Nosdyn." The fellow had a thick accent that was actually not Ettermire based.

    Nosdyn, immediately on his guard looked at the man very carefully, already he was sizing the man up. Characteristics, mannerisms, weaknesses he could exploit. "I am here, what is it you want?" Nosdyn asked. His Father's precepts entered his mind once more, for Nosdyn it was not just mere word. It was a code of conduct. Nosdyn narrowed his eyes very carefully.

    "Given your recent activities here in Ettermire. I have come across information that you are going to want." The man said. Clearly, some sort of an information broker.

    No marks, no signets. This one is careful, what's his angle...? Nosdyn was no fool. He knew their way of life would attract the attention of...other sources other parties. "What is it that you're offering? What do you want in exchange?"


    He heard the broker out. The man claimed to know the location of one of N'Jal's sleeper agents. But that revelation did not sit well with him. Nothing is ever this simple. He is after something else...there is something I am not seeing. Nosdyn looked at the man and pondered the man's proposition. He already had his answer though, the broker was not going to like it. "...No." Nosdyn suddenly said. After a couple of hours thought. The gathered acolytes, the broker and everyone except for Illsandra was shocked. She understood why the Demon would have said no.

    "....Come again?" The broker asked.

    "It lacks honour." The Demon suddenly said. "You should have done more research on what type of organization I am leading. What type of rules we operate under." Nosdyn looked at the man and narrowed his eyes very carefully. Illsandra knew that expression...Nosdyn was in deadly mode at that point. "Your offer is appreciated but not needed. We are not interested."

    "You are going to regret that." The broker suddenly said.

    Nosdyn gestured towards one of his acolytes, the man got his meaning and suddenly the broker got physically grabbed by another present acolyte.

    Nosdyn walked very slowly towards the man. "Threaten me again, in my own house. I beg of you." Nosdyn suddenly said.

    The Broker suddenly realized what it was he was dealing with. The man shook his head apologetically. "My lord, forgive me forgive me."

    Nosdyn looked at his companions. "Escort this man outside of my house and make it incredibly clear that we are not interested in anything him and his people are offering."

    A few moments later, Illsandra walked up to him. "You are angry." She suddenly said to him, very quietly.

    He nodded. "Yes. These aristocrat types...lack honour." Nosdyn responded. He turned towards and placed his hand on her shoulder, gently. "It will be all right we have to be very careful who we deal with and who we do not deal with that's all."

    She nodded and looked at him. "My lord when the time comes I will see about that other matter." She said quietly and they kissed deeply.

    Somehow in emotionally elevated states, more hunger, more romance was involved.

  2. #2

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    A few days later...

    Nosdyn stood there with his arms across his chest looking at the gathered members of his Syndicate operation. He'd called for a major strategic operation that week. Illsandra, stood by his side...always. The particular Dark Elf woman that was his mate. She was one of the few Dark Elfs who had naturally blonde hair, normally a characteristic of Human women. Nosdyn could hear the whispers of his gathered associates and comrades. He looked at one of the far corners of the gathering hall of his house. There, standing proudly was the spirit of his Father, Tharak. He nodded quietly to his Father, before he began.

    What they were up against...what the entire end goal of his mission was going to be would be remembered for all time.

    That day...they would defeat a Thayne. Perhaps not kill her ultimately, but her defeat would be their undoing. Nosdyn was admittedly nervous, he was never one for flowery speeches, but he was a skilled leader. He knew what it was they were all up against. The odds...were so stacked against them it could ALMOST just work.

    "I have gathered you all today, my brothers and sisters....because we are about to embark on the most fucking ludicrous military campaign ever conducted." Nosdyn was being truthful, he was going to need them all at their best capacity. "The target we are after we may not be able to confront directly...but she will remember us for the rest of time once we are through. She will remember the ones who HURT HER." Nosdyn said. He looked at his gathered acolytes, children of Ettermire one and all. "We have bidden our time, gathered resources and found the exact location of her Temple here in Ettermire. Been right under the Lloth Priesthood the whole time."

    Nosdyn paused a moment as one of the acolytes handed him a folder. "Here in lies the information we all are going to use against her." Nosdyn placed the folded parchment on the table for his acolytes to review. "I am going to need ten volunteers." Nosdyn said.


    Once his small assault force was gathered, Illsandra and he stepped out of the house first. Nosdyn took a look back at the house, it had been his first and only true home for a long time. Somehow, he wondered if he was never going to see it again.

    Illsandra noticed something troubling her mate. "What is it my lord?" She asked.

    "Just a bad feeling, like we're never going to come back home after this...just nerves I think." Nosdyn said. "With you by my side we will shake the gods forsaken pillars of Heaven itself." He nodded to her.

    The ten volunteers gathered around Nosdyn and Illsandra, some were Undead and the other races of the syndicate, a good bunch. The Two Priests that were present had been there since the start of it all.

    The male Priest walked over towards Nosdyn. "My lord." He nodded to him. "The temple is deep in The Under." The Priest said. "We could be down for months wandering around with no true goal."

    One of the other volunteers...was also Undead, but that was The Thief they had recruited. He looked at the Priest with a nod and then looked over to Nosdyn. "My lord, with your permission there may be a more direct route to The Temple in question. Something my former guild taught us about when we were younger, initiates." The Thief said. "If you are willing, I can teach you about this route. A small group of us should suffice to go directly down this way." The Thief said.

    They both presented valid arguments. But Nosdyn was reading The Thief's expression, his eyes...the fellow was not lying. "We will approach this your way." Nosdyn said to The Thief.

    Illsandra walked looked at Nosdyn. "There is something I wish to thank you for." She said.

    Nosdyn looked back towards her. "What is it?"

    "You could have asked me to stay did not. You respect my decision to want to be by your side. For that I thank you." She said with a surprisingly humble tone of voice.

    "For that...thanks is not required. are my most trusted Enforcer. My mate. Where I go you will go with the ends of time. There will be no secrets between us." He suddenly said. "For what we about to go up against...I want someone willing to fight with me until the very end."

    She hugged her mate at that point, pulling him very close to him with a soft sigh.

    The Thief walked up to them again, a few moments later. "The route is secure. We can proceed at your mark."

  3. #3

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    The location of The Gate was actually not that far from the safe house. In a certain back alley, cleverly hidden from most eyes. The Thief walked over towards the gate, but suddenly, Nosdyn stopped once he saw what he was looking at.

    Pangs of memories from his past....his head felt heavy.

    He recalled the other time...placed his hand to his forehead, he remembered the day he met the Undead in Corone. They were after him for another reason. Several times that adventure, one of The Undead used highly advanced teleportation magic on him...against his will. During those times, he became aware of another plane...a dimension of doors.

    "Phantaria..." Nosdyn suddenly said out loud. Everyone else stopped at that exact point. Nosdyn recognized the symbols on the gate itself, all Phantaria in origin.

    The male Undead Priest realized it first. "Lord are more learned than most of our scholars are."

    Nosdyn looked at the gate, a terrible sense of trepidation filled his chest. He looked at The Thief. "This is the only way to directly go to the temple? You are certain?"

    The Thief nodded. "As far as I am away this will slip us directly on the temple grounds." The Thief looked at the concern on Nosdyn's face. "What is troubling you?"

    Nosdyn looked at them all. "I...for some reason such magics affect my adversely. I do not want to be a liability."

    Illsandra looked at Nosdyn at that point. "My lord, I will be with you by your side."

    Nosdyn nodded. "We swore to rise up against N'Jal. For that reason alone I will walk with you all and stand by your sides as well. I just do not want to be a liability when the time comes."

    Illsandra walked up towards him, and placed her hand on his face, gently. "My've lead us all this far."

    Nosdyn nodded. He looked at The Thief, then at Illsandra and his gathered companions. Trusted allies one and all. He looked at the gate, trying to remember what he had learned. Something the Undead that time did to his memories affected him. He walked over towards the Gate and extended his hand out towards it. As he suspected, the gate reacted.

    The Thief raised an eyebrow. "Maybe there's some Thief in you yet my Lord."

    But The Priest knew better, he knew different...those words the symbols of Phantaria. There was more to Nosdyn than met the eyes...there were secrets there.

    Once the process was completed, The Gate was prepared. Nosdyn removed his hand from it, opening his eyes once more. "It is as I thought. Something reacts within me."

    Illsandra stood by his side the entire time, The Gate opened revealing the portal within. Nosdyn looked at his companions. "Let's go." He walked in the magical Gate first, knowing it would affect him the most.


    As before, and every other time to come, the magic of being ripped to atomic particles so quickly and formed together again...adversely affected him.

    He was on the ground, hunched over growling in pain. That particular time..maybe because of what he'd gone through or because of something had hurt more than any other time. He barely heard the words of his mate, Illsandra calling out to him. But at last, about an hour was over. And his vision became normal again, the pain subsided. He stood up slowly.

    Illsandra wrapped her arms around him, there were tears flowing from her eyes. "I've...never seen you in so much pain." She said.

    Nosdyn nodded holding her close to him. "It is all right we made it is what counts." His companions were all gathered, and before them was the hidden Temple of N'Jal.

    As before...the smell of rot and decay would have been enough to knock most normal folks out...but not them.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-12-2019 at 12:59 PM.

  4. #4

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
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    Memories...they were a funny thing.

    As they marched on The Temple itself, something happened in Nosdyn's mind.

    He recalled a time, a much younger version of his with his Father Tharak Krotar.

    He heard his Father's voice in his mind.

    "State me the precepts of our Clan." His Father said.

    Nosdyn, young at the time was already a skilled combat expert for his age. Nosdyn nodded. "Precept one. All pieces of a battlefield are moving parts of a larger machine. A skilled general always uses every piece of the field to his advantage." And so, Nosdyn's training went.

    Day after day, year after year.


    He'd given the orders to his companions before they entered The Temple. As soon as they walked in, the gathered least fifty strong all turned to look at the invading party. Hisses and growls, but for some reason The Undead did not engage yet. That will change. Nosdyn spotted the alter of N'Jal in the exact center of the temple, where The High Priest stood. Illsandra stood by his side, a source of comfort for Nosdyn. He walked right up to the altar of N'jal. "You know why we are here." Nosdyn said.

    The Priest paused his chanting for a moment and looked at the direction of the approaching party. The Priest lowered his hood...what Nosdyn saw next, he was not prepared for. "That Voice..." The Priest said, he was a Demon of the Tular Plain. But not of Nosdyn's tribe. He was from another separate piece of The Tular Plains...The Tribunal. "I never thought I would hear that voice again." The Demon had a smug expression on his face.

    Nosdyn remembered the name of the specific man before him. "Xalleak." Nosdyn said in an almost curse. " would have been you."

    The other Demon looked at Nosdyn with an expression of deep thought. "You have Undead following you as well."

    Nosdyn shook his head in the negative. "They are no longer bound to N'Jal they are free." Nosdyn said.

    The man raised his eyebrow. "You are mistaken..." Insult number one.

    Nosdyn sighed. "We swore to wage war against N'jal. Our reasons for doing so are our own. But you...I wonder what you have given up to her." He said with a hint of disgust. Nosdyn was already sizing the man...their last encounter Xalleak had a significant advantage on Nosdyn...that advantage was now gone. Nosdyn and Illsandra stood completely in front of the Priest at that point.

    "I had you kill your family." The Priest said calmly. "You always were an idiot."

    Nosdyn nodded. "Perhaps...back then. But I'm not the same as I was back then. I've learned since then." Nosdyn said. "By the way, Xalleak, my Father sends you his greetings."

    The Priest looked at his opponent very carefully, since his eyes were locked on Nosdyn...he had not seen his companions were already getting killed. Illsandra held Nosdyn's hand the entire time but did not speak...this was Nosdyn's battle.

    "I am a very busy man..." The Demon said and only at that point did he see it. His minions were already dead or dying, burning to ash. Nosdyn had given his own companions very specific order. Only at that point did the mark really hit home.

    "I am here to avenge my family." Nosdyn suddenly said. "You cannot escape like you did last time." He looked at Xalleak very carefully at that point. "Do you accept my challenge?" Nosdyn asked.

    This was Demon's way of doing thing...honour, combat tactical strategy.

    For Illsandra it was all a learning experience for her. She would not move until she was ordered to just like they agreed to.

    The Priest, surprisingly, accepted the terms of engagement. "I am going to make you suffer." The Demon said to Nosdyn.

    Nosdyn shook his head. "I've heard that before...from far superior opponents than yourself. I will hear it again in the future I am certain..but I know something you do not." Nosdyn said carefully.

    The two opponents were standing directly in front of one another at that point. "Your influence, your bonds of N'Jal no longer apply." Nosdyn said.

    "Bullshit." Was his only response.

    "Why don't you try to test us then." Nosdyn said in exchange.


    After several attempts to shackle Nosdyn and his party with the bonds of N'Jal...The Priest realized all too late that Nosdyn spoke the truth. "H-how is this possible?"

    Nosdyn removed a single phial containing the black ichor substance they had manufactured. "We are safe from your precious gods." Nosdyn said. He signaled to his mate the signal that was for her to act. Xalleak was suddenly grabbed forcibly by Illsandra from behind, and the rest of Nosdyn's small attack squad all gathered. "You mentioned suffering." Nosdyn began, and placed his hand on the side of The Priest's skull. "Your suffering will be the stuff of legends."

    Illsandra, watched her mate penetrate The Priest's mind. The Demon's screams lasted hours as Nosdyn extracted everything he needed from The Demon's mind. To Illsandra, watching her mate defeat an enemy of the past...was an extreme pleasure for her. She would treat him well that night.

    Several hours later it was done. His enemy, lay dead on the ground. He turned towards his companions. Illsandra stood by his side, a source of strength always. The Thief had located the object they were after....and returned to them.

    "I found it." The Thief said and handed the bundled package over to Nosdyn.

    Nosdyn nodded. "Well done everyone. This was all of our victory." Nosdyn extended his hand towards his companions. He was not good with small gestures of gratitude, but he was learning, from Illsandra he was learning. They all shook his hands. At that point, Nosdyn looked back at the fallen body of his enemy.

    Illsandra saw the look in Nosdyn's eyes. She knew that expression. "You learned something did you not?"

    Nosdyn nodded. "Someday...I'm going to have to go back there." Nosdyn said to his mate. "But that day won't be for now...another tomorrow perhaps." Nosdyn said. "I wish to show you the place my people come from."

    She nodded. And for whatever reason, they signaled the defeat of N'Jal with a deep kiss.

  5. #5

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    A month later...

    After their initial victory against N'Jal a different thing occurred.

    Using some of her contacts in The Lloth Priesthood, Illsandra arranged for the actual marriage between her and Nosdyn, son of Tharak.

    As per request, The Lloth Priests accepted Nosdyn's request to have their own Priests recite the code of marriage. The Undead and the Dark Elves of Ettermire....together in one building peacefully.

    The Undead learned the rites of The Lloth Priesthood word by word...they no longer were tied to N'Jal.

    The building was well decorated for the event, Nosdyn's followers and a few of Illsandra's remaining relatives attended. Nosdyn, for that particular event wore the attire of The Dark Elves wedding ceremony. He had accepted their ways the entire time...never once questioning it.

    Illsandra would always do the same for him.

    Their hands were tied before the statue of Lloth, and The Undead Priest recited the words of the ritual.

    In time, Illsandra spoke first as was customary for Dark Elf women. She recited her vows, looking at her Demon the entire time. There was a soft smile on her face.

    Then, a bit later...Nosdyn recited in his vows. It was difficult for him to be so humble so honest...before a crowd. No...before The Matron Deity of his wife. He put a surprising show of effort and courage attempting to unite the bridge between their two great people.

    Once the ritual was completed, and the two were as one before the eyes of Lloth, they kissed deeply before the gathered.

    Nosdyn had changed...she'd changed him. And he smelled the familiar lilac perfume of his Dark Elf woman. his life of constant warfare and strife...he'd found his way home to where he belonged. Where he mattered.

    They raised their hands together to signal the completion of the rite.

    Out the corner of his eyes...Nosdyn, Son of Tharak saw his Father at the far end of the church. He had a smile on his face...and Nosdyn was proud of how far they'd all come together. His Father faded off into the aether...Nosdyn knew he would never see his Father again.

    ~The End~
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-12-2019 at 05:57 PM.

  6. #6

    EXP: 10,042, Level: 4
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    Thread Title: These mean streets of Ettermire
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    Last edited by Tyr; 03-21-2020 at 08:46 AM.

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