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  1. #3

    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
    EXP required for next Level: 8,780

    Nosdyn's Avatar


    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

    View Profile
    Nosdyn observed the deep state of conflict that The Boss was currently in. At that point, Nosdyn got up on top of the table and knelt down in a crouching position. He'd deactivated his sword after he'd killed the other man. He would not need it for the remainder of the battle. Nosdyn raised his hand and pointed it towards his opponent. "Show me your mind." Nosdyn said.

    The Boss' eyes went wide as Nosdyn forcibly started the psionic's link up.

    The air itself rippled between the two opponents. Giving of a particular vibration of a sound.

    Nosdyn found himself standing in front of The Boss.

    "How is this possible? You are mind?" The Boss asked, confused.

    Nosdyn looked at his opponent. "You let our guard down. For all this is worth...I am sorry about this." Nosdyn admitted. If there were any other way to resolve their particular conflict he would have chosen that route...but things were never that simple.

    Nosdyn looked at his opponent. "You can strike first, I owe you that much, I suggest you make this count."


    Nosdyn was on the ground looking up at his opponent a few hours later, there was a smile on his face.

    The Boss was terrified by then, Nosdyn had survived everything The Boss could dish out. "You are not the same as before...something is different." The Boss said.

    Nosdyn stood up slowly at that point, rubbing blood from his mouth. He licked his lips. "I have prepared for this day." Nosdyn nodded. "You were a worthy opponent." Nosdyn walked over towards The Boss and reached forward to grab him...


    At that point Nosdyn opened his eyes and was standing in front of the boss grabbing The Dark Elf's body. He was already acting upon him. The Dark Elf was screaming horribly from what Nosdyn was doing to him. He was forcibly melting the fellow's brain in his very skull. Blood was already streaming down the man's nostrils. Nosdyn held him in place until The Dark Elf died. When the deed was completed, he turned to look at the gathered who had watched all that had transpired. "He is dead." Was all that Nosdyn said. "Should any of you wish to challenge me in taking his position, you may attempt so now." Nosdyn said.

    A group of about twenty adult folks of all races, members of The Syndicate all knelt before their new leader.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-09-2019 at 01:29 PM.

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