Ayvriel Leviasi ia Saiph
Location | Forest along the Tennaiglini, Salvar

With a graceful flourish of her hands, more gnarled roots broke through the ground, gliding over the surface swiftly to ensnare the remaining orcs.

Fight or flight, whatever their intentions were, they have proven themselves to be aggressive. And while Ayvriel did not wish harm on their persons, she would never allow them to draw within striking distance of her saviour while he was indisposed.

With the inherent confidence that came to one who has never tasted the bitter fruit of failure, the elven maiden had faith in the bindings she had wrought and gave her regard to the brave knight below. And from what she was able to discern, other than the unfortunate state of his armour and warhammer, the man seemed fine. Deciding that she would ensure that her saviour be properly attired before they parted as a small gesture of gratitude for his coming to her rescue, the spellsinger smiled at the knight, touched by the worry she could hear in his words.

“I am unharmed as well, Sir Knight. We heard them before they came upon us.”

Lowering her arms, elven maiden treaded further out onto the branch she was perched on, peering out from between the foliage. “My name is Ayvriel Leviasi ia Saiph… May I know the name of my saviour?” A rose hue began to stain her visage even as she continued to speak, “… And if it is not too much to ask, could I trouble you to– to help me down?”

For while Ayvriel may be of a race renowned for their sinuous grace, she was woefully ill-suited for physical pursuits. And the ground looked so very far away from where she stood.