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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    That night...

    Xyllea and Nosdyn were alone. In the office chamber which also served as their bedroom. But something else was occurring at that point. Xyllea was giving Nosdyn lessons on Dark Elf society...laws, rules...things Nosdyn would need to know. Xyllea was pleasantly surprised at how eager he was to learn. The lessons would go on night after night for several hours at a time. When that night's lesson was completed, she looked at Nosdyn. "Tonight's lesson is complete." She said softly.

    Nosdyn had not been wrong initially, there were differences but Ettermire politics were not so different from The Tribunal's approach. Nosdyn had already memorized every parchment and scroll she'd given him to read. He'd never been a super genius by any means, but he was not dumb either. His intelligence had been sharpened and edged for a far more combat proficient approach. Nosdyn stood up at that point. "There are similarities." Nosdyn said to her carefully. "Maybe at some point there would have been a common origin point."

    Xyllea pondered carefully what she was hearing. "You mean with The Tribunal from your people 's culture yes?"

    Nosdyn nodded calmly. "But perhaps I am over analyzing it...just pointing out there are similarities is all."

    Xyllea always noticed that about him. He'd always been a little more harsh and critical on himself than he perhaps needed to be. She walked over towards him and placed her hand on the side of his face...she'd seen that gesture affect him so often especially when Illsandra did it. She would do her best to approach the matter equally. "My lord you've become more skilled than some of my former Guilds most learned Scholars." She said truthfully. "Speaking of that...when the time comes there is something I want to share with you." She said calmly.

    Nosdyn nodded. "Your guild...they were Psionics were they not?" He asked quietly. "The only other largest house of such matters...was Orlouge House."

    She nodded. "You warded off my attacks that day...despite me being shielded. I mean that you are more learned than most of our scholars are."

    "The teaching of my Father." He said calmly. "But it is good to know you understand the nature of these powers."

    She kept her hand on his warm skin. "I can teach you to train your ability better."

    Without hesitation, and perhaps because she had completed accepted him as Illsandra had...he nodded. "Anything you have to teach I wish to learn. In exchange...I will also teach you." He became distant in his gaze for a moment. "The day your superior hit were banished form your guild. That must have been very difficult to deal with."

    She nodded. "It was but that's the day you risked your life for me."

    Nosdyn understood at that point...she DID in fact love him. He would never see it the same way as it had been with Illsandra and himself, but he accepted the actual fact that she loved him. He looked at her calmly. "It was the right thing to do."

    She nodded carefully. "She told me you were already changing before she met you. But she started the rest of the catalyst process. I want to help you further, Nosdyn. Not just because I love you." She looked away at that moment. It had been months since Illsandra's death at that point.

    They were all still trying to just...recover. Nosdyn nodded at that point, and pulled the woman close to him, in a hug. "I once promised her to never keep secrets from her. She agreed to do the same in return. The happened hurt worse because of that. I am willing to extend that courtesy to you as well."

    She nodded in his arms. "Nosdyn...I understand what Illsandra had been trying to teach me this whole time. You have more honour than most men ever do. You're a Demon..that makes this more profound." They kissed deeply at that point, and for the first time equally mutual hunger for one another.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-16-2019 at 03:40 PM.

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