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    EXP: 45,220, Level: 9
    Level completed: 13%, EXP required for next Level: 8,780
    Level completed: 13%,
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    ~Nosdyn Krotar~
    ~Old Soldier~

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    [Solo] Pains of the Past...

    (Chapter 6 of the Nosdyn Chronology. Takes place a few months after: Cycle Completed is part of an ongoing series. For whoever of you guys whose reading my shit, thank you! Note: Forgot to add this note here but this thread WILL contain some erotic content. I'll try not to go too overboard with it.)

    Xyllea looked at her husband. She had become the teacher at that point, and he'd finally agreed to begin the lessons of the Psionic arts. "Again." She'd remembered exactly how she was taught, and she would instruct him the same way, she knew she would not have to hold back with him. He could take anything she could dish out.

    They'd been at this for days. He'd learned some basic rudimentary teachings of her Psionic arts entirely on his own. But Xyllea knew he still acted entirely on impulse. He could not yet control his power. She'd meant what she told him once...he had more skill than some of her former Guild's scholars ever had.

    "There's something I'm still not understanding." Nosdyn was getting frustrated, he was putting in the effort...but something was not connecting.

    "Some of the most skilled Practitioners don't get to their levels immediately either." Xyllea said. But she could sense his efforts, they'd gone for days straight, a break was well earned at that point. Just then, a thought occurred to Xyllea. "We should stop for today, Nosdyn." She said calmly. "I think I am understanding why you are holding back."

    He sat down on the ground at that point, spent, he was catching his breath. The Psionic arts...hurt his head at some points. Maybe it was cause of all of the recent traumas he'd been through. He caught his breath at that point. Nosdyn looked up at his wife. "What do you think is holding me back?"

    She helped him stand at that point. "This will not be easy for you to hear...but I think it's Illsandra. Her...memory has scarred your heart. You won't ever be able to fully embrace the arts until you fully heal." Xyllea was being honest about that, the teachings were harsh and required full immersion.

    Nosdyn thought about what he was hearing, given how far he'd come at that point...he looked at Xyllea and nodded. "I...I don't know how to heal Xyllea...I don't know if I ever can." He was telling her the truth.

    Xyllea considered her husband's plight at that point and thought of something just then. "There may be a way." She said calmly.

    Nosdyn nodded. "I'm willing to do anything I can." Nosdyn meant that, he was trying to heal to the best of his capacity.
    Last edited by Nosdyn; 11-19-2019 at 07:41 AM.

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