I know my thoughts won't matter too much here anyway but I'll add a few of my own suggestions.

Rebuilding a Dajas style option for super lowbies IN Scara Brae would be pretty neat.

More lowbie related options in general would help out a lot.

I personally think the ingredients are already here in the site...Scara Brae, for example...we can overhaul that.

I am just adding the suggestions to put on like at least for consideration on a To-Do list.

Maybe I'm not writing now atm, but I'm a site veteran and I Just want to help where I can.

If you guys ask me, Scara Brae should be really high on the priority list.

I think there should be much more lower level friendly areas on site.

I think there was a time each region had lowbie spots in it.

We going back to some idea like that could work...I think due to our current LACK of activity we should probably not be thinking on Tourney stuff at all.

We're barely dragging along as a community as it already is.

Instead of tourneys...FOCUS on the site features already in place. I've been in leadership positions in other sites/other communities.

What I am trying to do here is mainly offer advice none of it needs to be taken at all...but at least consider it is all I am getting at.

Rebuild the lowbie zones and make that a top priority.

I think that Scara Brae overhaul (Including a potential Dajas Pagoda) will help a lot here.

These are just my thoughts here hopefully some of it gets done, thanks all for your time so far.