In that instant, Gwenael found himself transported. He was deep in the mountainous forests of the island. The sound of running water bubbled. He looked down to see that he was standing next to a small river, running towards the beach far off and below. Fireflies and nocturnal animal eyes lit up what the sun was unable to reach beneath the pine canopy.

N'jal stood at the other side of the river, standing atop a rock.

"Gwenael," She asked in a surprisingly calm voice, with how loud the river was, "You are the Thayne of Time. You can see all of history. Tell me, how do you feel about the Thayne's choices?"

Gwenael scowled. She was trying to pursway him away from the Great Ones! And where was Felicity?

N'jal crossed her arms. The bottom of her black robe was being lightly sprayed with water vapor. "The girl is safe, but how did history play out to make her the way it did? Should the Thayne be proud?"

Gwenael narrowed his eyes. Feeling hot with emotion, he spat, "Shut up! I won't answer to you!"

N'jal was unmoved, "You will not? Pity, being a mindless follower must be all the rage in these times."

Gwenael scoffed at the mockery in her tone, "You abandoned the Thayne! You plan to twist everything good in the world!"

"I do?" N'jal lifted a tainted finger to her lips, mimicking shock. "My plans are to change the world, yes, but for the better." She lowered her hand, waving it towards her brother, "Tell me, how does the world look right now? Remember the recent tragedies to overtake it?" She glared, "Did the Thayne do anything to stop it?"

Gwenael bit his lip. As the river divided them, he briefly thought to how helpless they seemed. Clamoring in anxiety, there had been talk amongst them, but... What was Gwenael thinking? The Thayne still cared! He shook his head, ridding himself of the polluting doubts she attempted to plant.

"Deceiver!" He threw his arm, voice raised way higher than needed to talk over the stream.

N'jal simply tilted her head. "Stubborn."

Then, she smirked, "Runs in the family."

She lifted her hand and snapped her fingers.