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Thread: Mommy Issues

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  1. #1
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    Felicity Rhyolite had grown up in Corone. Sure, she was born in the winter chill of Eiskalt, but Corone was her true home. Of course, since the Apocalypse, it had not been what it used to be. As she traveled the dirt road, carrying her possessions on her back, she stared in sadness at the feilds. At this time of year, tall grasses and flowers would be dotting the open hilly feilds of this region. The lack of decent sunlight led to the landscape instead having short, weak feilds of green and yellow grasses. One or two flowers popped up in defiance here and there, but they were the brave ones.

    Felicity sighed, coming to a stop in the middle of the road and looking around. She was positive she had taken a wrong turn. It had been over five months since she had been transported to Salvar during Arius Mephisto's assault on Whitevale. Felicity had braved the snowy wilds and paranoid peoples of Salvar to get back to Corone, back to Whitevale, her home. It had been quite the journey, but it was not over until she returned to Whitevale, was back with Shinsou, and defeated Arius once and for all. It was her drive, her purpose. She would not stop until it was done.

    Still, she was positive she had made a wrong turn. The road to Whitevale was smooth enough, but up ahead Felicity could see a serious of large boulders.

    Wait, she thought, I can climb the rocks and get a better view!

    She took off in a sprint towards the boulders, determination and anxiety soaring in her chest. Her bags, equipment, and weapons clanged irritatingly as she envisioned a man in a white trench coat.

    "I'm coming!" She panted, "I promise!"

    Eventually, she made it to a tall boulder, more like a mound, in the grass dotted plain. She tore her equipment off, leaving just her oversized shirt and brown pants. With reckless abandon, she started to scale the steep rock. Physically mighty and powerful, she was easily strong enough to hoist herself up and grapple the rocks. As she climbed, she grew hastily irritated. She gritted her teeth, struggling to climb the loose stones and stay up. A rush of anger caused her to snap, and she thoughtlessly reached and pulled up. Her anger cost her, however, as the rocks completely gave away and she found herself falling from the rock.


    A stinging could be felt in her hand.

    Don't tell me... I cut myself climbing...

    She fell to the ground, unharmed. Rocks fell like rain around her as she lifted her hand and witnessed the smallest of cuts in her palm. That was all it took for her powers to activate, and for her to loose her cool.

    She let her hand fall to the ground as she heard the crumbling of pebbles around her.

    "Oh, I'll never get home at this rate..."


    Eventually, as the dim sky glowed pink above her, Felicity made it to the top of the rock - after putting on thick gloves, of course. Atop the boulder, Felicity looked around. Indeed, she could see Concordia's deep forests from several miles off. Between them and here, the same dull plains and winding roads. Felicity could not recognize this part of Corone at all, and it frightened her. How did she stray this far from her goal? Frustration festered in her as she turned and looked in the other direction. She saw, in that moment, a ray of hope.

    Amongst the towering stones, half resurrected feilds, and dots of trees, there was a single, lonely house.

    If she could talk to the residents of that place, she could get an idea of where she was! She leapt and slid down the steep boulder. Reaching the ground, the retrieved her things and started in the direction of the cabin.

    Little did she know the storm she would face in the near future here...
    Last edited by Flamebird; 07-23-2021 at 07:04 AM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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