After what felt like an hour, Leoric had completed his complete walk around of the ship and making sure all cargo was secured. After all he was paid to keep the ship and cargo safe. So shifting loads would be a god awful thing to have. When he came back up to the top deck Seamus had gotten a little too drunk, and was solely focused on keeping himself upright along the railing of the ship while holding the bottle of rum. Leoric figured he could ask anything and got an answer, so he stopped and thought for a minute on what he actually wanted. Nothing was coming to mind, he looked up at the night sky out of frustration and remembered seeing the crew buzzing around just before they left using their Mobility Assistance Devices (henceforth referred to as M.A.D.s) So it was the perfect chance for Leoric to pry, and find out just where they were stored.

“Hey Seamus, where are those wrist thingies you guys have stored?” He asked as he walked about on the ship looking up at the crows nest.

“What, wrishts thingies?” He slurred as he stumbled slightly and caught himself on the railing again.

“The thingies, you know, that you guy’s use to check rigging and get up to the crows nest easily and what not?” Leoric began motioning to his wrists and clasping his left hand over his right to hopefully jog Seamus’ memory.

“Osha! Those welsh, the casptans keeps its outside his quart..” He interrupted himself with a hiccup as he continued. “..quarters, in a blue box. why?”

Leoric, grinned as he turned to the captains quarters and found the blue box, inside were several pairs of the Mobility Assistance Devices. Leoric reached in and grabbed a pair and attached them to his wrists like bracelets before closing the lid and turning around and looking up to the crows nest.

“Now how do i …” The confused muscle started saying as one of the wrists shot off, the stump at the edge of the rope smashed into a mast and locked itself there. “... Oh! Like that! Now how do i…”

There was a slight cry of surprise as the M.A.D. began to pull the surprised brawler towards the mast at a surprisingly quick speed. Before Leoric could begin chanting ‘No’ as quick as he could. The Connected part came loose and he slid to a halt.

“Naw, you needs to focusses, itsh all in the wrists.” Seamus said as he fell over on the deck. “Heh, I fall over go boom.”

“Wait, did you get that drunk from splitting half a bottle?” Leoric asked as he stood up and brushed himself off and re-adjusted his fur cloak.

“I am a Pre-gaming master!” the drunken sailor cried out before doing his best to back up and lean on his railing.

Leoric shook his head, he couldn’t believe how silly Seamus was being, but oh well, he had a new toy. Time to play with it. He lifted his arm and aimed at the top of the mast, near the crows nest and thought ‘fire’, the projectile fired off and hit the top of the mast and stuck. Then the brawler then thought ‘up’ and was pulled up to the top of the mast, at a rather quick speed. But no matter what he tried the dart at the end just wouldn't come loose. He turned himself upside down, put his feet either side of the dart, and pulled with all his might. After a second a quick fizzle and a pop sound was heard as the dart came loose and Leoric felt like he was free floating in the air for a second before starting his fall.

As he fell towards the deck he twisted his back and turned to face where he was heading. Unfortunately someone new had apparently come up onto the deck while he was struggling to get the dart of the wood. And he was about to land straight on top of her if he didnt do anything. Forget his childish flirting, if he landed on her from a fall like that, there wouldn't be much he could do to apologize. Almost out of instinct his right arm contorted in an odd fashion and a dart was fired upwards, he had no idea if it was going to hit anything but he had to at least try something. The fiery redhead seemed to have finished her stretches and took a step back getting into her beginning stance. Leoric mentally sighed as he wasn't going to smash into her but instead just the deck. He could take that humiliation, but crushing his crush? That was going to ruin any chances he had. But just as he was about to crash into the deck, his right arm went taught and his body ragdolled for a second as he was brought up right and swung face first into the erection of his affection, Felicity. After a few moments of rolling on the deck from the impact, Leoric caught himself with his left arm and stopped his roll as he winced in pain. His right arm was dislocated and he had probably pulled a few dozen muscles or so in the rolling.

As he opened his eyes from wincing in pain, he found the aggressive redhead he had been childishly flirting with, was now beneath him and between his legs. He quickly sat up right as best he could while enjoying the view. She definitely worked out, there is no way anyone got a body like that unless they trained every day for years, he would know he had done the extensive training to get his own body like that, and just as he was about to apologize he noticed on her left hand her pinky was missing, he would have to bring that up later.

“I'm sorry these things are hard to…” The humiliated bruiser tried to explain but was quickly and promptly met with pain of the testicular variety and quickly rolled over clutching his twiddle-diddles. “...Why, I don’t get it!”