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  1. #1
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

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    "Miss Felicity, wake up!"

    Felicity's eyes flickered open. She had actually been sleeping soundly for once, and she wanted to again. Yet, that familiar angel was calling. Felicity pulled a blanket from over her to see that through the darkness, the teifling girl Kylie was standing over her.

    Beneath the sheets, Felicity stretched and looked over the the empty fireplace Leoric had curled up in. Training.

    There was only one bed in this small, cramped house. Felicity had once slept on the floor so Kylie could have the bed to herself. However, after watching Felicity suffering from nightmares so frequently, Kylie had started to sleep with Felicity to comfort her. As Felicity woke up nearly every day with Kylie cuddling her, Felicity simply decided to take the bed as well so they could both be comfortable. Felicity had no idea how on earth Leoric could sleep in places like atop the dresser and not have a sore back.

    Felicity reached up and gave the young girl a pat, "Yeah?"

    Kylie looked away from Felicity for a moment, her exotic eyes twinkling in the dark. Then, she looked back, "Who was your daddy?"

    Felicity just laid there for a moment annoyed.

    "You woke me up to ask me that?"

    "Please!" Kylie pleaded, reaching and shaking Felicity's arm.

    Felicity sighed, still annoyed. Yet, knowing Kylie's telepathic powers, who knew what strange things she knew or felt to ask this now. Felicity reluctantly sat up, the blankets falling to reveal her heavy robes she wore as nightwear. Felicity was not going to wear anything lighter, tighter, with... Leoric... sleeping in the same room. Felicity yawned as she leaned against the wall.

    "Well, I never knew my biological father."

    True, Felicity never knew him. She was sure she did not want to either. He had assaulted her mother in an act of war and vengeance between two different races and bitter history. Felicity just so happened to be the result of that. Felicity was forced to swallow this wretched pill before she should have ever known the concepts of these things. If Kylie was somehow spared from this knowledge, Felicity was not going to teach her this now.

    "My uncle was very much like a father to me. He was always reserved and on the calmer side, but did not hesitate to keep me and my cousin safe. When he knew that I could not have a future where we lived, he moved us somewhere else entirely so I could have one." Tears flooded her eyes as she remembered his love, "He gave up everything for me. And I-"

    No. Too many bitter memories took over. She pulled her hand up and grasped her mouth. She had completely defied him, rebelled against him, and ran away to chase dreams of heroism which lead to the worst years of her life. And when she returned, battered and defeated, he had already been dead. Felicity never had the chance to apologize to him.

    "Miss Felicity?" Kylie mumbled, reaching out and wiping her eyes.

    Felicity sniffled, truly hoping Leoric would not walk in to her crying for her own stupid mistakes. Felicity wiped her eyes quickly, "Yeah?"

    "Who was your mommy?"

    "Mom-" Felicity paused. She remembered, harshly, the memories of the woman who had disowned her and wished death upon her for merely existing.

    "I..." Felicity said in a bitter tone, "... You know my mother disowned me, Kylie. I told you before."

    "No," Kylie shook her head, "Who acted like a mother to you?"

    Felicity lowered her arms. In the dark, she felt so much anger and anguish as she spat, "Nobody. Haven't we talked enough, Kylie?"


    "-Go back to sleep!" Felicity shouted.

    Kylie flinched, pulling back as she stared with eyes full of shock and fear. Felicity gasped, she felt as if she was looking into a mirror. Felicity leapt forward, giving Kylie a big hug. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have lashed out like that! You asked difficult things, and I can't answer them without getting angry, okay? But I should not have raised my voice, and I'm sorry!"

    Kylie whimpered for a moment before returning the hug, "Me too. I just..."

    A long silence fell over them as they embraced. As the quiet of the room surrounded them, Felicity kept holding on until she was sure Kylie's love tank was full. Yet, she pulled away. In an unsatisfied, yet tired, tone the girl spoke, "Goodnight, Miss Felicity."

    As the girl laid down, resting her head, Felicity sat in uncomfortable silence. After several moments of feeling disquiet, Felicity bent over and gave one of her little horns a soft brush, "Goodnight, Rylie."

    Felicity laid down next to her, unable to fall back asleep as even the purposefully mispronounced nickname did not clear her conscious.

    If Leoric figured out Felicity hurt Kylie's feelings, even accidentally, she knew he would be mad. It reminded Felicity of her uncle in a ways. How on earth did that drunk brat turn out to be such a fine adoptive father?

    Yet, another question entered her mind at the same time. Does... Kylie see me as a... mother? Oh. Oh no, girl, you chose wrong. I know nothing about what a mother is supposed to be! I'm so sorry, Kylie...
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

  2. #2

    EXP: 10,042, Level: 4
    Level completed: 21%, EXP required for next Level: 3,958
    Level completed: 21%,
    EXP required for next Level: 3,958

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    Tyr Vythari

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    Thread Title: Songs of a Lonely Heart
    Judgement Type: Workshop Submission

    Flamebird receives:

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    Last edited by Tyr; 03-22-2021 at 02:59 PM.

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