1.What do you think of your name? - It oozes viking manliness.

2.How often do you like to knock boots? - Three times a day is my standard

3.How often do you have nightmares? - Nightmares have me.

4.What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? - I once razed a village to the ground without even being involved. I scared the villagers into doing it themselves.

5.What do you feel is your greatest regret? - Definitely not killing more villagers.

6.If you could have pet, what would it be? - Who is the most powerful person in the world? Them.

7.What would you do if you suddenly became independently wealthy? - Burn it all. Money is nothing, power is everything.

8.When you look at a stranger, what is the first thing you notice? - How dead they are if they cross me.

9.What is the most exotic destination you have ever traveled to? - Hell.

0.Travelling by ship. How do you pass the time? - Instigate a coup, rob the crew and shag the women. If I get time, maybe have a coffee and a second shag.


1.What are your political beliefs? - I believe in survival of the strongest (Hello Tim Boyd).

2.Where do you see yourself in 20 years? - Immortal and One True Ruler of Althanas (tm)

3.What is your favorite sin? - Greed

4.What do you order at a Bar? - I don't order. I get given. For free.

5.What habit of yours annoys others the most? - Murdering their loved ones tends to piss them off.

6.What do you want to be remembered for? - Being the most evil son of a bitch.

7.1 - 10.Rate yourself on possessing: Generosity, Forgiveness, Loyalty, and Wit.

-1, -10, 0, 5

8.Name something you simply cannot bring yourself to do. - Be nice.

9.Bookstore. What section do you find yourself lingering in the most? - The Executioner's Handbook

10.If you could read one person's Diary, who's would it be? - I don't have time to read diaries.