
Skills are subjective (non-tangible) traits that are based solely on your character's knowledge. These do not have a direct affect on another character in competitive RP.

Common skills may include swordplay or marksmanship. While being a skilled swordsman might allow your character to engage in more advanced posturing and attack patterns, it is the intrinsic character traits (such as strength, agility, speed, and endurance) that are directly affecting the other character.

Examples of skills may be:

  • Swordsmanship
  • Smithery
  • Survivalism
  • Hunting
  • Theivery
  • Political aptitude

This list is NOT exhaustive.

SKILLS ARE NOT MODERATED BY THE REALM OF GREETING. This means we'll never say no to a skill, but they still must be listed in your profile.

SKILLS ARE MODERATED BY JUDGES. If you are caught powergaming (playing beyond your character's level or abilities) or bunnying (determining the action of another character without permission (i.e. autoing)) in competitive roleplay, the judge (the member of staff who issues rewards for progression) will reduce your score accordingly. We also don't regulate the adjectives attached to the skill (such as beginner, apprentice, master, etc.), regardless of how unrealistic it might be. You can use any qualifier you want, provided it is not a masked ability.

The reason we don't regulate skills in the Realm of Greeting is because we don't want to limit you into a particular character archetype. If you want to play a grizzled old war veteran from Alerar with advanced combat skills, or play an apprentice baker from Corone, we want you to have the opportunity to do so on Althanas. Both types of characters, while varying widely in terms of history and experience, are more than welcome on the site.