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  1. #4
    Let Them Sing

    EXP: 155,108, Level: 17
    Level completed: 18%, EXP required for next Level: 14,892
    Level completed: 18%,
    EXP required for next Level: 14,892

    Shinsou Vaan Osiris's Avatar


    Shinsou Vaan Osiris

    View Profile

    An Ability is considered as anything a PC (Player Character) can do that will have an effect on another PC if they are targeted.

    This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Schools of Magic (Elemental Schools like fire and ice, or more specific schools like Healing or Necromancy, schools are a type of magic that can have many varied applications but are rooted in a single type of magic)
    • Passive Stat Increases (Greater than normal strength, speed, etc.)
    • Standalone Powers (Shooting eye lasers or using an ability that temporarily increases your character's stats, these powers usually have a limit on number of uses)
    • Active Use Powers (Telekinesis, Telepathy, Psionics, etc.)

    The job of the RoG (Realm of Greeting) team is not to limit what kinds of abilities a player can choose for their character, but instead to check those abilities for balance and prevent them from being used to have an unfair advantage within the world over other PCs. Any powers like that would be considered "insanely strong" and would not be approved.

    Examples of Abilities

    These also apply for the mention of 'weaker' and 'stronger' abilities as mentioned at the end of this section.

    As an example a "weak" ability may be the following:

    "John is able to send one telepathic message at a time to someone he has met before. This can be a range of up to 300 metres, and no more. He can use this ability three times a day."


    "Jane is able to produce and project fire balls roughly the size of a cantaloupe. These orbs explode on impact, leaving a mild to moderate burn on the target and may set flammable materials on the target on fire. She can use these fire balls up to four times per day."

    An "average" ability may look like the following:

    "John is able to send telepathic messages to anyone within his vicinity, about a mile. He can send one message at a time, and it has a limitation of one message per post (or half an hour)."


    "Jane is able to summon fire at will and release it in bursts of up to two meters in length. Anything in the path of the flames will suffer moderate to severe burns. She can use this ability up to ten times per day before needing a rest."

    A "strong" ability might look like the following:

    "John is able to send a message to anyone he likes anywhere across the world. He can only send one message at a time, and once per post. He can send it to a full room of people, up to a collection of 50 people in close proximity to each other."


    "Jane has the ability to summon fire at will. She can cloak herself entirely in flames or whip tendrils of fire out from her body toward anything within ten meters by merely thinking about it. The fire can even be solidified so that it can cut as well as burn, like a blade of pure flame. The flames do not harm her body and she is capable of using the fire as long as she has the energy to do so. However, should she run out of energy or endurance, she will pass out from the strain."

    An "insanely strong" ability might be (please note these are unapprovable as they exceed the limitations mentioned at the start of this section):

    "John can speak to anyone telepathically anywhere at any time and no one can keep him from their mind. He could effectively talk to everyone at the same time if he wanted to."


    "Jane can cause an explosion of titanic proportions to erupt from her body at will, incinerating anything within a one kilometer radius except for those she views as allies. She can do this as many times a day as she wants and does not tire from it."

    Power Gaming

    Power Gaming can come in many forms, but generally speaking it is the act of creating an ability or writing a circumstance that gives your character an unfair advantage.

    The most important thing to remember about Power Gaming is the following: If what you do takes away the other writers' freedom to control their own characters or your character performs an action they are not able to do within their character sheet (without discussing it with your writing partners beforehand) it is power gaming.

    Some examples of Power Gaming include the following:

    • Automatically hitting another character without giving them the chance to defend in their post
    • Instant kills (if your opponent is a Player Character and doesn’t agree to it beforehand)
    • Any ability that is designed specifically to give you an unfair advantage over all other PCs
    • Bunnying (controlling another Player Character without their owner's permission)

    Each level has an ability cap, listed below. We can make allowances for characters who choose to have a greater number of weaker abilities in place of fewer stronger ones. Please also note that abilities earned through training and bought through the Ability Shop in the Bazaar do NOT count towards this cap.

    Level 1 - 3 abilities
    Level 2 - 4 abilities
    Level 3 - 5 abilities
    Level 4 - 6 abilities
    Level 5 - 7 abilities
    Level 6 - 8 abilities
    Level 7 - 9 abilities
    Level 8 - 10 abilities
    Level 9 - 11 abilities
    Level 10 - 12 abilities
    Level 11 - 13 abilities
    Level 12 - 14 abilities
    Level 13 - 15 abilities
    Level 14 - 16 abilities
    Level 15 - 17 abilities
    Level 16 - 18 abilities
    Level 17 - 19 abilities
    Level 18 - 20 abilities
    Level 19 - 21 abilities
    Level 20 - 22 abilities
    Last edited by Rehtul Orlouge; 04-10-2021 at 02:52 AM.

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