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  1. #2
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 52

    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile

    I sighed, looking out the window. Snow softly fell on the bitter cold, cobblestone streets outside. The massive inn was only across the street from the Citadel. It was a frequent tourism stop. It was the best pit stop before entering the Citadel or leaving it. Indeed, many warriors and adventurers from all walks of life were dining and drinking behind me. I could even hear a fist fight breaking out down the hall.

    “Hey!” An employee shouted. I turned my head to see a server dashing towards the gemstone lit hallway, “The Citadel is just across the street! Solve your little fight there!”

    I snorted in amusement. Despite the glorious scenery of this inn, it attracted a foul crowd. I wondered how on earth the fanciful glass chandeliers survived these hardy orcs and magical elves. It was a good thing the inn invested in etched, smooth stone tables and chairs. The smooth marble floor and dark wood walls simply were made for the wrong crowd. This inn obviously was rolling in coin. The resources would better be spent on the theme of a warrior's hold instead of a five star inn.

    I turned towards the square windows again. For the magically enhanced heat inside the inn, the windows were cold as death. I only have my elbow on the wooden panes, I was wearing a comfy warm gambeson, and the cold still wafted towards me. As I gazed lazily from the window, I saw him. Through the flurry, I just caught sight of his signature white coat as he slipped into the Citadel’s shadows. There you are.


    My teacher. The only thing I had left to live for. I had given my all to Shinsou Vaan Osiris. I simply owed my life to him. I held the letter in my hand, once again tearing up over it. He had actually apologized. In a world I felt beaten, bruised, and forgotten in, he apologized. Had he finally noticed that I felt neglected by his training? Had he finally remembered that I existed? He had promised to teach me, but always had something else to do. Like that wretched Arius Mephisto. Arius took all of Shinsou’s time and attention away from me! I had always felt so resentful even before I met him. Then, I did meet Arius. That was when...

    My tears doubled, slipping down my cheeks.

    Whitevale. Oh, Whitevale. I was such a failure, but this was one of the worst failures of my life. Whitevale had been destroyed, and I was positive it was my fault. My head hurt. I lifted my hand to my head and grasped it, ruffling my headband. Whitevale had crumbled, fallen, been destroyed. Even then, after being transported to Salvar, I had done everything in my power to get home, get to Shinsou. Where was Shinsou though? Even if Whitevale had fallen, I had been able to sense Shinsou’s presence with my fading magic senses. What on earth had Shinsou been doing?

    Had he forgotten me? I knew I probably deserved to be forgotten for letting Whitevale fall, but I was so hurt. I… I needed someone. I had no one, except Shinsou. Yet, it felt like he had abandoned me. With such a small desire to live at all, it stung. Shinsou had taught me nothing since he took me in! Nothing! I had to keep reminding myself that he gave me a home, gave me purpose then. It was all gone anyways though, and I yearned for something I truly needed. Attention. Ugh, Shinsou had given me zero attention. I had literally learned more from Leoric-

    - Leoric! No! No. I would not think about that traitor.

    I lowered my hand from my forehead and wiped my eyes. The letter was clenched tightly in my other hand. He had apologized, yes. It was easy to apologize. Would he repent? Oh, I shook my head. He did not need to; he had done enough for me. But I wanted him to repent still.

    Wow. I was angry at the person who literally was my only reason for living right now.

    I sighed. All my emotional baggage hung onto me even heavier than all the weapons and equipment I carried. I walked towards the glass doors of the inn and out to the street. The cold air was awful, and I hated crunching my boots in the snow. I felt like I had just escaped Salvar, only to be thrust back in again. Not to mention all the drama with Leoric when I got to Corone. Nothing seemed to be going my way. I stalked into the Citadel, emotionally exhausted and sore. A fight, huh? He wanted to see what I could do? Fine, I would show him. Even with my magical senses gone, I was a powerful fighter, and no thanks to my own teacher. He knew nothing of what I was made of now. He had no idea what I had been through. I turned down that first, ancient stone hall. In the cold, unheated, dull grey hallway I saw him.

    His cut brunette hair, white coat, and brilliant sword at his side. I had gotten my katana Copycat to mimic Enpera and Shinsou’s fighting style. Now, I barely used this sword. It had been five months. Five, long, agonizing months. I had always thought that I would be overjoyed to see Shinsou again. Yet, I only felt the open wounds of the past and present. I still felt like I was bleeding out, and I felt the endless torture that had assaulted me since Arius transported me away from Shinsou’s side. Now, we were back together. I was surprised that my first reaction was not joy and relief, but anger and betrayal.

    I simply could not hide all my hurt, disappointment, and anticipation. It was about time Shinsou actually even thought about me. Finally, I had the attention of the one thing I was living for. The one thing I owed my life to. The only thing I had left, after losing everything else.

    Last edited by Flamebird; 03-08-2021 at 01:39 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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