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  1. #4
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 52

    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    Bunny approved.

    This was all a lot to take in, a lot to process. Shinsou’s words, then the arena. As his words still swirled in my head, I looked around the arena. Just a few months beforehand, I would have marveled at this brilliant arena. The perfect statues, the otherworldly architecture. Before, I would have loved running around the narrow halls. The dim candlelight in this room, however, reflected how I felt now. Nothing sparked joy again. I felt no wonder. I only felt jittery nervousness, even jumped when the heavy doors slammed behind us. Our footsteps echoed widely against the marble floor. The windows were colorful and large, yet no outside scenery could be seen.

    The dim candles rested on some strange pedestals of tiny statues. I did not care who those people were. I had no interest in the tall columns that held the building up. These statues were void and meaningless to me. Even my respect for Shinsou, and knowing this place was important to him, could not curb my bitter apathy.

    I was barely containing myself. I had not spoken. My entire body bottled intense emotions so violent, even opening my mouth to breathe out would cause it all to uncontrollably erupt. I felt tension overtake my body as I kept my eyes on Shinsou, rolling his earlier words around in my pounding head.

    Oh, the past did not matter now? "Oh, I'm sorry or whatever, now move on?" No! No, I had been through too much! Shinsou should know, would know what I had suffered. Protection? All I had ever wanted was to protect him! I could take care of myself. I just had these past five months. Even knowing he was sorry did not make me feel better. He had played around with his stupid sword instead of even considering me. Was he just sorry for some afterthought? I had always been his afterthought. First with Arius, and now here.

    I craved love so badly. I had misjudged a man I had thought loved me, but I was positive Leoric had only used me for sick pleasure. Was Shinsou the same? Would he betray me too? Did I mean nothing to anyone?

    I wanted to strike him. I wanted to violently break him in this arena. So Shinsou would feel and understand everything I felt right now. So he could have a taste of how terrible I was feeling inside. It was sick, but I was positive it would make me feel better.

    Enpera glowed an ethereal purple, another dim light source in these darkened halls. I immediately knew what I needed to do. I pulled my prevalida arming sword, Splicer, from its hilt. Out from the sheath over my shoulder, I pulled out my prevalida parrying dagger too. Ikiyoka had a nasty surprise, but it would have to be sprung at the right moment.

    I glared at Shinsou’s sword. I hated that sword, and how it represented my lack of value to Shinsou. I knew Enpera was the key to Shinsou’s powers. Shinsou relied too much on one power source. Enpera needed to be disarmed.

    I rushed him. My boots pounded on the smooth floor as I raised Splicer to strike. I swiped it towards his side. As expected, he blocked. Good. Then, he brilliantly shoved Splicer off. In an instant, he switched angles and swung at my other side. Now!

    As Enpera sung its sweet sword song, I raised Ikiyoka. I pressed my finger on the trigger, causing the one blade to snap into three. Ikiyoka was a trident parrying dagger, perfect for grappling and disarming an opponent's weapon.

    Enpera was caught between the dagger's blades now. For the first time in this arena, I felt a sliver of excitement. It would only take a single, clean movement to disarm Enpera now. Good riddance.
    Last edited by Flamebird; 03-08-2021 at 01:38 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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