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  1. #18
    Nuclear Rage

    EXP: 64,948, Level: 10
    Level completed: 99%, EXP required for next Level: 52
    Level completed: 99%,
    EXP required for next Level: 52

    Flamebird's Avatar


    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid

    View Profile
    Hangovers from dying in the Citadel? Exhaustion? Meh. The moment I had woken up I had thrown my bedsheets off and demanded to know where Shinsou Vaan Osiris was. Now, I was opening the door to the room he was kept in. I had hastily thrown a heavy green shirt and loose pants on. I had no care for if they were crooked or sloppy. My unkept hair half hung in my face as I flashed my candlelight into the dark stone room. Dismay flooded me when I saw that Shinsou was not alone. A blonde woman in blue garb stood beside him, and they seemed to be talking about something that was oh so important.

    Jealousy. I felt jealousy.

    No longer did I care about hiding my dark, ugly side. That sweet kind girl died when she laid with a traitor on that fateful night.


    My heart struggled free from its chains, heavy with dense baggage. I felt my face flush. I scowled. For a moment, the candle shook in my hand and I shot daggers with my eyes between the two. I stepped in and threw the door shut. A powerful thud resounded as the wooden frame bounced in its metal hinges, struggling to hang onto the stone wall. I did not look back to see if it had been broken. Flames flickered from every, tiny light source. Islands of light within a sea of darkness. I stomped across the stone floor feeling like a cat with its hackles raised. I felt the anger that had receded when I gently touched Shinsou resurface fully. Despite the pounding in my head from Citadel magic, I was empowered by rage. For a moment, it felt and probably looked as if tier one of my powers had switched on. Of course, it had not.

    "Um, excuse me." I nearly vibrated in emotion as I marched up to them. I was far shorter than them, but I was strong and mighty; though the heavy shirt hid my muscles. "Who is this and why is she here? Shinsou needs to pay attention to me, you hear! Me!"

    The metal candleholder's handle was creasing from the pressure I clung with it to. "I have tried being patient. I have tried to be understanding. Other things, like tracking down some audacious traitor and saving an organization, are more important than one person. But then it was that sword. An inanimate, unfeeling, hunk of metal sword! And now this?"

    It felt wretched as I repeated words Leoric told me, but this was my philosophy now, "I'm not going to be some selfless hero for a world that has done nothing but ignore or scorn me anymore. This cold cruel world can burn for all I care! Life's too short to live for something else! I'm doing what I want now!"

    I turned to Shinsou with all my intensity, all my agony. I was different than the last time we had been together. I was going to have it my way this time. No more generous hero who was patient and understanding. "No more waiting eternities between my five second turns. I will not be a little side project that gets sidelined for anything and everything else anymore. For all I've been through it's about time I demanded better."

    Then, I crossed my arms. Wax dripped to the floor as fear gripped me, "Unless I was never that important to you. Nothing but the random side project to turn to when bored." Bitterness dripped like venom from my lips, black and putrid from loneliness and abandonment. "I never meant anything to you, didn't I?"

    I scoffed, taking a staggered step back, "You're the reason I'm alive, but if I don't matter then I might as well just get out of your hair and die..."

    The monks had slipped from the room to evade me. The candles flickered in the dark room, awaiting response.
    Or explosions. This tension was bound to release at least one explosion.
    Last edited by Flamebird; 05-04-2021 at 12:41 PM.
    "I can't be proud of anything. I am ashamed of everything."

    "I gave my heart, my allegiance, all my energy for this and got nothing but ashes in return. What on earth did I do to deserve being chewed and spit out like this? Time and time again, it's all the same."

    Felicity Playlist.

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