Eventually, a throbbing overtook her throat. Felicity tried and failed to swallow what she knew was coming up. Thankfully, a waiter had magically appeared with a bucket. Felicity threw her fork aside and grabbed the bucket. The entire table rattled as she barreled to the side of the wooden seat. Vomit poured into the bucket as the half-neanderthal shook. It kept coming. Felicity was throwing up for perhaps over a minute before it was finally over. She grimaced, refusing to look into the bucket. Her body felt weak from all the sweets she had consumed, her cognitive functions flooded with the rot of treats. She looked to the table to see a tall glass of water. She started cleaning her mouth with the water. She gurgled, spat into the bucket, and repeated. She ordered a second water as well, needing to drown the manufactory sweets with pure, fresh water. At least, she was chugging water as the bucket laid aside on the floor.

Felicity lowered the glass, water dropping from her jaw. She looked down to the half eaten caramel cream sundae and knew she needed to stop. She sighed, pushing the dish away and resting her head on the wooden table.

She looked up to see that someone had been watching her the whole time. A dark haired man with a blue-amethyst coloring in his eyes. Felicity glared at the clean cut, awe struck person. "What you looking at?"