Brother Charles leans close, but his eyes never leave the ballroom floor. The prominent saturation of tobacco into his clothing threatens to force my eyes to water. "Two," he murmurs casually. "Maybe three?"

"Two," I affirm. There's at least one presence that has manifested any latent power worth mentioning. I do get a sense of untapped energy from more of them, but the crime of Magic does not extend further than usage in Salvar. Simply having the gift does not implicate a person, contrary to the popularly held belief. The Bylaws of the Sway are at the very least that forgiving. "Remember, we can't act simply on the presumption of guilt. Not unwarranted."

"Evil is restless, Brother Stalt," he says.

"And I am not," the weariness in my voice is palpable now. "I won't be rushing to detain the Lord's guests on a whim, not without an edict from the Clergy."

His grunt is noncommittal at best, but I understand the fervor. Witch Hunters are decorated for their actions and to take a heretic into custody at an event like this one would catapult him into the favor of the Church Elders. The simplicity of life as a corrupt enforcer of the law- there is a certain appeal to it, I suppose.

"You heard they permitted him entry?" Charles' voice is tense. Everyone staffed at this event knows about the guest in question. Everyone suspects a scene.

"I've heard." Lichensith Ulroke and I are well acquainted. I don't see that as a reason to approach the man, let alone harass him. If I had my way, I'd put all the Oceans on Althanas between us and never think to cross. Regrettably, I do not. "Leave him," I tell the Witch Hunter who is undoubtedly searching for glory. "Unless he does something, you'd only be inviting trouble."

"The Lord invited the trouble." Is he pouting?


With my arms crossed now, I survey the floor again. The Leader of the Crimson Hand is visible, and with a bewitching piece of eye candy draped over his arm. So, Lye, it appears that you do have a way with the ladies beyond killing them.

Or perhaps that comes later.

Brother Patrick leans in from my other side now. Is that... lilac? Sweat has saturated his garb and his face is still flushed from exertion. The man has hurried back to his post after gallavanting with one of the guests. How exotic. "Had to use the loo," he says. "Did I miss anything?"

"I expect not," I answer mirthlessly. "Whatever business you had to attend was certainly more interesting than the dancing." I cast a quick glance toward him, and he stares for a moment.

"Just a lengthy piss," he said after too pregnant a pause for me to believe him. "Did you notice that man giving you the eye just now?" he questions.

I hadn't, but as he gestures toward the guest I finally have eyes on the magical presence I was uncertain of. Ah. "Are you insinuating I ought ask him for a dance, Pat?"

"I heard him ask the Lady of the House your name," he says.

Oh, did he?

There is a moment of confusion as a girl breaks away from her dance partner and they exchange a few heated words. She promptly storms out toward the Courtyard, but frankly, she seems uninteresting. The loudest bark oft accompanies the softest bite. What I did notice was her first dance partner. Strings were beginning to entwine.

Whoever the mysterious stranger is, he seems to have his hands in many different things. I approach Father Dresden again, and whisper in his eat. "Who is that man?" I wave my hand subtly in that direction, and the Priest's eyes light up with amusement.

"Shinsou Vaan Osiris," he replies. "An esteemed guest of our Lord Host. Certainly, you have no cause to find fault with such an important fellow?"

How quaint. The Sway looking the other way when it suits them? The tedium is like to bore me to death.

"Not at this time," I tell him. The Law of the All-Seeing Eye is absolute in that no one is above suspicion. "But he has come under the scrutiny of the Eye."

Dresden stares down his nose at me. "So he has," he responds without humor. "I will advise the Witch Hunters further on this matter. I commend your diligence, Brother Stalt."

Direct action is not an option; but surveilling the man's every move, waiting for the smallest of missteps?

Check. Your move, Vaan Osiris.