The Ballroom of the Iverstead Estate is elegant by definition. The lords who claim the land around the capitol of Knife's Edge spare no expense on interior design. Gold and ivory trim all the walls and stairs. Imported Raiaeran liviol makes up a polished, hardwood floor. Around the perimeter of the main dance floor are tables of food, drink, horderves, and small party favors of no small value. Above, over 20' high, hang glorious crystal chandeliers of imported Cillu glass from the desert lands of Fallien. In the center of the ballroom, raised some 5' above the floor plays a full symphony of strings, brass and percussion. The melodic tunes seem amplified in the domed ceiling and carry to all corners of the room. Those under the service of Iverstead Manor serve the guests in between dances and all of which wear raven feathered masks to hide their identities. To the northernmost wall of the hall, two pairs of stairways lead up to a second story where massive oak doors lead to the guest suites and Lord's private quarters. Beneath the stairway leads to the entry hall where all guests have entered. Once inside, the doors are barred and exit is not permitted until the Lord deems fit.

The event has begun. No players may leave the thread and those late to arrive must account for their whereabouts prior to the lockdown. Until the killer or killers are found, no one is to leave. Guards and hunters will be suspicious of those present. Players are able to move about the manor and the courtyard, but cannot leave the estate. Use the current information in the Iverstead posts to help investigate or avoid certain situations. Leave active investigations open ended to allow for Iverstead posts to fill in clues.

Happy hunting~
Players must use quote tags to indicate transition to another room of the estate.