Wood clapped like thunder as the front door swung violently open, spilling wind and rain into the Sword and Staff and nearly taking a passing customer off his feet. The sodden mess that was William Arcus quickly followed it, his thick leather cloak dumping more water over the threshold as the beaded drops rolled from it's oiled surface. Opposite him, the affronted patron caught his balance, puffed out his chest, and glared at William. The door swung shut behind them and sealed with a soft click.

"Who in Haida barges into a tavern like that?" the customer shouted, gesturing curtly at the now closed door. "And look at the mess you've brought in!"

William rolled his eyes from the man to the puddle spreading away from his feet and then back up to the angry man. He frowned in angry exasperation, as if having to deal with the situation he'd created was beneath him. Then William changed, his eyes flared up with glowing heat, resembling two searing coals. His skin blackened and cracked, the rips curling open at the edges to reveal glowing fire laced beneath. Heat blossomed out from his charred form with such forceful intensity that the water around him bubbled and steamed. Within a few seconds nothing was left of the dripping mess that William had brought in, and shortly thereafter the burning form faded away, torn flesh resealing and eyes fading from bright orange to regular brown.

William cocked a questioning eyebrow but the man was already fleeing his way across the tavern floor. With a grumpy harrumph, William pushed his way to the bar and ordered a cold glass of bitters.