I hid behind Venn, clutching his shoulders tightly when Scarlet, the red headed woman looked my way and narrowed her gaze at me, she exchanged some words with Madison, her black and red eyes still on me.

"Is that her Bluebell?"

I gave him a nod. "Y-Yeh..."

Venn fell oddly silent, it was a silence I was not used to. I was about to question him on it, but was distracted when both he and and i were handed towels, I shoved my face into it and rubbed vigorously. It didn't exactly help, I was still covered in mud and soaking wet. Still...I sat on the bar stool next to Venn, and sniffed my drink. I wrinkled my nose. "Apple Cider, Eteri think." I took the mug and bought it to my lips, downing a few big gulps before I had to stop, the bubbles and stuff caused my tummy to rumble. Oh yeh...I forgot to eat today. Oopsie!

I turned to Venn who was insisting on having a good time, and on ignoring the more darker themes that underlined our conversation. I offered him a weak smile. "I head back to Barchie's. I stay there now, but this..." My ears fell flat against my head. "Eteri rather be naked then wet and cold." I muttered, kinked tail twitching side to side. "Boo. What happen with venn?" I asked, tilting my head over to him as I took another long drink.

"How Venn go with only half soul?"