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  1. #1
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
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    Amari L'Olfsden

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    Amari offered Rafael a small smile in return. He was much more energetic than Jake, which was a cause for concern in and of itself. He was lean, thin arms and legs, the woman wondered if he ate enough and part of her wanted to take him back to her home to give him a good meal. When she voiced as such Rafael laughed at her, and called her sweet. Was it really such an odd thing to want to look after those you met?

    It mattered not to Amari, therein lay the second problem. Her home. Jake was adamant that she not return home, that her brother was a cruel and vindictive man, that he had done horrible things to her that she just did not know, and that was the reason they had come to this place. To restore her memories.

    As they passed the initial gate they were brought into an immaculate and simple waiting room. There was a pine table and chairs in the center, bare walls and a pristine fireplace on the far wall. So spotless it looked as though it had never been used.

    “Too clean…” Rafael mumbled as he took a seat at the table, screeching the chair loudly against the polished floorboards.

    “I like it.” Amari mused as she carefully pulled her own chair out and pulled it in again soundlessly. “I feel you should learn a lesson from this. Your place would be much nicer without the mess.”

    Rafael laughed, scratching the back of his head. “Maybe, but it feels more like home that way, yanno? I mean, don’t you feel the same?”

    Amari offered him a small smile. “Yeh.” It was a white lie. She could see his sentiment, but never felt such things in her own home. She had very few possessions to call her own.

    The door on the far wall creaked open and out stepped a man with an angular clean shaven face. He wore a pristine black pressed suit and white gloves. His narrow brown eyes fell on the two before him and he sighed. “I was enjoying a lovely cup of Jasmine tea, and am interrupted by a…” He paused as he eyed Rafael. “Street urchin and a…” He eyed Amari. “Coronian waif?” He shook his head. “Fine. Fine. I am Richard. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

    Amari gave him a short bow of her head, introducing herself. “We apologise for the intrusion. My name is Amari L’Olfsden I-”

    The man’s eyes lit up. “Salvar. Nobles. Quite wealthy if I may add...I’ve done business with your family before. Your brother is a well paying client of mine.” A crude smile fell upon his lips as he sat himself at the head of the table, he put his elbows on the surface and placed his face in the palm of his hand. “I have a faint idea, but I must ask. What brings you to my doorstep Amari?”

    “Wait,” Raff goggled, “you know her?”

    “Of her…” Richard mused. His eyes on Amari. “Well, why are you here?”

    Amari fidgeted, biting her lower lip. She wasn’t entirely sure how to answer the man. Rafael had the syringe, and she was nervous, “I uh-”

    “Did Lamont send you?”

    Amari visibly stiffened at the mention of her brothers name, and she practically shrank back into her chair, she glanced over to Rafael with pleading eyes, willing him to help her explain.

    “She’s in need of your help,” Raff said, pulling the syringe and bag of gold Jake had given him out of his pockets. “She was injected with this, and lost her memory of last night.” He passed the syringe to the alchemist. “If you can get it back…” he tossed the coin pouch meaningfully from hand to hand.

    Richard stood. “Loss of will….” He circled over toward Rafael and picked both the coin purse and the needle deftly from his hands, grimacing at how dirty Richard was. “Complete suggestive control over her…” He stopped behind Amari. “And the insurance of no repurcussions. No memory.” He placed a hand upon Amari’s shoulder.


    “What!? St-” Amari felt a pinprick in her neck, as Richard injected the remnants of the needle into her. Her eyes glassed over and she slumped forward. “This small amount won’t last long, an hour at best. If she keeps her physical activity to a minimum. Now. Urchin. I can do what you ask, but I have to confirm. Is that what you really want.”

    Richard gestured toward the lifeless girl before him. “Her brother has been a client of mine for the last four years. In that time he has bought countless amounts. I’m not one to question what he does with them, but he always speaks fondly of Amari here. Restoring her memories may have a detrimental impact. Do you wish for me to proceed?”

    Raff dry-washed his hands. “Did you have to do that to her?” He asked nervously. “Is she going to be okay?”

    “I enjoy seeing my work in effect. She’ll be fine, so long as neither of us order her to do anything life threatening.” Richard gave Amari a small pat on the head. “I’m not fond of human interaction. It’s too dirty for my tastes. I will not repeat myself. Do you want me to restore her memories?”

    “Y-yes.” Raff stammered, frowning down at Amari’s lifeless form. “She needs to remember.”

    “Very well. Give me 10 minutes. Stay here. Do what you will.” Richard offered Rafael a smirk as he took the bag of gold and syringe with him into the next room, the door gently closing behind him.

  2. #2

    EXP: 32,526, Level: 7
    Level completed: 70%, EXP required for next Level: 2,474
    Level completed: 70%,
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    Jake Narmolanya's Avatar


    Jacob (Jake) Narmolanya
    Elf / Human
    Jake rolled over in his slumber and nearly pitched off the narrow bed, awakening with a start. He re-adjusted to the strange sounds and smells of Raff’s house. He yawned and stretched and wandered back through the dining room and outside.

    The wooden walkway swayed slightly in the stiff, fish-smelling breeze coming off the water, but the sun had barely budged in the sky. Although he felt quite restored, Jake realized that he had not slept for long. Perhaps half of an hour at most. He eased the silk scarf around his neck and plucked at the sweaty collar of his sifan shirt.

    “Hey, Jake!” A voice called from inside. It was one of Raff’s housemates, and partners in crime. The small neko girl waved. Might be a good thing Amari didn’t run into her. The half elf considered.

    “Hello,” Jake said, waving back. He didn’t think he’d ever met the little catgirl before, but his reputation did precede him in certain places.

    “We’re about to go steal some horses and ride down to Yanbo Harbor. There’s a big fight at the arena there. Someone called the Breaker is matched up against the only red belt in Akashima!”

    Jake perked up at the idea, but had a feeling that he should head after Raff and Amari. He felt slightly guilty for letting the girl go off alone with the boy she’d just met, but he trusted Raff completely. All the same…

    “I better not,” Jake said, leaning on the creaking railing, “I’m bound for the Warlock’s.”

    “Suit yourself!” The neko girl said. In short order she and a procession of seven other youngsters exited the residence, the wooden walkway bowing beneath their weight as they made their way down the stairs.

    Jake thought about portaling directly to the alchemist’s yard, but decided against it. The man’s security did not fancy suddenly appearing half elves, and he could use the exercise, anyway. Jake climbed down the creaking stairs and made this way through the bustling capital toward the Warlock’s estate.

  3. #3
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
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    Amari's Avatar


    Amari L'Olfsden

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    “Here.” Richard handed Rafael a small metallic box. Rafael opened it to find a needle nestled inside velvet casing. “I’d rather you not do so here, she will create a racket. Go out into the street for all I care. This will allow her to remember, but as to how quickly the memories will resurface and to what extent it will affect her mental state, I do not know.” He waved Rafael off. “We’re done here.”

    “W-what?” Raff said, looking at Amari’s unresponsive face. “You mean you’re not going to…?”

    “Why would I? You paid for an antidote, not for me to administer it and deal with the consequences. Just ask her to quietly follow you to whatever hovel you crawled out from. Now, leave.”

    “Amari, come with me,” Raff said, taking the redhead’s hand. He shot the alchemist a poisonous look as he led her out of the room. Amari obediently followed. Gripping his hand tight as they left the Warlocks estate and headed hand in hand back toward Rafael’s home.

    Along the way, they bumped into Jake.

    “Raff, what did you do to her?” Jake gasped as he saw Amari’s familiar slack-eyed gaze.

    “It wasn’t me!” The Akashiman boy exclaimed. “The Warlock injected her with whatever was left in that syringe, before I could stop him. But he gave me the antivenom you’re after.” He patted his pocket. “C’mon, let’s just get her home.”

    “I think the Warlock and I need a reckoning,” Jake growled, but he fell into step on Amari’s other side, concern for the redhead plainly displayed on his face.

    “He made the serum too. He admitted to doing so, and warned us against letting her remember.” Rafael commented as they climbed the shaky wooden stairs to his home. Rafael pushed open the door. “At least it’s quiet and we appear to be alone.” He fished around in his pocket and pulled out the metallic box, giving it to Jake. “Here.”

    The half elf gave the metal box a quizzical look, and then opened it and pulled the small syringe out. “Will this bring her memories back?” He asked.

    “The Warlock said it would,” was Raff’s reply.

    “The Warlock,” Jake grumbled, but he approached Amari and gently cupped her cheek with his free hand. “Hold still, Amari,” he said. His fingers found the large vein in her neck, and he carefully injected the serum.

    Amari’s eyes widened then dilated as tears brimmed then fell freely down her cheeks, pained waterfalls that were only a minute sign of the trouble dwelling within her mind. Her hands shook as she fell to her knees. Just the first memory… it was painful, she wanted it to stop but they kept coming. They started in slow trickles, horrendous instances where she was used and violated, over and over by her brother. She had even been sent into the animal nursery she adored, and was ordered to kill all the small animals and creatures, she recalled the feeling of their fuzzy lifeless forms between her bloodied hands, their squeals...and her brothers ever present smirk. Over and over again, she was used. Over and over again, she was nothing… nothing more than a tool. Her brother adored her, he loved her, but not in the way she expected.

    Jake was right.

    Amari meant nothing to her brother. She meant nothing to her father. Her whole life he was doing nothing more than prepping her to be his perfect doll. She visibly shivered as she wrapped her arms around herself. Her eyes finally clearing after a gruelling hour of the torture.

    Her throat felt hoarse and dry, had she been screaming? Amari didn’t know. She lowered her gaze to the floor. Remaining silent.

  4. #4

    EXP: 32,526, Level: 7
    Level completed: 70%, EXP required for next Level: 2,474
    Level completed: 70%,
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    Jake Narmolanya's Avatar


    Jacob (Jake) Narmolanya
    Elf / Human
    “Amari?” Jake said tentatively, “are you alright?” He’d thought the serum would restore her memories of the previous night. Hadn’t realized it might stir up more than that. Didn’t think about the pain it might bring her. He’d been desperate to convince the highborn girl to stay away from her abusive family… and it seemed it had worked. But at what cost?

    She shook her head slowly, her hands reaching for her hair, pulling tightly on it. Her eyes wild and wide as tears pooled and trickled down her cheeks, her eyes didn’t leave the floor and she seemed to shy away.

    Jake exchanged a long glance with Raff, who stood up. “I’ll fix us some tea,” he said, and moved into the kitchen, pushing the door shut behind him. The half elf bit his lip. He reached out to touch Amari’s shoulder comfortingly, and then hesitated and pulled his hand back.

    “What… what happened?” He asked at last. “Did you remember?”

    She nodded, and a single haunting sentence left her lips. “I’m nothing but a doll.” She sounded so wounded, so defeated.

    “No you’re not,” Jake said, a little more forcefully than he intended. Emotion weighed heavy on his voice. “You’re my friend, Amari. And you’re Raff’s friend. You can have a whole new life, here on Corone. A happy life.” She didn’t move, she barely acknowledged his words. Her tight grip around herself loosened, ever so slightly and a long sigh escaped her lips. Jake reached out a tentative hand and touched her shoulder lightly. “I know it must be scary,” he said, “but you’re safe with me.”

    She tensed, but just as quickly as she did, her form loosened and she fell forward, her forehead hitting his shoulder. “I don’t...I don’t…” She failed to continue her sentence and her words fell into silence.

    “It’s okay,” Jake said, putting his arms around her and squeezing gently. “You don’t have to say anything. Just breathe.” The kettle whistled sharply from the other room, and then cut out as Raff lifted it off the stove.

    Her breathing grew heavy and she shifted awkwardly, leaning further into Jake’s form. The aroma of spiced tea surrounded them as Raff came out of the kitchen carrying a tray with three steaming mugs. Seeing the awkward embrace, he set the tray on the table, picked up his own mug, and ducked back into the kitchen.

    Jake rubbed Amari’s back in slow circles, his eyes closed, chin rested on the top of her head. Once he got an idea in his head, the half elf could be as dogged as a dire wolf. And he was determined to see the redhead smile again, the way she’d smiled when he’d been an uninvited guest in her home in Salvar.

  5. #5
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
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    Amari L'Olfsden

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    A few months had passed, it had been a difficult and trying time. They shifted between Akashima and Corone. Amari struggled to handle the bandit hideout in the beginning, all the extra men unnerved her and her nightmarish screaming kept the men up at nights. She spent most of the first month in Akashima, huddled up in the corner of Rafael’s lounge room. The people there left her alone, only stopping by to leave food and drink, which mostly remained untouched. Amari grew skinny, dangerously so, malnourished even.

    She barely spoke, only offering small words or answers to Jake’s questions. He tried to coax things out of her, but every time Amari drew close to explaining what her brother Lamont had put her through, she’d recoil further into her dark world, nasea wracking her body.

    Jake found that she was her calmest in the forest, despite the dangers of the surrounding area, he took the noblewomen out there, more often than not - and at her feeble request, would leave her alone.

    Amari found that she had strange abilities, animals loved her and she was able to quell the forest creatures, even an angry bear that tried to storm the stronghold. (Of which she named ‘Chad’) Trees and flora flourished around her, and it slowly helped her open up once again. She felt….not entirely safe, nor content, but she felt that maybe, just maybe, she cold slowly recuperate from the horrors she had faced.


    It was late afternoon, and well into summer. Amari lay atop a content and snoozing bear, in the middle of the forest. A ten minute stroll from the fortress. Here she felt….somewhat safe, and protected. Chad had been a reliant companion to her, and Amari adored the beasts company above all else.

    Amari herself yawned, rolling onto her stomach. She wasn’t used to such hot weather. Her long hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, flyaways framed her face and shoulders. She wore a loose white cotton shirt, and black shorts, her feet were bare, and dirtied from wandering around barefoot. Her skin did not take to the sunlight well and was heated, unbeknownst to her it had begun to burn.

    “It’s so hot…” She muttered. “Probably doesn’t help that I’m sitting on you, eh Chad?” The bear, gave a low rumble and a huff in response. “You said it… “ Amari mumbled back as she pulled on her shirt, shaking it to try and air it out.

    Chad grumbled and stood, shaking her off, Amari slid down his side and sat on the ground against the tree. He snorted in the direction of the compound. Amari frowned, feeling herself tense up. “Is someone coming?”

    Jake traipsed out of the bushes, brushing burrs from his sifan finery. The half elf froze when he saw the massive bear and put a hand in his pocket.

    “Amari, be careful,” he said in a low, even voice, “back away from that thing slowly…”

    “No.” Amari said as she stood and padded over to the brown bear, Chad’s fur bristled at the newcomer. “You’re scaring him… “ Amari muttered as she tenderly began to stroke the beast. Chad lifted his head and shoved it into Amari’s side, snorting. A small smile crept to her lips at the cool wet sensation of his snout. “He’s not hurting anyone.” Amari gently scratched the space between the bears eyes, her voice low. “He doesn’t have any plans, he doesn’t lie….he’s just...Chad…”

    Jake slowly withdrew his hand and splayed his palms. He took a step backwards.

    “I wanted to talk to you about something.” His green eyes never left the bear. “Could we take a little walk… alone?”

    Amari wasn’t so sure she liked the idea of being alone...with anyone, any person anyway. She still had trust issues and grew anxious when she was alone with people for extended periods of time. She hated it about herself, and wished that circumstances were different, that she were stronger and able to face things. She looked from Jake to Chad who was disinterested. “I...suppose…” The redheaded noble pulled away from the bear and brushed herself off. Chad made a dissatisfied sound before heading away from the two, going to the stream to eat and no doubt cool off from the accursed heat.

    Amari kicked at the ground with her bare foot, “What did you want to talk about?” She asked.

    Jake’s posture opened up as the bear departed, and he gave Amari a friendly grin. “I’ve been thinking,” he said, stepping cautiously toward her. “You weren’t happy in Akashima, and living with the Bandit Brotherhood doesn’t seem to suit your much better. I need to go to Underwood for some… shopping. I wondered if you might like to come along and see the place. It’s a lovely little lumber town in the middle of Concordia… plenty of friendly people, and I’d wager you could find work at an inn if you wanted to. You’re an excellent cook.” His stomach growled at the mention of food.

    Amari sighed. This again. She knew Jake was trying to look out for her, but she wasn’t sure she was ready for such a thing. “I...I don’t know…” Amari ran her hand up the length of a nearby tree. It comforted her. “I hate the heat here… but… I like the forest, and I like Chad. I feel like they’re the only things keeping me sane these days. I don’t want to lose that.”

    As she spoke, the surrounding area responded to her, small saplings sprouted from the bark and the small tufts of grass that protruded from the twig strewn ground grew, and tickled her shins. “I don’t know how I can trust people again.”

  6. #6

    EXP: 32,526, Level: 7
    Level completed: 70%, EXP required for next Level: 2,474
    Level completed: 70%,
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    Jake Narmolanya's Avatar


    Jacob (Jake) Narmolanya
    Elf / Human
    “You can trust me,” Jake reminded her, “and we’ll still be in the middle of the forest. We can leave the town anytime you like, and return to the trees. Come on, Amari, let me buy you dinner. That way you’ll at least see the place, and we need to eat, in any case.”

    Jake watched as she pulled away from the tree, he could have sworn he saw a faint golden glow trickle from her fingers and linger on the trunk. He blinked, and it was gone. She sighed and took a few tentative steps toward him, her hair up in a messy ponytail and feet dirtied from the ground, she looked oddly at peace in the forest.

    “Alright. I shall go with you.” She offered him a faint smile. “You haven’t lied to me yet.”

    Jake returned the smile and took Amari’s hand in his, and then an oaken doorway with a stone knob appeared from thin air beside them. Jake opened the door with a little bow and allowed Amari to walk through first.

    They arrived on the forested fringe of Underwood, just as the bottom of the sun kissed the horizon of treetops. The steady chop of axes on solid trunks could be heard nearby; lumberjacks putting in a last effort before going home for the night.

    Jake led Amari into the village. The fresh smells of the forest mingled with the aromas wafting from bakeries and inns, mingling to form a delicious concoction for their noses. Hawkers stood about on street corners, selling roasted meats and baubles. Goodwives swept off their front stoops, and common folk trudged around, on their way home from work. A couple of watchmen wearing cloaks and leather armor moved past, but they paid the Jake no mind. Fortunately, the thief was not known in Underwood.

    Meandering through the hardpack streets, Jake pointed out several interesting locations. The Ravenheart Academy, with the grand statue of Letho Ravenheart out front. The great library, which was the best collection of books and scrolls inside Concordia. The Dansdel, and outdoor fighting arena where the mightiest warriors matched their skills. Eventually the tour took them past a particular inn with a help wanted sign in the window. The sign above its door said The Last Night’s Maiden.

    “Fancy eating here?” Jake asked, sniffing the air. “Smells like they’re baking pot pies, unless I’m mistaken.”

    “Sure...I do not want to be forced into work though Jake. Don’t get me wrong...I appreciate all you do, but I just… “ She seemed to struggle finding the right words. “I don’t like the idea of being tied down like that, my whole life I have been. It just, feels constricting thinking about it.”

    “No one’s going to force you to do anything,” Jake said, somewhat hurt by her words. “I only thought… I thought a distraction might be good. And you’d make friends, and your own money, and have a place to feel like you belong… maybe it was a stupid idea. I’m sorry.” He cast his green eyes down and stared at his boots. “Can I still buy you dinner at least?”

    She seemed to backtrack seeing she had upset him. “I-uhm..yes..Jake I’m sorry I didn’t mean to..” her words came out quickly, and stuttered as she tried to console and comfort him. “I’m not saying you make me feel that way, I just - you know… don’t you want to… I don’t know..explore?”

    “Explore?” Jake opened the door to the inn, and the sounds of merriment wafted out along with the smells of good food and cheap ale. “Where would you like to explore? I’ve been most places, it’s all the same to me.” He led the way to an empty table near the back of the common room and pulled out a chair for the redhead to sit. She squirmed and glanced to his chair, the idea that she had to seat others first still ingrained into her head. She sat down after a few more seconds.

    “I...I don’t know. I guess that’s kind of stupid of me to say, huh? I’m being ungrateful again.” Amari clasped her hands together in a sign of apology. “I am very sorry Jake. I know these past few months...I have been difficult.”

    Jake sat across from her and placed a hand on top of hers. “You don’t need to apologize Amari. I’m grateful to have you in my life. You’ve lived through some terrible things… but that doesn’t need to define your future.” A serving girl with golden hair approached, and Jake ordered pot pies and house ale for both of them. The young woman gave them a friendly smile, which might have lingered on Jake a little longer, and then hurried back to the kitchen.

    It did not go unnoticed by Amari, who quickly pulled her hands away from his and ducked them under the table.

    “Maybe you’d like to visit the southern shores of Corone?” Jake suggested. “The climate is beautiful, and there’s nothing prettier than a sunset over Serenti. We could go pearl diving in the ocean.”

    “Jake why do all the girls look at you like that, and ignore me?”

    Jake blushed scarlet from the base of his neck to the tips of his pointed ears. “I dunno,” he mumbled, “one of them once told me I’m the cutest thing from Corone to Scara Brae. I think it’s the elven blood.” His blush deepened as he glanced up at the redhead. She tilted her head slightly, curiously staring at him.

    “I do not understand the connection - is it….” She blinked in realisation and tore her eyes away from his. Her own cheeks reddening. She shifted in her seat. “I think I understand now.” her voice lowered. “They want what brother wants, right?”

    “No!” Jake exclaimed, tugging at his silken scarf. “Amari, those are two entirely different things. What your brother wanted is wicked and cruel. What these women want is natural and… healthy.” He glanced toward the kitchen as the golden haired girl came back, carrying a foaming tankard for each of them. Jake took his and immediately downed half of the frothy brew, cooling the color in his cheeks.

    “Is that why my hands and body feel hot when you touch them? The natural thing?”

    “I…” Jake gulped, feeling sweat bead on the back of his neck. “It might be. I didn’t have time to read everything in your brother’s journal, but the sigils he placed on you might have something to do with it. I mean, you don’t want… that, do you?”

    “That…?” She pointed to the ale, a little confused.

    “No, that’s not what I meant.” Jake tried to look away but his eyes seemed magnetized to the pale skin visible beneath Amari’s top, and the way her auburn hair spilled around her shoulders. He took a deep breath, and then downed the better half of his ale. “You don’t want me to kiss you, do you Amari?”

    Amari who had picked up the ale and was sniffing it jumped, sloshing the ale onto the table and herself. “KI-wha-ah….” She wasn’t able to answer. She looked down at herself, dripping with the liquid. “Oh no! How unbefitting of me!” She muttered as she tried to pat herself down. “This drink doesn’t smell very nice either.”

    “Here,” Jake pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and made as if to dab at her, then thought better of it and passed her the cloth. “It’s not supposed to smell good. Or taste good, really. It has other redeeming qualities.”

    “If something does not taste good I cannot fathom why anyone would drink it.” Amari said, distracted as she tried to clean herself but to no avail. “Jake. I need to change, do you think the inn would have anything?”

    “We’ll just have to ask properly,” Jake said with a wink. When their server arrived with two steaming portions of pot pie, Jake stood up and slipped a coin into her palm, and whispered a few words in her ear. She nodded and scurried off, returning promptly with a folded cotton dress, which she passed to Amari.

    “There you go dear,” the waitress said, “you can change in the private dining room. No one’s using it tonight.” She pointed to a door at the back of the room, and then hurried to the next table.

  7. #7
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
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    Amari's Avatar


    Amari L'Olfsden

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    Amari took the dress and headed toward the room, flinching at a few of the comments that were thrown her way. None were entirely unpleasant, but she was not fond of the attention. She quickly changed into the dress, letting her hair down to cover her shoulders and folded her damp clothes. She didn’t want to leave them in the private room so returned to Jake and placed them under the table before sitting down.

    “I am sorry for the interruption.” Amari picked up the half empty stein and passed it to Jake. “Here, I feel you would enjoy it far more than I. But, if I may ask...if it not taste nice why drink it, and so hastily?”

    “Alcohol has a funny way with the mind. It makes me feel more confident, and at ease. Too much of it can be a terrible thing, but the occasional ale…” he picked up the proffered tankard and took a gulp. “Can really hit the spot. Would you like to try some Raiearan wine instead? Some folk who dislike ale seem to enjoy it.”

    Wine. Now that was something Amari did enjoy. She smiled and gave him a nod. “Ah, yes. Thank you. I never thought about that. I usually had a glass of wine on occasion when Father and ...and…” She said the next word quietly. “Brother… were away, but it was only ever the small half glass. I do not think I felt such effects. It’d be nice to feel at ease.”

    Jake waved the server over and ordered a glass of their finest wine. She curtsied and scampered away, clearly still thinking about the gold he’d given her. She returned shortly after and placed a glass of it in front of Amari, the glass was nearly full, and the liquid was a deep hue of red.

    Amari glanced down at the table, the more she spoke with Jake, the more she realised just how clueless she was to everything. To how the world worked, to how people acted. She was 18 and she knew nothing. “Hey...Jake…” Amari began, picking up the wine glass that had just been placed in front of her. She twirled it slightly. “Can you teach me things?” She bought the glass to her lips and took a few sips. It was fragrant, and it tasted similar to what she had from home, perhaps the ones her family had were imported. This one had a more woody taste to it which was oddly sweet.

    “I suppose,” Jake said, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t know that I’m much of a teacher, but I had a decent education. Some came from books, the rest from experience. You pick things up when you travel the globe hunting down demons.” He grinned and dug into his pie. “What did you want to learn?” He asked around a mouthful of pork and pastry.

    “Everything.” Amari said as she drank more of the wine, imitating the way he drunk the ale. Ingesting it quickly caused a slight burn at the back of her throat but she ignored it, placing the empty glass soundlessly down on the table. “I want to learn how to interact with people like you do…” She paused, eating her own meal in much smaller portions, being sure to finish chewing and swallowing each bite before continuing. “I’ve realised that I am very….sheltered and know next to nothing. I can barely read nor write. Before you, and Raff... I had never seen another male before.” She took another few bites, “I don’t know any of these places you speak about. It’s why I wanted to explore, like you. You seem like a wise person.”

    Jake blushed again, chewing until the color faded from his cheeks. “I wouldn’t call me wise, Amari… but I’ll gladly teach you whatever you can. You’re a highborn lady; it’s plain in your posture and the way you speak. Even the way you eat. If we get you some finer clothing, you’d truly look the part. Then most of the common folk would defer to you, and many men would become suitors, seeking your hand in marriage.” Jake shrugged awkwardly. “If that’s something you’d be interested in.”

    Amari picked up her empty glass and swirled it around thoughtfully, “Mmm…” She felt a little flush, and her movements felt more fluid. Was this what Jake spoke about? “It’s not something I ever felt myself worthy of.” She rose her eyes to meet Jake’s green gaze, which flittered about the place, unable to focus on any one part of her. “You are very red.” She commented.

    “You are very beautiful,” Jake replied, and then gulped another mouthful of ale. “And you’re certainly worthy of a good man, Amari. Any jack in Corone would consider himself lucky.”

    His compliment stilled her actions, she stopped swirling the empty glass and barely even noticed the blonde girl come back and top it up again. Her chest felt a little constrained, did her heart skip a beat? Did it get warmer? “I uhm…” She shook her head quickly remembering her manners as she picked up the wine glass and held it out to him. “Thank you for your kind words, Jake.” She took another sip of the rich wine before placing it on the table to steady herself. “I must say, sometimes I feel those women are right, you are….” She paused, trying to find the least lewd way to put it. “Very nice to look at.”

    Jake blushed to the tips of his ears. “As are you,” he mumbled, wiping his mouth on his sleeve as he finished his pie.

    “Must you wipe your food on your sleeve?” Amari asked as she picked up her wine and continued to drink from it. He was right. She was definitely feeling more at ease. “Perhaps I should teach you some manners, it’s frightful to watch sometimes.” She took another long sip.

    “Sorry,” Jake said, “I was taught proper conduct as a boy. Only… live with the Bandit Brotherhood a few years, and you develop a different set of table manners. Eating with them is like trying to share a deer carcass with a pack of wolves.” He sipped his ale, and then used the napkin provided to daintily wipe the foam from his lips. “See?” He said. “I promise I’ll make an effort when we’re together.”

    Amari hid a small smile behind her hand as she covered her mouth. “Yes Jake, I see. Good job.” She set aside her empty plate and finished off the wine. “W-was there….” her brows furrowed as she tried to figure out the words, her head had grown more fuzzy. “Anything else you had planned this evening?”

  8. #8

    EXP: 32,526, Level: 7
    Level completed: 70%, EXP required for next Level: 2,474
    Level completed: 70%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,474

    Jake Narmolanya's Avatar


    Jacob (Jake) Narmolanya
    Elf / Human
    “I thought we could take a tour of the town, and spend the night here? I’ve heard Underwood has the finest farmer’s market in the mornings. There’d be lots to see and learn. Would you fancy a stroll, milady?” He asked, mimicking Rafael’s Akashiman accent. He left a few coins on the table and then stood and offered her his arm. Amari stood, stumbling slightly as she reached out to grab hold of his arm.

    They promenaded out the door and into the red-soaked streets of Underwood’s evening. The sounds of men cheering and shouting caught Jake’s attention, and he turned them toward the Dansdel fighting arena. Jake enjoyed watching fights - there was always a lesson to be taken from a swordsman’s form, whether he was great or terrible. But as they drew nearer, there was no sound of steel ringing on steel. Only the raucous cries of the crowd, and the heavy breathing from one of the combatants.

    A large group of men, along with a sprinkling of women, surrounded the outdoor fighting arena. Some sat on wooden bleachers, while most stood in groups, leaning and stretching for a better vantage point.

    “Come on,” Jake urged Amari, “this must be a good one!” He clutched her hand firmly and pushed between the tightly packed crowd, plowing a path to the front where the diminutive couple could see.

    Two men circled in the ring, stripped to the waist and slicked by sweat. One of them had sharp Salvic features and a shaved pate, wielding a pair of curved shortswords that spun and flashed in the dying sun. The other carried no weapons, and no armor, and yet he moved with the lethal grace of a winging dragon. He had short brown hair, broad shoulders, and a white Y-shaped scar beneath his left eye.

    “Go on then, Ferdinand!” Roared a nearby dwarf. “Skewer the damned fancy fucker!”

    As if hearing the command, the bald man lunged forward, stabbing low at his opponent’s abdomen. The unarmed combatant moved like a guide whirlwind. His hands clapped together on the flat of the blade and twisted, sending the sword spinning to the ground. The Salvic man’s second blade came up, but a paralyzing strike to his shoulder forced nerveless fingers to drop it.

    The martial artist shoved the swordsman back a pace, and then spun, his leg extending in a sweeping wheel kick. His black boot crashed into the other man’s skull with a strangely metallic sound, and the Salvarian crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

    The shouts and jeers turned into wordless cheers as the crowd celebrated the victory. They chanted the word “Breaker” over and over again, and Jake blinked in surprise. Could this be the same prizefighter he’d heard about in Akashima?

    “Rather amazing, wasn’t it?” Jake asked Amari, having to shout in her ear over the noise. “My old instructor always said an empty-handed man stood no chance against a swordsman.”

    Amari gripped him tight, her pale cheeks flushed red. “A little barbaric… honestly…” She chided, her lips pursed in a disapproving pout.

    Jake’s smile wilted. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to make you… you don’t ever have to watch another fight again. Only, do you mind if we stay here a bit longer? I’d like to pick this Breaker’s brain.”

    “Just...stay close to me…” Amari mumbled, gripping his arm tighter, she had slurred her words a bit, and it seemed as though she were leaning on him for balance.

    “I’m not going anywhere,” Jake said, patting the hands that encircled his arm like a vice. “Look, see, the crowd is already thinning.”

    For a time the Breaker was surrounded by admiring fans, but then they left him alone and he turned to a nearby table. He picked up a towel and wiped the sweat from his torso, and then shrugged into a black shirt and buttoned it up the front. Jake approached the man tentatively from behind, the redhead still on his arm.

    “Excuse me… Mr. Breaker?” Jake said nervously. The broad shouldered man turned swiftly, his hazel eyes taking them in at a glance, and widening as they fixated on the woman.

    “Amari?” He said in an awed tone. “How can you be here?”

  9. #9
    Shattered heart and Soul

    EXP: 76,735, Level: 11
    Level completed: 98%, EXP required for next Level: 265
    Level completed: 98%,
    EXP required for next Level: 265

    Amari's Avatar


    Amari L'Olfsden

    View Profile
    Amari didn’t like the fighting, but being up close to the man… he was intimidating, his presence extruded something the woman couldn’t quite put her finger on. His untamed hair stuck to his angled face and cheekbones, his hazel eyes bore into her. Two wide and twinkling orbs a mish mash of green and brown hues that reminded her of the forest. “I uh…” She felt her cheeks redden. Was this what Jake meant by handsome? She had to admit the man most definitely had that air about him.

    “Yes?” She loosened her grip from Jake, only slightly. “How do you…. Know my name?”

    “Ar’tuel,” the man breathed softly, “of course… so it’s not really you, is it? You wouldn’t remember me anyway. That was another man’s life, my memories are borrowed. But we have met before… long ago. Who’s your friend?” He asked, giving the half elf a cursory look.

    Questions buzzed in Amari’s muddled brain. He knew her? How? Ar-what? She didn’t quite catch the word. She had all but let go of Jake now, stepping closer to Breaker, the mix of alcohol, the adrenaline of the fight and the curiosity creating an odd concoction that caused Amari’s inhibitions and concerns to all but disappear. “Met before? How? Why?”

    She blinked and looked to Jake. “He’s my friend...he helped me get out of a very bad situation. His name is Jake.”

    “Jake Narmolanya,” the half elf cut in, extending his hand. He clasped forearms with the tall warrior. “That was quite the show you put on, sir. Are you the same Breaker who fought for the red belt of Akashima?”

    “And won,” Breaker grinned. “My name is Joshua Cronen. You may call me Josh, but most people just say Breaker.” His gaze drifted back to Amari. “Would you care to join me in my rooms for some refreshments? Both of you, of course.” He added, noticing Jake’s scowl.

    The scowl went unnoticed by Amari she was too focused on the form of the man before her. Joshua Cronin...the name didn’t ring any bells, nor did he invoke any sense of familiarity. “That would be lovely.” Amari said as she began to follow Joshua. She turned to look over at Jake, offering him a small smile. “You said that the alcohol would make things better, and I think you’re right.” She whispered loudly to him. Unaware of how loud she was actually being, she continued, stumbling slightly. “Do you think every woman thinks Joshua is handshome too? Isn’t he?”

    “Bloody probably,” Jake muttered, kicking the dirt with a leather boot. He took Amari’s arm again and they followed the prizefighter, who was grinning like a daft drakeling, through the darkening streets. He led them to the finest inn the city offered, a three story affair with stone walls and arched entryways. Breaker stopped at the front desk and asked to have a meal and a bottle of Yurik’s (whatever that was) sent to his rooms, and then led them up the stairs to the top floor. There he unlocked a suite and invited them inside.

    Inside reminded Amari of the luxuries of home. Thick ornate rugs littered the floor, polished redwood furniture decorated the exterior, side tables with expensive lamps, chairs, and large cushioned seats by a roaring fireplace. Amari stepped in, breathing deep with her arms clasped over her chest, once again pulling away from Jake. The air was thick with the smell of citrus, it was pleasant and made Amari feel warm. Her eyes were drawn to the large oil paintings that were hung on the gold painted walls. They were scenic. “Are they...of Salvar?” She asked, turning to see a grinning Breaker and a not so grinning Jake.

    Her smile fell. “Jake?” Was he alright? Wasn’t this what he wanted? To talk to Breaker away from the crowds? “Is everything alright?”

    “Everything’s lovely,” Jake said, flashing her a weak smile. “This painting is a view from atop the walls of Knife’s Edge.” He pivoted and pointed at the next piece of artwork. “That one looks like the Red Forest of Raiaera. And this one…” he shrugged. “It’s the great palace of Scara Brae.”

    “You’re quite knowledgeable, for one so young.” Breaker said, sitting on a cushioned chair next to a polished table top. “Please make yourselves comfortable.”

    “I travel a lot,” Jake mumbled, but he sat down on one of the seats nearer the fire.

    Amari didn’t catch the subtle nuance of Jake’s distaste, her bi-coloured eyes fell back onto the paintings. “I want to see them someday…” she breathed, slowly walking around the room to inspect each one closely. She turned her gaze to Joshua. “Joshua Cronin, correct?” He gave her a small nod. Amari gave him a gracious curtsey, “Thank you for your hospi-” only to trip and fall, losing her balance as the world around her spun. “Ah…” She held her head. “I”m sorry..”

  10. #10

    EXP: 32,526, Level: 7
    Level completed: 70%, EXP required for next Level: 2,474
    Level completed: 70%,
    EXP required for next Level: 2,474

    Jake Narmolanya's Avatar


    Jacob (Jake) Narmolanya
    Elf / Human
    “Here, Amari.” Jake leaped to his feet and guided the redhead to a chair next to his. “Maybe you had a bit too much wine… I did mention that too much alcohol can have a negative effect…” He sat them both down just as a knock permeated the door.

    “Come,” Breaker called, and a short slender serving girl with dirty blonde hair came in. She carried a covered tray in one hand, and a sealed bottle in the other. The label read Yurik’s Firewhisky. She set both items on the table next to Breaker and then curtsied her way out, closing the door behind her.

    “Here,” he prizefighter said. He lifted the lid off the platter, and a salvo of savoury smells mingled with the scent of woodsmoke. There was a whole cooked chicken, roasted potatoes and onions, and a half loaf of freshly baked bread. He broke the heel off the bread and crossed to Amari, offering her the crusty snack. “This should absorb some of the alcohol in your stomach. Eat it slowly.”

    Amari grabbed it, using the momentum to stand. “I’m fine. I just was a little dizzy.” She bit into the bread, even intoxicated she didn’t talk with her mouth full. She swallowed and continued. “Jake was excited to meet you, and I would like to know how you know me if you do not mind!” She bit into the bread again and gave a satisfied sigh. “I love crusty bread…..”

    Josh smiled and crossed to the hearth, noticing Jake’s rolling eyes. “You wanted to meet me, Master Narmolanya?” He picked up three tumbler glasses from the mantle and returned to the low table. He poured a healthy measure into the first two glasses, and a single shot into the third. “How might I be of service?” He passed one of the fuller glasses to Jake, kept the other for himself, and gave Amari the one that was nearly empty. Then he sat down and swirled the contents of his glass, sipping sparingly.

    “Well…” Jake said grudgingly, and then sighed and shook out his blond locks. “It was the way you fought. I’ve never seen anyone move like that before. Are you taking students?”

    Breaker chuckled and sipped his scotch. “I do teach martial arts, although my regimen is… quite rigorous. We can discuss that later though. Your friend’s questions are for more pressing, I think.” He looked to Amari just as she took her first sip of whisky.

    “AHH!” Amari loudly exclaimed, ruining their conversation. “This… this is amazing, far better than anything - the spices, the way it warms your….” She looked at the other two and quickly fell silent. “My apologies.”

    “No need for that,” Breaker chuckled, picking lightly at his meal. “I reacted the same way, the first time I sampled Yurik’s. Jake, you haven’t sampled yours.”

    The half elf sighed and then took a quick sip. It warmed him from his mouth all the way down to his belly, filled with delicious motes of flavors he could not identify, and a solid alcoholic punch. “It’s good,” he conceded at last, “but I think I still prefer ale.”

    “One man’s wheat scythe is another man’s weapon,” Breaker mused, smiling as he took another sip. Bloody hell, was everything a joke to this man? “Now then, Amari… what might I help you to understand?”

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