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Thread: Guilty (Closed)

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  1. #1
    Shattered heart and Soul

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    Amari L'Olfsden

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    “We’re almost there, Scarlet.”

    Noel, Amari’s companion held the reigns at the front of the lavish cart. No expense was spared. It was painted a brilliant vermillion with gilded golden trimmed edges. Even the horse that pulled it was the epitome of high statue, a pristine white with a mane stained a charcoal black.

    Amari was dressed up in fine silks, cashmere and velvets. Things that she hated, things that reminded her of a past she would rather forget. Her lips were painted a cherry red, her eyes lined in dark makeup, and her eyelids shadowed in deep purple. Her hair, normally a tangled and wavy mess had been meticulously straightened by a doting demoness. Her nails were manicured, and painted to match the shade of her hair and lips. “I hate this…” She muttered. It was a damn shitting contest between the two factions. A sign of wealth and power, Amari could only assume the cult would do the same.

    They arrived, the cart coming to a halt.

    Amari’s black heeled boots were polished, and clicked against the cobblestone ground as she stepped off the cart, her hand on Noels to steady herself.I hate this so fuckin’ much She took a moment to smooth down the thick crimson skirt she wore, it had a slit that stopped just short of her upper thigh. Its hem was lined with silk ruffles that danced in the soft breeze. Her torso was tightly bound with a ruby red corset, her bosom was pushed up against her, but not so much so that she was spilling out. Thankfully, that was covered by a black cashmere shawl. Something Amari was sure that Ulroke would disprove of. Not that she cared. She wasn’t some whore for him to tote around.

    Amari sighed, running a hand through her straightened hair as she approached the group.

    She knew she had to be on her best behaivour, she was there as a representative of the hand, as Lye’s second in command. “A pleasure,” Amari said in a steeled tone, lowering herself in a bow. “The hand thanks you for your hospitality.”

    A crimson haired woman in a wheelchair looked back to a white haired woman who nodded and carefully took the handles, moving the woman forward, “Of course, I am Aerith Remi, Cassandra’s Dark Daughter, this is Jeb Remi, the Dark Father, and Draug Remi, Champion and Son of the Dark Mother. We regretfully cannot be joined by my Mother, as her preparations have made her unavailable for awhile. However if you should have any needs. I will make sure they are tended to in her stead.”

    My usual attire would be a good fuckin’ start… Amari thought bitterly to herself. She forced a small smile. “I appreciate it. As you are aware, I am here to ensure the cult is operating effectively, and is still a viable asset to the hand. I won’t be too much of a bother beyond that.” She paused, “Just don’t piss me off. I am aware my Master has made mention of my…” Amari paused, her eyes falling on Aerith, then to Draug, and finally Jeb. “My abilities.” It wasn’t intended as a threat, nor as a show of power. Lye instructed Amari to remind them of her usefulness to gauge exactly how they’d act, and if they’d try to square off the massive debt they had accumulated with the hand. Amari could do a severe amount of damage, but she could also aid them with alleviating some of Aerith’s symptoms, another thing she was instructed to do.

    Draug seemed to bristle under the words as Aerith raised a slender hand and spoke, “Be still brother, you are embarrassing us. Of course we well remember the Hand’s role in returning my wayward sister, and the use of that Immortal Fool in the slaughter of the Ixian Forces. In fact that is why I brought my Warden here. Samantha darling?” She looked up at the white haired woman with a smile.

    It was a vile one that seemed to take pleasure in thrusting the girl into the spotlight who carefully locked the wheelchair in position and moved to Aerith's side before kneeling, “Dark Daughter?”

    “We have an issue, a member of the Mansion has not been back, and I wish you to silence her before she has a chance to whisper in the wrong ears. Lady Scarlet, would you be willing to assist our Warden, and see first hand the Forgiveness of the Dark Mother? I believe such a woman easily falls within your skills. If your Master has not embellished facts,” She replied keeping that damnable smile on her face as she turned it to Scarlet.

    “Dead or alive?” Amari asked, eying Samantha warily. The girl looked like she would just slow Amari down. “Asking such a thing when I have barely stepped foot upon your doorstep. Surely you’d allow me to change into more suitable attire, or are you that eager to enjoy a good show?”

    “The stupid bitch has to get her shit together too. You can use the east wing and powder your nose while useless here actually gets ready to try,” Jeb's words were coarse, thrown out more at Samantha than Amari. If Aerith was put off by the outburst, she didn't show it, keeping that smile on her face.

    Amari inwardly grumbled, she felt like she was surrounded by a family of Lichensith Ulroke’s, and she wasn’t sure if it wether it annoyed her, or pissed her off more. “Jeb, was it? Escort us to the East wing.” Amari gestured for Noel to approach, he had unpacked a small suitcase. He silently approached, but kept his distance behind her, offering the family a lowered head, showing nothing but the utmost respect for the dark cult.

    Jeb seemed like he was about to speak when Aerith rose her velvet voice in reply, “Jeb would be pleased to escort you. I shall give Samantha the relevant information, and the Warden will cooperate with you fully. Warden, she is your handler, you know what that means.” The tone held a harsh edge as the girl murmured her assent.

    Amari could practically feel the tension in the air. “I trust there won’t be any problems?” Her green, gold and crimson gaze fell upon Samantha who quickly averted hers away from Amari’s, “Good, no point dilly-dallying then.”
    Last edited by Amari; 09-04-2017 at 04:22 PM.

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