“Attention everyone.” A deep voice boomed from a balcony above the large doors. “We will be moving out in exactly one hour. We will march upon the Sacred Field of Shore, take on the enemy, eliminate all in our path, and take back what is ours. It has been far too long since we have set foot in our homeland, and now is the time we will make our return. Some of us will die, but many will survive, and those that do will be rewarded greatly for your service. Now, prepare for departure, and make any goodbyes you must.”

Black Shadow listened carefully to the words spoken. Some will die, they planned on people to die, the enemy would be a tough enemy to take on if this was the case. And they planned on just marching in and taking them on head on? That is suicide, enemy archers would pick them off within seconds. No, Black Shadow could not do that, march in like that. But without a way of communication he feared they would think he is abandoning them.

He looked around the building, the men who were there had scared looks upon their faces. They knew they would not last very long. This mission was nothing more than a heroic last chance for these paladins, there were obviously very few of them left. They wanted to take back what was theirs or die trying.

Black Shadow looked around again, waiting for the all clear. He would not let these men die in vain. He had to do something, he knew what it was like to lose what is rightfully yours, and to fight for it back. He would help them win if it was the last thing he did.