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  1. #1
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
    Level completed: 31%,
    EXP required for next Level: 6,234

    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
    More or less male.

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    The twisty, darkened corners of Radasanth’s black market sprawled before Fenn and his lupine steed, beckoning the duo deep into their depths. Somehow, the leaky alleys and mossy, crumbling walls suited the small fae just fine. There was no better place to sell suspicious goods without questions being asked than here. Not that the particular goods Fenn had in mind were suspicious today; all he had was a plain silver fork and a pair of shiny rings. He’d been meaning to sell them for a while, but it had slipped his mind. That was some pretty crummy loot for a venture into a dragon hoard, wasn’t it? Fenn sighed down at the frost-bitten remnants of the adventure in his hand. It’d be nice to go on an adventure that didn’t involve him almost meeting an unfortunate fate for near nothing in return. Now that he had a trusty new bag, he could afford to hoard much more stuff than he could before.

    More shinies to pour through on rainy afternoons would be pretty great...

    Shrugging, the small puck pocketed his meager offerings and continued down the street with the sticky panting of his partner on the back of his neck. Fenn’d noticed in the time since he had tamed Daugi that conmen and shadier dealers were much less likely to approach him when she was trotting at his side. Actually, most people hesitated before engaging him these days. Ahh, the benefits of friendship. “Wuff,” Daugi griped at his back, causing his ears to flick quickly in her direction. He glanced back to see her fluffy black mass flopping down in the middle of the trash-littered street. The few hurried passerby that came this way hesitated and gave her a wide berth on their way to other places.

    Oh dear. Fenn's eyes narrowed sternly at her as he crossed his arms together. They had only been walking ten minutes! She could haul his ass around across continents for hours on end without complaint, but she couldn't be bothered to go three streets into Radasanth without a nap?

    Ahh, yes. There were always some drawbacks to taking care of the great beast. One was that when she got a funny notion into her head, there was very little her tiny caretaker could do to force her to behave. Still, he had to try. Fenn marched up to her and nudged her in the side, attempting to force her back to her feet. Daugi grunted, stretched… and rolled over, nearly squishing him flat into the road. A squeak escaped him as he hopped out of the way. Fenn huffed and berated her with scolding hand gestures. Bad dog! Now was not nap time!

    His wolf merely cracked open a blood red eye, her iris reflecting his annoyance and her amusement.

    Finally, the boy gave up. Fine. Have she could have her nap. Maybe he would get some sleep too! He blew a raspberry and dropped to the ground next to her. "Let me know when you done being lazy and dumb," he said in his hand-gestures, to no-one in particular.

    Sitting in place was a very good way to make Fenn bored. To make him think, rather than do. He sighed and stared up at the sky, wondering how dirty lying on this road was going to make him. Maybe he would have to take a bath after this. Gah, baths. He fell asleep in the last one and almost woke up a block of ice. He didn’t want to think about that. Really, he needed a good distract- hey, look, there was a piece of paper next to his head. Fenn yawned and picked it up, eager for something to read.

    Thief seeking thieving partner for general thievery. Copious rewards promised!

    There was also a date and a place for meeting listed on the paper. How vague, and how intriguing! A grin lit up Fenn's face. Seeing as thievery was his specialty, he was sure to check this out right away...

    ...or rather, he thought as he glanced back at his snoring direwolf, as soon as Daugi was done with her nap.
    Last edited by FennWenn; 06-24-2018 at 02:37 PM.

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