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  1. #6
    Sweet Cinnamoth

    EXP: 37,766, Level: 8
    Level completed: 31%, EXP required for next Level: 6,234
    Level completed: 31%,
    EXP required for next Level: 6,234

    FennWenn's Avatar


    Fennik Glenwey
    Looks eight. He's definitely older.
    Frost Fae
    More or less male.

    View Profile
    Fenn felt a mite bit embarrassed over the whole spectacle. He buried his face in Daugi’s mane, giving her a stern glint of his eyes. She merely seemed sullen about being denied a ponderous horse-mean meal.

    “It’s okay, buddy,” Jake had said of the ordeal. He didn’t seem terribly bothered about their failure. “Next time, we won’t bring the wolf along.” Fenn nodded resolutely. Indeed! Next time, she was getting sent off to do some hunting on her own while the stealing took place. Then she’d be less hungry by the time she got around to seeing the horses. Now that they were by Serenti, resting themselves for the actual heist tomorrow, the wolf was much more serene. She trotted next to Fenn and kept an eye on the underbrush, watching each swish of the grass in anticipation of something to replace those delicious horses. A small deer's bone was sniffed out of the leaves and crunched. Nommy.

    Meanwhile, her tiny friend combed the ground for twigs and bark as directed, trying to find something suitable for a campfire. Where there were low dead branches, he simply snapped them off and added them to the pile in his arms. He wrapped his cloak around his hands so that he didn’t accidentally frost his shrimpy stores over. A glance back at Jake saw him still setting up the tent. It seemed funny to Fenn that someone would bother to make a tiny cloth house just to sleep in. What was wrong with the trees? They made good hammocks if you could find a nice forked branch.

    Hrmm. He glanced back over at his fellow thief again, mentally measuring up Jake as the young man finished putting the tent into place. Actually, maybe humans — elves? — were just too big to fit in trees. Now he just felt sorry for them.

    Fenn bounded back into the clearing with a rather smug direwolf at his heels and dumped the lump of wood into a drier patch of ground near the tent, coughing as a cloud of dust mushroomed into his face. He glanced up at the star-studded sky as he wiped off the smattering of dirt. It was getting late. Stifling a yawn, Fenn pointed proudly to his procured fire supply. Most — which was Jake? — uh, sentient non-Frost Fae required heat to survive, but not so much Fenn. Making things hot was not a skill he possessed nor needed, so he supposed actually making the fire would be up to Jake himself. The boy was glad to have been of use though.
    Last edited by FennWenn; 06-24-2018 at 02:18 PM.

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