Claiming as Ranger only:

Reach level 5
Just the Beginning
Writing the Future
Legendary Tales
Judge's Choice/Althanas Choice - LCC finals of 2006
Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner - multiple times though I can do it again if you need
The Ten Point Club - Was done against an opponent of the RH back in 2005 for Ranger specifically, but I've done this multiple times
Happy Shopper - Ranger owns the Bazaar in the past, will again soon
More Money Than Sense - Spent money on buying multiple wagons, mules, mining equipment, etc and it was over 10k
Globetrotter - Written in every region, current and past
Top Tier - My Hromagh's blades are a mix of mythril and adamantine
Dead to Rights - I killed Ranger completely

I finished with a JC score for the LCC in 2006, but not sure if there's a badge for that...