Tharak composed himself. He looked at Cerna and nodded. She was the latest addition to their family. "There is a large group of outsiders approaching from Xaliel." He said calmly. "Roughly fifty in number."

Nosdyn cursed loudly. He'd been expecting something like that but not so soon. Can this be the chosen hour? He thought to himself as he looked at Cerna and nodded to nodded to his mate. The undead were a loose society and bound to one another. Nosdyn looked at his son. "What direction are they coming from?" He asked.

He knew though it was a group from Xaliel and likely would be a call to arms soon as they arrived.

Tharak pointed. "Yonder." He said and pointed at the exact direction him and his wife Lilly had scryed the incoming force from their divination tools.

Nosdyn nods. "Derroth prepare a group of our finest warriors." He told Derroth who was a loyal undead warrior. He looked at Cerna and Lady Xelldra. "Come with me." He told them all. A small group of them followed Nosdyn to the front of the city where they could intercept the incoming group.

Nosdyn looked ahead when his messenger raven cawed as the majestic bird landed on Nosdyn's extended arm. "My old friend." He rubbed the head of his companion and fed the raven a treat. The bird had a scrolls attached on his left leg. It bore the marks of Xaliel. One of the noble houses. He removed the scroll parchment and read it. His eyes narrowed. "They wish to meet with us. And expect to talk terms." He looked to Cerna for a moment. "We will be ready instead." He knew how the demon houses operated. He looked at Derroth. "Position yourselves around the town and strike at my signal." He explained and ordered.

Nosdyn was a tactician by that point and had survived the fires of Ettermire.

He meant to slaughter all of them. A short while later Nosdyn watched as the outsiders arrived at their doorstep.

Nosdyn's great cloak flapped in the breeze chaotically like a hungry caged lion.

He stood by Cerna, Tharak, Xelldra and Ellastra no other town folk were visible. The show down would begin.