“...and then this guy… this fucking guy…” a stout dwarf spit out, having to stop midthought to stifle his laughter. His rounded cheeks were flush with a mixture of uncontrolled laughter and the effects of a couple shots of whiskey. He wiped a wide bracer of wolf-pelt across his face to clear his eyes of tears. “...this guy he just, you wouldn’t believe it. He looks up and says ‘A goblin that knows math?’”

The entire table lost it. The dwarven story teller almost fell back on the booth, his arms flapping to regain his seating. Unfortunately, his hand was holding a half-full mug of ale and the brew went everywhere. It splashed on Preston, who was laughing so hard he too started to cry. He pounded his fist on the table with one hand and placed the other on his stomach, trying to calm the cramping pain. Around the table the other dwarves were howling along with him.

“Radur,” he said, clapping a hand on the dwarf’s shoulder, “That is one of the funniest things I’ve heard!”

Preston had stumbled into the Peaceful Promenade for a night of rest from the cold. He was exploring the Northern portion of the small island of Scara Brae for mercantile opportunities and had found himself amongst the company of the dwarves. They were a group of trappers who sold furs to be exported - it was a lucrative and profitable venture apparently. The young merchant was more than happy to sit with them and learn more, but also to share in the spirit of the Night of the Open Hand.

“Another round, on that guy!” Radur called with a laugh, pointing a meaty finger towards Storm. He nodded to him and waved, as if saying thank you. “Welcome to the Promenade kid. I think we can teach you a thing or two!”

“I would be happy to learn!” Preston slammed back the last bit of his ale. He had never celebrated the Open Hand traditions before. His father, a merchant of Radasanth, hated anything that reminded him of the Red Hand or their traditions. He was, however, quickly learning that it was just a day to get together with friends and exchange gifts - be they material, great stories and company, or just sharing of good food and drink.