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    EXP: 15,500, Level: 5
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    Kalestiya Brightheart

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    Kalestiya's anticipation grew as they pressed onward and the mansion came into view. Its grandeur became more apparent with each step they took. The magnificent structure stood tall, its architecture reminiscent of a castle, adorned with towering spires. Gargoyles perched on its facade. The mansion seemed cradled in the hill, and behind it, a sheer cliff cascaded down to the sea, with sharp rocks protruding from the surface. The sound of crashing waves echoed in the distance. As they arrived at the entrance, a sense of nostalgia washed over Kalestiya, for the sight reminded her of her old home, albeit on a much grander scale.
    As the duo stepped into the mansion's grand hallway, a sense of awe washed over Kalestiya. The interior was a sight to behold, with its elegant archways, vaulted ceilings, and magnificent chandeliers casting a soft, warm glow. Seraphina led her through opulent corridors, and as they walked, the air seemed to carry a hint of mystery. The young healer couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, but she attributed it to her tired mind playing tricks on her.

    After some time, they reached an ornate wooden door. Seraphina gestured to the door and said, "This is where my child is resting."
    Kalestiya took a deep breath, feeling as ready as she could be, and placed her hand on the iron handle. "Ouch!" she yelped, quickly pulling her hand back.
    "Huh? What's wrong?" Seraphina asked, concerned.
    "I think I touched something pointy," Kalestiya responded, looking at her finger.
    "That's odd; there is nothing pointy here," Seraphina replied, puzzled, as she reached for the handle herself. She turned the handle and opened the door. "See? You must have imagined it."
    "I suppose so," Kalestiya mumbled, her mind still puzzled by the odd sensation in her hand. Shaking it off, she entered the room, her eyes scanning the surroundings. To her surprise, it was empty. "There's nothing here," she said, her voice tinged with confusion. Before Seraphina could respond, a sudden wave of dizziness overwhelmed Kalestiya. She staggered, reaching out for support but finding none. Panic gripped her as her vision blurred, and she could feel herself losing consciousness. "Wha... what is happening?" she managed to whisper, her words barely audible.

    Seraphina's voice sounded distant and distorted, as if coming from an echo chamber. "Don't worry, dear. All will become clear to you soon enough. This is just a measure to ensure your cooperation."
    The combination of her fading awareness and the haunting quality of Seraphina's voice sent shivers through Kalestiya's body. With a resounding thud, she slumped to the floor. "What a delightfully naive girl," Seraphina chuckled ominously.
    An old man, who appeared to be a servant, entered the room. "Another candidate, mi'lady?" he asked, addressing Seraphina with a hint of deference.
    "Yes, she will be a magnificent addition to 'the play'. Take her to a room and keep her sedated," Seraphina replied with a calculating glint in her eyes.
    "Very well, mi'lady," the man responded, moving with a sense of purpose.
    As Kalestiya lay unconscious, the man beckoned to unseen figures, and additional servants appeared, swiftly and silently. Working together, they gently carried Kalestiya away.

    "Now, I just need one more pawn to complete my set for 'the play', and things can get started," Seraphina cackled, her laughter echoing ominously through the room.

    Seraphina's laughter ceased abruptly, and a cold, serious expression replaced her previous demeanor. "Now, the last participant will make for the most interesting addition," she muttered to herself. "Bringing in that last 'set piece' should be quite fun." She focused on her own words as she stood alone in the room. Then, with a haunting cackle, Seraphina laughed again, her voice echoing ominously through the empty chamber.
    Last edited by Kalestiya; 08-18-2023 at 06:36 AM.

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